Lincoln Journal Star from Lincoln, Nebraska (2024)

THE LINCOLN EVENING NEW8, FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1910. ELEVEN NKW. 7 roomH mid bath, all modem FOR HALE 1 work horso about 1.150 pounds. Nichols Rooting 335 So. 9th.

Too Lato! Too Late! bo Late FOR SHORT time Toana aee Kellay Non-la, 129 Bo. 11th. MONEY to loan on clU and farm property; mortgages bought and sold. Lin-coin Safe Deposit and Trust 124 No. 11th.

FINANCIAL We -re offering the very best Investments, absolutely aafe, draw hlghest ratos of Intoroat, preferred stocks and bonds, Lincoln Telephone and Lincoln Traction companies, and mortgages. Woods Investment Com-pany, 9th and atreota. Auto 1S40. LOST. LOST On between 11th and 13th or on street cars, an old fashioned ladles pin, an heir-loom; tho owner will be grateful for Its return.

Mrs. C. Barras. 3103 Vino. LOANS.

You'll be too late. You'll lose your chance to save $10 on a suit of clothes if you don't hurry. Our big sale will close just as soon as the 500 suits we bought of Her-zog in Omaha are gone and the way they are going! And no wonder. Herzog's Priees $25 This amounts to an opportunity a discount of about 40 per cent and you before. Take our advice and "get SPEIER SIMON ure to put an end to such a wretch, as me if he got half a chance.

I heard him' howl: "Come on, boys! We'll get him yet!" And over my shoulder I saw him jump "one of his loose horses standing in the yard and come tearing down the lane, ahead of the. befuddled sheriff and posse, his white hair streaming and the shotgun waving aloft as though charging an army of greasers at the head of his regiment. From, the way he drew away from the boys I wouldn't have placed any money that he was wrong, either. I've always wondered how the old man ever got through that war with only three recomendations to the government. He certainly kept good horses, too, for in five minutes we'd left the posse behind and I saw him madly urging his horse, into range, reloading as he came.

As I threw the quirt into the mare with my good arm I allowed I'd had about all the horse stealing I wanted for a while. The old devil finally saw he was losing- ground in spite of his best efforts and let me have both barrels. I heard the shot patter on the hard road behind nite and hoped he'd quit and go home, but I'm Warned if he didn't chase me five miles further before turning back in hopes I'd cast a shoe or something would happen to me. I believe I was on the only horse in Texas that could have outrun the colonel and his that morning. About noon I stopped at a blacksmith's shop, half dead with pain, and had my arm dressed and a big jolt of whisky.

As the posse rode up to me, sitting In the sun by the lathered flanks of my horse and nursing my arm, Jim yells out: "Here he is! Surround him, boys! You're our prisoner." "No; 'Im blamed if I am!" I says. "You'll have to get another desperado. After this I'm the sheriff." WANT AD. RATES The rateforadvertiaing In the Want Columns of tba KK)sUA- juur.nAi, aione, or tae DAI 1.x JOUB-NAB and EVENING NEWS in combination. Is 1 cent a word foreacH Insertion; no advertisem*nt my cepted for less than 20centstne first Insertion, or 10 cents each subsequentinsertion.

We do Dot make change less than 6 cents, and therefore in computing the cost or an we take off the odd cents if 1 or 2 cents, and count it Scents if or 4 cents. The rate, therefore, for a ad. of words or less up to 20 words would be as follow; DAYS apartments, iieut and water furnlthed. iseauuruily loi-iitca una closn in. Cull jiovoy ss jaweii, Auto.

1212. FOR RENT Modern -rooin Hat. 18J7 MODERN housekeeping apartments, fur-nltlicd or unfurnished. 2 untl 4 rooms. Close in.

Cull Bell 1SS4 or 443 So. 12th. FOR RENT 6 room modern flat 339 So. win. aeicpnone keh.

FOR RENT Sevon room, mcdera bouso, near 16th and if etrccts. Jna T. Dorgan. itOS St THE BEST In city, cle-e in. three and four room apartments south.

Auto 2202. TPnT? RPVT i desirable location, or wb will sell this iiuusv uu cusy terms. wooas investment 9th and streets, Auto 1840. FOR RENT BUSINESS PROPERTY, CHOICE desk spnee for rout. Inquire vi juincoin Transfer storage Co.

Lln- tmu xivici Annex. FOR SALE CITY PROPERTY. THREE extra large lots, fine for fruit and trucking; $2TO buys all three: pav-'f desired. John Bridonbaugh, FOR SALE Choico lot. on Kn 1Dth Rf north Marion Heights; bargain for quick saie.

tc a. Hamilton, 1309 sircer, juincom, web. v. vituutr, iivuou IUUU1S, iv itiuucui, svuu lUL-uuun. UOll tseu $5.00 Down $5.00 Down $5.00 Per Mlonth $5.00 Per Month ELLENDALE BEAUTIFUL INSURE YOUR INDEPENDENCE by securing a delightful homeslte in this Deautlful addition opposite Antelope park, within a stone throw of Lincoln's wonderful pure spring water supply at the Junction of A St and Normal Boulevard.

