NBA 2K23 Next Gen Best Center Builds (2024)

The official NBA 2K23 release is around the corner which is Friday, September 9, 2022. What are the best NBA 2K23 next gen center builds? In this guide, we are going to find out how the top 3 NBA 2K23next gen best center (c) builds is going to dominate the game.

NBA 2K23 Next Gen Best Center Builds (1)

NBA 2K23 Next Gen Best Center Builds - Top 3 Most Overpowered C Builds In 2K23

Now you actually can make taller builds this year, it doesn't have to be 6’8 anymore, you could make the best center build NBA 2K23 anything from 6’9 to 6’11. The truth is the builds this year, are not as good as they were in past years. It's more like role-playing this year, you really have to play a role in that you especially see that in shorter guard builds. Power forwards have amazing badges and attributes. Power forwards and shooting guards are the two best positions to make in NBA 2K23. Now we are in-depth best NBA 2K23 center builds next gen and talk about why these builds are the best.

No.1 NBA 2K23 Best Shooting Center Build

The first isthe bestpopper build in NBA 2K23. First things first, you're going towant to make it powerforward.Because powerforward has the bestattributes. 6’9 for the height, 214 lbs for the weight, and max your wingspan. The jump shotthreshold is actually at 6’9, so you only get big man jump shots at6’10.Sogo 6’9because it's probablygoing tohave the faster jump shots anyways. We'regoing tohave a 98 defensive rebound,97offensive rebound,it's possible to get a99 block butit wasted a lot ofbadge points.Wantpass accuracy a little bit becauseobviously pass accuracy makesit faster this year.Perimeter defense isgoing to be maxed out.The steeland the block are both 90 which isabsolutely amazing.We have31 potential badge points for defense.

Body Settings

Height - 6’9’’

Weight - 214 lbs

Wingspan - 7’7’’

Body Shape - Built

Attribute Points


Close Shot - 51

Driving Layup - 53

Driving Dunk - 73

Standing Dunk - 53

Post Control - 25


Mid-Range Shot - 79

Three-Point Shot - 82

Free Throw - 58


Pass Accuracy - 60

Ball Handle - 40

Speed with Ball - 45


Interior Defense - 70

Perimeter Defense - 86

Steal - 90

Block - 90

Offensive Rebound - 97

Defensive Rebound - 98


Speed - 81

Acceleration - 77

Strength - 66

Vertical - 93

Stamina - 90

Choose Your Takeover

Primary Takeover - Spot-Up Precision

Secondary Takeover - Boxout Wall

No.2 NBA 2K23 Best 99 Overall Center Build

This is the best shooting big and best center build NBA 2K23. Start off with the center position left-handed. Then we're going to make it 6’9, 218 pounds with a 7’7 wingspan, and then obviously we're going to go with the built body shape. We get the ability to get a 99 driving dunk, we do get that ability to get the 99 offensive or 99 defensive that we can get hall of fame hustle rebound. Two things you might want to check out with this NBA 2K23 best c build so far we get the 88 perimeter d as well as the 80 standing, we also have the 75 three ball and then we're getting 81 speed. This build really has absolutely no holes as a big man going into like the two's court or the threes. Most importantly, we get basically every single badge that you might need as far as a shooting big for picking and popping or for spotting up from the corner.

Body Settings

Height - 6’9’’

Weight - 218 lbs

Wingspan - 7’7’’

Body Shape - Built

Attribute Points


Close Shot - 45

Driving Layup - 61

Driving Dunk - 81

Standing Dunk - 80

Post Control - 25


Mid-Range Shot - 70

Three-Point Shot - 75

Free Throw - 51


Pass Accuracy - 70

Ball Handle - 50

Speed with Ball - 40


Interior Defense - 84

Perimeter Defense - 88

Steal - 81

Block - 97

Offensive Rebound - 84

Defensive Rebound - 99


Speed - 81

Acceleration - 76

Strength - 60

Vertical - 92

Stamina - 89

Choose Your Takeover

Primary Takeover - See The Future

Secondary Takeover - Limitless Range

No.3 NBA 2K23 Best 7'0 Center Build

This is going to be the NBA 2K23 best center build if you like to be a big center. Because 7’0 centers will rule NBA 2K23. This build can shoot, pass, rebound, full-court defense, and everything. The only thing is that this build doesn't get clamps. First, make the build 7’0, weigh 227 pounds, and wingspan 7’4. If you're not taller than this build of 7’0, then it's nothing you can do with it.

Body Settings

Height - 7’0’’

Weight - 227 lbs

Wingspan - 7’4’’

Body Shape - Defined

Attribute Points


Close Shot - 80

Driving Layup - 80

Driving Dunk - 60

Standing Dunk - 90

Post Control - 85


Mid-Range Shot - 86

Three-Point Shot - 81

Free Throw - 71


Pass Accuracy - 85

Ball Handle - 64

Speed with Ball - 49


Interior Defense - 70

Perimeter Defense - 62

Steal - 41

Block - 93

Offensive Rebound - 86

Defensive Rebound - 96


Speed - 70

Acceleration - 66

Strength - 60

Vertical - 81

Stamina - 89

Choose Your Takeover

Primary Takeover - See The Future

Secondary Takeover - Spot-Up Precision

NBA 2K23 Next Gen Best Center Builds (2024)
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