911 Active Calls Caddo (2024)

1. Caddo 911 Active Emergency Events

  • ACTIVE EMERGENCY EVENTS. PUBLIC PAGES. Refreshed at: September 03 12:32. Agency, Time, Units, Description, Street, Cross Streets, Mun. CFD3, 1229, 2, CADDO EMS ...

  •     Refreshed at: September 04 08:07



  •     Refreshed at: September 04 08:07

3. Caddo County 911: Home

4. Caddo Parish Louisiana Live Audio Feeds - Broadcastify

  • Caddo Parish. Calls Coverage. There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services: Available Services. Law Dispatch ...

  • Caddo Parish Louisiana Live Audio Feeds

Caddo Parish Louisiana Live Audio Feeds - Broadcastify

5. Communications - Caddo Parish Sheriff's Office

Communications - Caddo Parish Sheriff's Office

6. Call Log - eDispatches

  • Caddo, Caladonia, Caldwell, Caledonia, Calhoun, Callahan, Cameron, Cape May, Carbon ... MarionCounty-911, MarionRescue, Mariposa-ST22, Mariposa-ST28, MarkamFire ...

7. Active Warrants - Caddo Parish Sheriff's Office

  • For long distance call 1 (800) 640-3091. During business hours Monday - Friday call the CPSO Warrants Division at (318) 681-0670. You may also e-mail your ...

  • Active Warrant Listing

Active Warrants - Caddo Parish Sheriff's Office

8. 911 Calls for Broadmoor/South Highland/ Capt. Shreve/ EAST of I-49

  • This is a NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH GROUP. Please Post suspicious activity Or screen shots of the Caddo 911 page. We need help posting.

  • See posts, photos and more on Facebook.

9. About - Caddo County 911

  • 9-1-1 is a free telephone call from all phones, including home phones and cell phones. 2. If you accidentally dial 9-1-1 DO NOT hang up. Stay on the line and ...

  • Things to Remember: 1. 9-1-1 is a free telephone call from all phones, including home phones and cell phones. 2. If you accidentally dial 9-1-1 DO NOT hang up. Stay on the line and tell the dispatcher that it was a mistake. This will prevent a call back from our dispatchers or a law enforcement … Continue reading "About"

About - Caddo County 911
911 Active Calls Caddo (2024)


Are Texas 911 calls public? ›

Such records are subject to public disclosure even if they are held by a "911 network district" established under the Emergency Communication District Act. Tex. Health & Safety Code.

Can you call 911 on a non active phone? ›

A wireless phone with no active service can still call 9-1-1

However, be aware that limited information will be available to the 9-1-1 center and if you are disconnected, the 9- 1-1 center will not be able to call you back.

Are 911 calls in the public domain? ›

A: Records of 911 calls are public records under the California Public Records Act and, therefore, must be disclosed unless a specific exemption to disclosure applies.

Are 911 calls always recorded? ›

Use of the 911 Recording in Court

All 911 calls are recorded and are generally turned over to the defense when requested as part of an informal discovery request.

Should I call 911 back if I accidentally call 911? ›

If you dial 911 by accident, please do not just hang up. Stay on the line and simply tell the dispatcher that you called by accident and that everything is okay. If you hang up instead, the dispatcher is required to call you back to determine whether or not you had an emergency.

Can you call 911 in a dead zone? ›

Finding the cause of these dead zones can help cellular phone companies improve cell phone reception and coverage to their customers. This is important in the event of an emergency. If you're in an area without cell phone reception you will be unable to dial 911 during an emergency.

Can 911 operators track your phone? ›

911 only tracks your location when you request your location to be tracked or if you're in danger. Otherwise, police officers and people within 911 call centers won't track your phone number. Still, tracking may happen if there is a warrant for your phone activity.

How to obtain a 911 call transcript in Texas? ›

Requests for 911 tapes and dispatch information are handled by the Houston Emergency Center, and can be submitted via: Email - hecrecords@houstontx.gov. Fax - 713-884-3943. US mail - Houston Emergency Center, PO Box 1562, Houston, TX 77251-1562.

Are police reports public record in Texas? ›

Generally, the front page of a police report is public. Records that would hinder the investigation or prosecution of a crime if they are released are exempt from disclosure. Information collected and maintained by the judiciary is not covered by the Texas Public Information Act.

What happens when you call 911 in Texas? ›

While the dispatcher is on the phone gathering information, they will immediately dispatch any needed patrol or aid. The average response time for in progress Emergency Calls is less than 5 minutes.

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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

Phone: +2983088926881

Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.