NO INTEREST. NO TAXES. NO FORCED FORFEITURE in case of sickness or reverses! COME ANY HOUR from 7 a. m. untl! p.

m. FREE TRANSPORTATION FROM our office. PHONE TO US and we will como and get you with auto, or take you out at the noon hour or any time it is convenient. COME. COME AT ONCE BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE! ONLY A FEW LEFT.

Only 64 of these beautiful home sites In this addition. THE ORCHARD HOMES CO. 139 No. 14th St Bell. Phone 50L Auto.

Phone HOT. $5.00 Down $5.00 Down $5.00 Per Month $5.00 Per Month FOR SALE Corner on South 17th. Phone A-1016 Bell or 126S Auto. FOR SALE Six room cottage; terms. Call owner.

Auto 5635. BY OWNER. 5 room cottage, close in, 1 near schools and churches; price easy terms. Phone 5053. MODERN apartment house, close In.

A gemtiM bargain. Eay terms. Owner his best reason! far selling: Address 245, care Journal. FOR SALE 6 room house, near 16th and streets, ground space 50x62 feet; on paved street frontage, with paving tax all paid, large shade trees, cement walks and driveway. Bath room, maple floors furnace heat, soft water, as well as city water, cemented cellar and laundry, screened rear porch, good Heht fixtures, nicely decorated.

Possession given immediately. No trades considered. Communicate with owner. Office phones Auto 3412, Bell 96; residence phones Auto 6311. Bell 764.

FOR SALE Beautiful lots In Sheridan Place. Franklin Heights, Elm Park. We own several hundred lots in the city, no matter wher" you wish to locate, will save you money, give you easy terms; remember when you buy from us, you buy from the owners, have no commission to pay, have several modern houses to sell: reasonable terms; will show you our properties at any time. WOODS INVESTMENT COMPANY. Auto.

1840. 9th and Street-. ABSTRACTS. A CHAPMAN, abstracter, bonded, 21 years' experience; 221 Funke Blk. P.

HEDGE ABSTRACT 318 Richards prompt attention to orders. FOR SALE SUBURBAN PROPERTY. FOR SALE Acreage blocks, southeast on car line; easy terms; new addition. U. G.

Albert. Auto 7944. J. A. Brown.

Auto 3162. FOR SALE FARMS'. FOR SALE Farm of 65 acres, adjoining Central City; new improvements; fine for alfalfa: price very reasonable Box 676. Central City, Neb. FOR SALE Good quarter section, well Improved.

miles from town; price $S5 per acre. Box 676, Central City, Neb IMPROVED 240 acre farm. Hamlin county, eastern South Dakota, near town best of soil, excellent drinking water; price $55 per acre; $1,000 cash, about $2,000 March first, balance crop payment. Don't delay but come, go see it. Fettennan Brothers, 1026 Lincoln.

FOR BARGAINS In land in Sherman. Buffalo and Custer counties, write the First National Bank. Litchfield, Neb. FOR SALE LANDS. YOU SPECULATOR, invest in this and get rich.

2 sections In Kiowa countv. miles from railroad, all smooth land. and 36 per acre, close to the Rocky Ford country. 7 sections in Arapahoe county, all good land $5.50 per acre. 3 1-4 sections, cast of Denver 30 miles.

$10 to $16 per acre. 2 sections in Larimer county. $6 and $6.25 per acre. 4 sections, close to Laramie Wyo. This will be Irrigated yoon: price per acre.

Get busy, write us. Royal Land Lincoln. Neb. PHONE, sec or write B. F.

Rothwell. njl So. 32th. Lincoln. NeK.

about cheap eastern Colorado land, on easy terms. Pretty as lays out doors, will and does raise as much of anythinc as Nebraska See my sample corn and wheat; car fare and hotel bill allowed as payment on land. BARGAIN land sales, for good farm harcains. In South Central Nebraska. Address owner.

Box 237. Baldwin. Kansas. 50i't acres on" eastern Oklahoma corn land open for sa.l, from fSt to J00 per acr-: cannot buy ls. tlian 40 acre tract to .130 Call or write Ucnry Hmran'ls.

3421 No. 251h St. Lincoln. N'b IS33AI. ESTATE I hav- for sale a choice lot of farms and rajjche.

In western tcntral Nebraska. T. J. McCance. An-fi'Imo.

Neb. TEN thousand acres of corn, winter Wh-at a-rid iana ana tor sale tA mc.n fm me At CIiai in. Ut an'l Bulla 3" counties. Write for prir-s to J. i.

iiichncld. Neb. FOR SALE LIVE STOCK. SHETLAND pony and single driver for want 1" f1l at ont-e. p.

o. Box 4'i1, Grand Neb. T1VO rars ig wett-m hirse. for sal at HVt Lincoln. R.

H. Mlteh'll. FOR Good family -with li.ini'f' an '3 rnicgv. Will f-11 'a'h. J.

11. phorjo V-3-W. FOR SALE A 1arg v. '11 broken. Tnchly br'-'l gail'-d If 011 ai looking for ni-e.

all p. 11 phone YM or Aut" Z'lZ, also have nice bucgy for FOR SALE BIRDS AND PET STOCK. T'trlT ''''VT'''' f''r Auto 2112. 31 7K. FOR SALE Ho--er balf price.

Ca31 Bell -2Q So. 35th St, PARROTS. A shipment ot parrot, have Just arnvea: all itinus ut Durgain pneos; como hi before tho choice are gone: every bird guaranteed. Lincoln Pet So. 12th.

Auto 1978. SALE Ronton tenior nuppies. slro "Ak Bar Ben," mother, tho unbeaten "ChfDowy's Fancy. owned by Dr. Went.

Seo them at 2201 So. 10th. Auto phono 4361 or 3530. Bell 530. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS.

FOR SALE Team. harness. wan-on, dumpbonrds. coal box, about 5 ton of hay. $175.

Call 54S No. 24th St. Phono WCIl A-3'7. H01TSI5IIOLD iroods. In first class condl tlon.

dlninir room set. elecant bod room set; also gas range and baby bed. Auto pnone Nre. La uroc avo. DELIVERY wagon for sale cheap, for cash.

J. R. Hlack, 641 No. or 1236 O. Phono A-1120 qr F-150S.

THOR MOTORCYCLE. 1910 model, new, run 200 miles, condition KUarantood: price $175 cash, Harvy Tubman, 1719 St 6 FOR LEASE or sale, ood Journal route. Call mailing room Journal office. DON'T bother with baking, but buy your baked goods at Dalyrymple's, 13th ana N. A SMALL 6 room house to move.

In quire 1040 St Phones Boll 225, Auto 8Z75. FOR SALE One 11x17 Gordon prefcf, with steam fixtures, good condition a bargain. Stato Journal Co. FOR EXCHANGE. WANT to exchange, a small safe for a medium size or would buy a second hand medium size safe, at the right price.

Prescott Muslo 1210 o. FOR EXCHANGE 14 acre tract, well Improved; flna location: will take 1-2 in Lincoln property. Jierricl- spencer. College View. ACREAGE, smaller nronertv or farm.

any place in eastern Nebraska, to ex change for $5,000 equity in an elegant jjincoin residence: act quiCKiy. Aiex- anaer, an tucliaras DlocK. Auto hks. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 80 acre im proved, under irrigation, 7 mues irom Morrill; can't handle that much. J.

F. Henslcy. Morrill. -Neb. IMPROVED 120 acre farm, to exchange for home in Lincoln.

Address 616 Jour, nal. WHAT have you to exchange for ten room, all modern home five acres all in fruit? Address 617 Journal. EXCHANGE. 1,000 head of western horses, weighing from 700 up, ages a to 9 years. Half section land at Colby, to trade for Missouri land.

Threo story brick building in Llncpln for cood western" land. 160 acres at Cambridge, for city income; also good quarter ror general merchandise. Have hardware to trade for land. What have you? Two quarters at Goodland, for Lincoln residence. HERBERT E.

JAMES. 310 Ganter Block. Lincoln, Neb. FOR EXCHANGE A good sound work team, for a vacant lot u. JBi.

12th and Sts. MY $5,500 residence, near state house to exchange for property ana ciose In, well located vacant lots for balance. 612 Journal. FOR SALE Clean stock general mer chandise and building, eastern Nebraska. Good town and good trade.

Poor health. Will consider land in Nebraska at cash value. Address 603 State Journal. AUTOMOBILES. FORTY horse Oldsmobile In excellent condition; would trade for city property.

Address 519 Journal. AUTO LI VERT at Sidles Garage 1228 Bt; two new cars. vv. M. Weems, Auto 2647.

AUTOMOBILE Hvery Joers Gettler Motor CO. Auto 3U0L Hell Jb-iM. WE have 5 second hand touring cars, all standard maKcs ana in gooa running order; will make a very low price any of them. Write for full description and price or call and see the cars. E.

E. Mockett Auto 1215 Lincoln. AUCTION. AUCTION. To the highest bidder.

Monday, July 18, 2:30 p. m. 1800 North 26th street (corner 26th and Fair streets). 7 room cottage, nearly new, 2 good porches, basem*nt, coal house, good well on porch; line high lot; nice shade trees. Title warranty, abstract ready for examination.

Terms iialf cash, balance 7 per cent interest 1026 St Col. C. M. Branson. Auctioneer.

X. J. SMITH, auctioneer, Z110 So. lfith. Anto 2406.

BOARDING. BOARD and room. 1229 M. Bell phone 1868. Auto 3930.

$5.00. FURNISHED ROOMS In all modern house. 1232 L. Best board $4 per week. Auto, phone 7424.

BUSINESS CHANCE. FOR SALE Retail bakery and Ice cream parlor, cheap If taken at once. Inquire 423 So. 11th. FOR SALE Meat market live town.

730: only shop; doing good business: complete outfit, 'tools, slaughter house, feed yards: plenty ice; no trades. Address 59S Journal. FOR SALE Restaurant and confectionery: no comvt-tltion: no better town In Nebraska; good reason for selling; no trades. Address 510 State Journal. GOOD restaurant for sale, six sleeping rooms upstairs, bowling alley in basem*nt.

Inquire of or write to the proprietor. W. E. Hart, Crete. Neb.

FOR SALE Rooming house filled with 2" roomers, centrally located. Auto. 7121. Mrs. Abbott.

1643 St SHOES and men's furnishing business, for sale; established IS years: clean stock: low rent: ill health reason for selling. Address 490 Journal. GOOD paying hotel business, for sale, crowded full every night the vear round and turning people away: furniture for sale, good long lease on building: rnuat get out poor health. Address 211 Journal. Fl'RNlTURB and lease of 9 room boarding and rooming house.

Address 433 Journal. CANCER SPECIALISTS. 1V- O'CONNEIi. 1305 St-Cance-s CONTRACTORS. WM.

CARTER- rontractOT anfl builder; cellmates and flans furnished; repair nork. Bell A-3351. FEATHER RENOVATING. RENOVATED by stoam. 2'24 street.


Short time loans. TV. Baird. manascr. Mreet WE IjOAN on rlock.

ftrmlture. pianos, e-r. 11 you are a stranger It make. no difTert-nre- Loan1! may lie ret-aid. at your "mvni'iit, and we positively garantt-e ft lower rate than -ailj l.

made Dennis lxan St. ever vrestcrn Union Telegrsph. MONET on nwT.Whold goods planr. e1c: long or rhort time. I No ehatge for jwts.

No inVr-st in No puNirlty or films of ra-jerK. fA'e guarantee Tetter 1-rms than of-ers mak. Money paifl Columbia Loan 323 So. 12th. LOANS Farm and city loans at 6 and 6 per cent interest, optional payments.

Clark Mlllor. 1245 St FARM and city loans with privilege of payment before due at 5 1-2 and 6 per emit interest Security Investment MACHINERY. MACHINE and Iron work, at reasonable jLautum xjisier ana 21st and Sts. Both phones. 1UBULAR wells and wind mills.

Tewks-bury Well Co. Office Lincoln Lister and Plow 21st and M. Both phones. MACHINE COMPANY. FOR SALE Bargain Lathe, drill press, combined shaper and planer, 229 S.

MACHINERY SUPPLIES. HEADQUARTERS for shafting, pulleys and belting; largest stock, lowest prices. R. L. Smith.

243 So. 9th St PATENTS. W1LLARD EDDY, enrolled solicitor In a patent office, Paxton block, Omaha. PERSONAL, BR. F.

M. GOOD and wife treat all kinds of female weakness successfully, diseases of children a specialty. Office 1422 0 St Office hours 9 to 1 LADIES try the Beauty Parlor for hatha, hairdresalng, manicuring, massageaTa specialty: popular prices, 1221 St. Phones Auto 7382, Bell 12SL SIGNS. CAMP Sign 1130 St Roscow and Overs treat.

STOVE REPAIRS. LINCOLN Store Repair Southwest Cor. Sth and N. STRAYED. STRAYED A black horse, last seen la eastern part of city.

Return to Elk-horn barn or call A-1567. TYPEWRITERS. THE largest typewriting dealers In middle west Our stock is unlimited. Any make, new or rebuilt Sold or rented anywhere. Free trial.

Two year guarantee. Easy terms. Distribu-toru new model L. C- Smith Bros, visible and Standard Folding typewriter. Special price list and catalogues on request B.

F. Swanson 143 So. 13th, Lincoln. Established 1904. WE will rent any make with oak stand one month $3, two months $5, three months $6.

Rent applied In cam of purchase. Lincoln Typewriter Exchange 122 No. 11th street YOU are the Judge; we Bhip our rebuilt typewriters on approval; no deposit required; any make, any price, any terms. Lincoln Typewriter Exchange, 122 No. nth.

Lincoln, Neb. TYPEWRITER RIBBONS. WHY PAY MORE than 50 cents for typewriter ribbons? Wo furnish them for the Smith-Premier, Remington, New Century, Oliver, Hammond and Underwood machines at this price. The "Perfection," the best ribbon on the market 60 cents each. Every one guaranteed.

State Journal Ce. Notice lor UraBStet'a Permit to Sell Alcohol. In the matter of the application of F. Bradshaw Son, by J. F.

and A M. for a nerailt to sell alcohol as druggisL is to certify that J. F. Bradshaw Son, by J. F.

Bradshaw and A M. Bradshaw, of the city of Lincoln, Lan- -caster county, Nebraska, filed a petition July 1, 1910. as required by the statutes--of the state of Nebraska and the rules of the excise board of the city of Lincoln, for a permit to sell alcohol as a druggist, for medicinal, mechanical and chemical purposes, at 132 No. 10th street, in the First ward of the cltv of Lincoln. Ne braska, for the municipal year ending May 10, lan.

ttuauuiii u. uzmajx. tiiy jier Notice for Drnsarlat'e Permit to Sell Alcohol. In the matter of the application of O. Smith for a permit to sell alcohol aa a druggist this is to certuy tnat o.

L. Smith of the city of Lincoln. Lancaster countv. Nebraska, filed a petition. July 2, 1910.

as required by the statutes of the state of Nebraska ana tne rules 01 the excise board of the city of Lincoln, for a ner- mlt to sell alcohol as a druggist, for medicinal, mechanical and chemical pur- poses, at 141 South Ninth street, in the First ward of the-- city of Lincoln, Nebraska, for the municipal year ending May 10, 191L ROSCOE C. OZMAN, City Clerk. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received bv school district No. 1, Culbertson, Hitchco*ck county, Nebraska, until 7 o'clock n.

m. on Monday, the 25th day of Julv. 1930. for furnishing material and constructing an addition to the present school building In accordance with the plans and specmcauons on me in the office of the director of school district No. 1.

at Culbertson, Nebraska. Each bid to be accompanied try a' certified check of five hundred dollars. The school district reserve the right to reject any and all bids. J. A.

KJRK. Director i-u. wuioert- son, NebrasKa. RAILROAD TIME TABLE Daily. tDaily except Sunday.

Sun days only. Leaves Burlington ArrlvM lU.iamiChlcago via Louisville. i-iyer via umana. Llm. via Ep.

via jl25am 7-2aamlIowa and Illinois local. l-4amiOmaba Flyer via Omah Loc. via Hast'gs Flyer! bms gs i-iyer-i Hast'gs Sav" C'k-Vray 4-lpa, 6'l5Ptn(ouUUH rJjv.u ll-30am31astinss-Keamey 6-lopmiSeattle via Billings N.P; via Bllltogs. N.P; ll-25amiJroken Bow-Seneca "45pm Grand Island local Sargent Jocalt 'l('tn3iColumbus via 1 4MrnjsL J- C. Ex- l-iSamt Louis KCityEx.

L-St K- C. mJO 9. Rock local City local City local ti City local i a.opa 31. Wyrocre irlSpmrBealrice Wrmorc Trf-atrice Win. Lo Iatrlce Lo.

Wahoo Leavcs Ro- Ulantf Arrives 32-i3amiRocky Mountain Limited 4.2j.amThe Mountain'er Daylight Limited. -'lorado Express 2 3rm fnirago last 3'ipm Kflnsas-Okla. anrl Tex.31: jSam 33.3;.amiOmaba Co. Bluffs Ex.) 1 mvf union Kacmc Union Pacific Arrives anliattan and K. rnaha 4 .......1 11 Heairicc-lricoln mriter.f IJOaja 7-4'mmlelricc-3Jncoln motor.l 2.

Mipm Lincoln and Grand Leaves Missouri Pacifte Arrives City St (ima'ha-Fa'ns Citv 1 Our Prices $14.85 $12.85 $8.85 Northeast Streets WANTED Five good lodge men for district managers; salary or commission. Best contract in Nebraska. Call on Mr. Campbell, 1313 st. WANTED A registered phamaeist, not over 35 years old; good position to right man.

Biggs' Pharmacy Lincoln. EXPERIENCED solicitor. Expenses advanced. Jtfanager. 30S6 St WANTED 30 men to work on paving, 26th and streets.

WANTED A good all around blacksmith at once. Steady job. Must be good plow man and sober. C. S.

Carlisle, Ulysses, Neb. SALESMEN wanted for Theodore Roosevelt's book. Biggest agent's proposition in years. Good territory left but going fast. Address L.

C. Dunn, 2636 Lincoln, or call Auto 5874. WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Few weeks required. Splendid trade for poor man.

Be your own boss. Can start shop with small capital or work $12 to $20 weekly. Good demand for barbers. Further information free. Moler Barber College, Omaha.

Neb. I MADE $50,000 in rive years with a small mail order business; began with $6. Send for free booklet. Tells how. Heaco*ck.

5028. Lockport. N. Y. GOVERNMENT examinations announced July 15.

Preparation free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 1B0R, Rochester. N.

Y. AUTOMOBILE chauffeurs, repair men and salesmen command big salaries. We teach you the business from A to Z. Lincoln Motor School. 347 No.

9th. CAN USE two barbers. Green Barber Supply Co. WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED Experienced bookkeeper and stenographer; must give best references; excellent position if competent; state salary expected.

Address 465 Journal. WANTED Experienced girls Sanitary xowei jLAunary uo. WANTED A girl for housework. Mrs. E.

H. Clark, 1S48 Prospect, Auto 2159. COMPETENT girl for general housework. Mrs. Courtnay, 1S11 L.

WANTED A good girl for general housework, 1216 So. 17th. WANTED A competent girl for housework. No washing, best wages. 1626 St.

WANTED A first class cook at once. Ed. Peckharn, Fremont. Neb. WE EMPLOY 150 operators and can use at nil times competent girls of good character: splendid chances for advancement; s.lary paid learning.

Apply Traffic Dept. Nebraska Telephone Co. WANTED Two experienced dining room girls: wages $5 per week. Cosmopolitan Hotel. Crete, J.

C. Norton. Prop. WANTED Young woman, strong and educated, to become a trained nurse. Apply In person.

The Wesleyan Hospital, University Place. LACE curtains laundered with care. 2125 St. Phone A-2491 WANTED ROOMS. WANTED To rent one or two unfurnished rooms, prefer them near 11th and streets.

Auto 5326. GENTLEMAN wants small unfurnished room: has furniture, for two months, not too far out. all summer and fall. Address 515 JoumsX WANTED TO BUY. WANTED Men's fine discarded clothing.

Auto 4331. Bell F-577. Man call. JUNK: Junk: Junk: Highest prices paid. -ijj v.

Bom pnones. CASH for real estate. If vou want to sol! your property or must raise moncv. we can take car of a few bargains: large or small, good or poor or unimproved. Address 511 Journal.

SECOND-HAND clothing bought and sold. Good prices paid. Csl) Auto 3S24 and we will call and buy. The London. 331 No.

12th. SECOND-HAND clothing bouchL good Prices. Auto. 6472. Lotmac.

305 No. 8th. lid HAND closhing toucht. sold and exchanged. HI No.

32th. Bell A-S2S. A-19J2. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. CORTLAND street fair.

August 13 and Open for cnricrKions. XL D. Welch. Sec. Cortland.

Neb. HOUSEHOLD goorls to complct" caT mr Portland, Ore. by 2n. Carter Transfer Storage Co. FOR any kind of carpenter work.

caU 6232. WANTED Repair work all kitijj, 1w1k a.Ti(3 lawn mowers 1 yharrw-n. patterns ant nr-wJels -of a.11 kinds 1 make. Capital Novelty 2Z3 St- FOR RENT ROOMS. TH1IKK Tijr-'ly the lor.rr for light h'i1-'- mwl'in, 'Tt So.

lUli. Two or furni'tftj rmms, flnc or Vcft' lioukeejilTf, -iore in; private inm.iiy. 3511 Y-K7J. SOVTH front. fumirV-'l rooms.

IIVi G. Aulo wn. CL Tio- licM rooms, cfcia.p, 3744 P. Auto 714. never had such yours" Saturday Corner 10th and 0 Lincoln, Neb.

FOR RENT 2 furnished rooms, light housekeeping, ISOl St. for MODERN furnished room; private family. Phone Auto 2090. THREE large unfurnished rooms, for rent. Mrs.

A. Well 1426 St. HOTEL GRACE Rooms: day, week or month. Reasonable rates, 16th and O. NEWLY furnished rooms.

Including EXTRA largo modern furnished front room, shade, Ifcvatory, largo closet phone, reasonable. One smaller single or en suite. 1117 H. Auto SS99. FOR RENT Nice front room, modern 1439 St.

FRONT room, with alcove; two single rooms: furnished, modern, 610 So 16th Auto 7452. ALL MODERN, south furnished room 1021 K. Auto 6769. FOR RENT 2 rooms furnished for light housekeeping. 1416 O.

Auto 3908. NEWLY furnished rooms, including board. $5 a week. 1721 K. PARLOR on first floor also front room, on second floor, strictly all modern; board if desired.

1229 street. Auto 3930, Bell 1868. i FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished rooms in private family. All modern conveniences, large yard and porch. Auto.

4493. UNFURNISHED front basem*nt room. moaera, peneci oraer, 336 SO. 13th. vvaverjy xerrace.

SOUTH front room, modem home, 1634 H. Auto 6260. NEWLY furnished rooms In modern home, reasonable. 1725 Mrs. A.

JosL TWO furnished rooms, strictly modern-light housekeeping if desired. 1212 E. A NICE quiet place for railroad and business men, strictly modern rooms, single or en suite. Inquire 1242 St Auto 4037. CLEANEST, best furnished, coolest and most modern down town rooms for rent in city.

Call rom 201, 233 South 11th street. TWO furnished front rooms, for light housekeeping; no children, E25 RENT Large suite of housekeeping rooms: also two smaller suites, at Me-lick Court, 13th and K. FURNISHED new building new furniture; all modern conveniences. The Globe. 1329 P.

Auto 3620. Bell 921. 2 modern rooms furnished or unfurnished for housekeeping. Frank Hahn. 1121 Q.

TWO pleasant rooms In modern house 440 So. 17th. DESIRABLE south front rooms. Waver-ly Terrace. 1305 L.

Auto 6176. FOR RENT HOUSES. FOR RENT 8 room, completely- modern cottage, good barn, 2700 Garfield: also 6 room house. and 801 K. George H.

Rogers. 1539 FOR SALE OR RENT 2 modern houses. 5 and 7 rooms, near car line. Inquire Auto 4414. FOR RENT 5 room cottage, modern cx-An, innnir, c.

FOR RENT All modem house, six reams and bath. SIS month. 1S30 St Inquire 1SE St. FOR RENT Sever room house, all mod-crn but heat. I'lS street, S23.

Inquire SOS SoutL St RENT Very fine 5 room flat close to car. blocks from postolnce. Call Auto Ii5. RENT 7 room, all modern house. Inquire at 3745 A.

NEW 6-room moil'rn house in gnod location. Call 3'A'7 or 5JS4 Automatic. MODERN. 30-ronm linuso to rent; partlv fura)5hed. .7.

V. WrighL owner. ZYh St. Bell FOR RENT AUrarilve modem IMS St Oil! next door south. Dr.

3j31. FIVE rooms anl hath 4 blocks from state university: I'-asonaMe lent 3n-Cjujro No. 1)1. FOR RENT F'vn room Wll T. A- Young.

r-'H F-liwR. Jffl K7. No. wth. --ronm collag-.

August ISA K44 Vl-ie. modem. 7 roomi, V. G. Y-iI' FOR RENT A 1 room flat, entirely modern, corj.

jn. '( haf3e; rasormhl' rent Call at street, or P-ll MODT-RN. roa-r 3235 G. Inquire owner next door. FOR RENT At 21 r1r4.

Tnnvt) city water and Bell phone FOR R73NT Gr.oO hu.w. alio coo-! 5.. Security Invctl-Tiv-nt Tin. FOTP. room, "alrs, 3010 K.

Auto 77W. O. FIVE rr.orn t''1 modem except heat 3M5) PL COTTAGE? modem from $12 nm pljonea. i eoige. elJr water.

I sanitary j--r'T. Ringer, Wtitera Giass Paint Co. THE COLONEL AND THE HORSE THIEF Continued from Page Nine. me off easy Just make it forgery or arson but be was looking at the ladies, and, evidently believing in the strength of a goqd impression, he said: "Well, yes; he's young-, but they never was a old man with -half his crimes. He's wanted for a good many things in different places, but I went after him for horse stealing and murder.

Killed a rancher and his little daughter, then set fire to the house, and ran off a bunch of stock." "Oh, oh! How dreadful!" shuddered the girls, backing off, with horrified glances at me. I tried to get near Jim to step on his foot but the old man was glaring at me something awful. ome to observe him closely, he har a depraved face," says he. "He the thorough criminal in every feature; dead to every decent impulse: I s'pxise." I could have showed him a live impulse that would have surprised him about then. In those days I was considered a pretty handsome feller, too, fad I knew I had.

Jim beat before the draw on looks, -but he continues making matters worse. "Yes, and he's desperate, too one of the worst I ever see. we had an awful fight with him up here on the line of the territory. He shot Martin and me efore we got him. You see, I wanted take mm alive, and.

so I took cratnces on getting nurt "Thank you, miss; my arm does ache considerable. Of course if you'd jest as soon dress it Oh, no; I'm no braver'n anybody else, I guess! Nice of you to say so, anyhow!" And he went grinning out into the kitchen with the girls to fix up his arm. The old man insisted on having my feet" bound, together and me fastened to a chair and said: "Yes, yes, I know you can watch him, but you're in my house now, and I fell a share of the responsibility upon me. I've had experience with desperate characters, and I'm going to be sure that this young reprobate don't escape his just punishment. Are you sure you don't need more help getting him home? I'll go with you if "Thank you," interrupted Hollis.

"We've chased the scoundrel 400 miles and I reckon, now we've got him, we can keep him." At supper Jim, with his arm in a new sling, sat between the two girls, who cooed over him and took turns feeding him till it made ine sick. The old man had a nigg*r move my chair up to the foot of the table and bring me a plate of coarse grub after they all finished eating. He had tied my ankles to the lower rung of the chair himself, and when I says to the nigg*r: "Those cords have plum stopped my circulation, just ease 'em up a little," he went straight up. "Don't you touch them knots, Sam!" he roared- "I know how to secure a man, and don't you try any of your games in my house, either, you young fiend. I'd never forgive myself if you escaped." I ate everything I could reach, which Sn't much, and -when I asked for butter, he giared at me and said: "Butter's too good for horse thieves.

Eat what's before you." Every time I'd catch the eye of one of the girls and kind of grin and look enticing she'd shiver and tell Jim that the marks of my depravity stood out on my face like warts on a toad. Jim and the boys would all grin like idiots and invent a. new crime for me. On the square, if I'd worked nights from the age of three I couldn't have done half they blamed me for. They put it to the old man so strong that when he turned in he chained me to Sam.

the cross-eyed nigg*r that stood behind me at supper, and made us sleep on the floor. I told Sam that I cut a man'f throat once because he snored, and that mig-cer never closed an eye all night- 3 was trying to get even with somebody-After breakfast, when it was time to leave, "Donnelly untied my fo-et and led me out into the yard, where the drls were "hanxng around the colonel qnd JJm, who was preparing to settle up. As we rrtde up the evening before I had noticed that we turned in fmrn the ma3 through a lane and that the fence was too high to jump, so when 1 threw my leg over Black Hawk I hit Donnelly a swat in the neck and as he did a stage fall 1 swept through gat- ftfid down the Th" "Id man cut the halfr off one of his warwhonps and broke thrwirh tho hus the run. apr-ar-inc nl the front Vor with his shotgun just as 1 up to make th turn en to th main rtad. is I swung around.

d-uM-d orr hors-s neck, let drK--o with hisi MundcTbwcs. and I caught tw-o l.ij'-ks'bM in my right arm whor* you! I enough tr hang on And. ride fT my life, because 1 knew the! old Sre eater would reckon it a pleas- at. Worm IS 3 4 5 6 7 10 $020 $030 $0 40 $050 $060 $5 70 $0 80 11 20 SO 40 SS SS 75 83 12 20 80 45 55 70 0 90 13 20 S5 45 60 70 85 1 00 20 35 50 60 75 90105 15 5 50 65 80 95 1 10 4) 35 50 70 851001 15 17 20 35 55 70 80105120 18 20 40 55 75 (0 1 10 1 30 19 20 40 60 75 95 1 16 1 S5 I 20 40 60 SO 1 00 1 20 1 40 wa All irregular day Insertions to be couDtad same as first POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. I HEREBY announce myself as a can-candidate for nomination as county attorney by the republican party at the primary election to be held in Lancaster county on the 16th day of August, 1910.

and I pledge myself to abide by the results of said primary. E. E. Spencer. MY NAME will apuear In the republican column of the primary ballot as a candidate for the nomination for secretary of state.


Notice Stockholders will meet July IK p. SS7 O. Come sure, very important. WANTED SITUATION. WANTED Purchasers to know Lyric box office opens today for sale of "The Long Strike," Ticketc 15c and 25.C.

WANTED Position by competent steno grapher and cKeeper: good references. Aulo TOUNG German lady, married, wants position as cook or chamocrmald in restaurant hotel. Addm-s Mrs. Eng-Jer. 2H7 A stroct.

Auto phone F.Y TOENG man, position as bookkeeper or ofSc work; best of references. Address 315. Journal. VANTE1 Tos-ition by young lady wmc 'xperlrnc" in law. rnl estalc ftid itjsuranre "icc.

Call ShnnklanO. BcT Vti, Auto. 315 HLTFAKER. cxcav.nor. grader.

Auto S919. Call evenings. WANTEDMALE HELP. F1KTKKX m-n. -Tib and N.

MAN ftT gTifra oiTH and work. Is BrcTrm A I'ufIt WAXTKP-A y.isTie rnan to -rk in rj-nr pTi'Tif in cwls and trimming. fJW" ac. married fir fingl. eijriTi'-.

rr-ffTcnrf wanted In it'T. ls''Ck Br'X 41:. Broken Bit-. N'h. Trivr fM- piar, xj.i, alf.

fi.TOit'-r paHte-fl, al'i driv-T for cirav. Star Van Storage OS Q. City ft St iEWSPAPERf JEWSPAPERr.

Lincoln Journal Star from Lincoln, Nebraska (2024)
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Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

Address: Apt. 915 481 Sipes Cliff, New Gonzalobury, CO 80176

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Hobby: Gaming, Jogging, Rugby, Video gaming, Handball, Ice skating, Web surfing

Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.