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Patrick Henry High School
The Patriot 2001-02

Listen to the Music


We're the Best of What's Aroundo
2002 Patriot
Volume 41

Patrick Henry High School
2 102 Grandin Road SW
Roanoke, Virginia 24015
(540) 853-2255
Enrollment: l, 700

Principal: Peter Wonson
Gibboney Hall Principal: Gary Leah
Persinger Hall Principal: Rhonda Stegall
Parsons Hall Principal: Sandra Puckett
McQuiUdn Hall Principal: Rita Willis
Penn Hall Principal: Will Allison

Yearbook Staff 2001-02
Editor: Kate Herbert
Assistant Editor: LilliaA Shamy
Sports Editor: Meghan Chudina
Student Life Editors: Lee Kreger and Claire Willis
Business Manager: Lauren Woody
People Editor: Li zzie Jones
Design Editor: Lauren Kelly
Teohnalogy Editors: J ohn Barrett and Robert Barrett
Photo Editor: Kim Salyers
Copy Editors: Emily Walker and Briam1a Ch ristenbury
Special Team: Lindsay ttocl,,Gray t1uffrman and Ryan Schlu ter
Advisor: Elizabeth Day
Jostens Represen t ative: Tina Can no n

Patrick Henry

Hig h S c hool

Mus i c.


i s one of the most

dive r se elements ranging from all aspects
of s ounds and
It combines
different sounds
with b e ats a n d
rhythms and
derives itself
from many
cultures and





is definitive, fun
and motivational.

M usic

is diverse

and so is Patrick Henry.
The aspects that create

M u sic

are also those that

define the true meaning of the spirit


rick Henry High School.

to the



.... W e 're t h e Best
f What's Around!



student life




. Proud tAbe an .





"With the diverse individuals among PH, al
the students came together to show love for
our country." -Kim Salyers

c ted to the secretaries of Patrick Henry High
duti s, but their deeds are often done
omen reside 1n every hall and work hard to keep the sch
· -··,,,...rlook their importance and take for granted everything t
e are the eyes and ears of this school and, of course,
pass to leave campus!
mmts cannot thank these ladies enough for their hard
uch for this school and most of the time go
t Patrick Henry, this is for you.


Main Office

8. Cindi McMillan

Smells Like Teen Spirit
The week leading up to homecoming, the students showed their
Patriot pride by dressing up for
different spirit days. As junior Jenna
Shaver recalls, "This year was the
first year my friends, and I went all
out for class color day, and it was
Monday was comfy day. Students hopped right out of bed and
came to school. Most students wore
pajama pants and some even wore


Wednesday, class color day,
freshmen wore green, sophom*ores
were in red, juniors in blue, and


seniors in black. The majority of the


school participated in this day. Some


students wore matching outfits. One

... . .

~ of the most popular ways to dress

• for class color day this year was in a
self-made shirt with the graduation
year painted on.
Thursday, pop star day, students
dressed as their favorite pop star
and listened to pop music while
eating in the cafeteria. A lot of people
dressed up and went all out.
Friday was school spirit day.
Sudents were decked out in purple,
yellow and white. Almost everyone
wore school colors to show their
Patriot pride. Students sported everything from purple tights to yellow hair dye
The Patrick Henry homecoming
game was one of the most exciting
ever. After a series of losses, the
footba ll team pulled off a victory.
Patrick Henry got a safety and
kicked a field goal late in the game
to win by a score of 17-12.

We've got spirit,
yes we do ...
We've got spirit
how about you?
''seniors showed
their school spirit
more than ever ' '
on class color day.
-Dixie Hamm

''Comfy Day was the
best, because _I got ' '
to wear my pa1amas.
-Chelsea Settles


showed my school
spirit by wearing all
black on Class Color
Day. I did my duty as
a proud Patriot. ' '
-Kevin Wilson






liked Comfy Day,
because \Ve got to \Near
bedroom slippers.,'
-Rhonda Clements

''Spirit Day got me
excited and pumped
up for the Homecoming football game. ' '
- Rotesha Stevens

''Pop Star Day was
iny fa orite, bt:•caust:.'
they played inusic
in the cafeteria ' '
during lw1ch ~s.
~Coe· 1use


. ·1 2 _, 7 I ? J< . Sci \ w r ~ . -+ ,LJ . A . i-;\:'rr i ng "i,R, j l<c1 tz. h , l :'i, F. Wrigh t. I I \. L ,1 \!,1g h er

1ll 0 S .


,.~, ' '-=-~
' ~__:_-_____:_
· - - - - - - -- -- - - -

a Las Vegas!
Gonna Dance the Night Away


Homecoming King and Queen
John Allison&Meghan Chudina

After a thrilling victory over Halifax during PH's 2
Homecoming game, Patriots celebrated "Viva Las Vega
style at the dance. The Student Government Association de
rated the cafeteria with lights, balloons and glittering post
"Homecoming was memorable because it wa s our senior Ye
and all of the events that night just added to the excitem.ent
homecoming," Bernetta McGuire said.
Some Patriots were just thankful to be admitted to the dan
"I remembered my dress shoes this year, so it was defini t
better than last year when I couldn't get in because I v,·
wearing tennis shoes," Jacob Moen said .
When the clock struck 10, it was time for the Hom e con: ·
court to be presented. It was an exciting time for everyon e , a
the court basked in the spotlight. One member of the c 0
Freshman Cory Muse said, "It was exciting to be a Freshn1an
the Homecoming court," The Homecoming dance proved t
a fun-filled night for all Patriots to enjoy .


Prince and Princess
David Mandakis Ma ya Chapman

Gra y Huffma n

Carolin e Smith

The crowd gets h o ppin ' Vegas Style in the cafe te ri a for the Hom ecoming Da 11
Wi ll Mo rrissett Tasha Watki ns

Kev in Kidd , Da ni e ll e Bus h

John Hunte r, Su san A lth ou se

Junior Court

Fi elding Link, Rosa Kuila n

Dav id Ryan, Tamara Nan ce

Freshman Court

Sophom*ore Court

1. Henry Lazenby and d ate Laura

Fergu son d o the old switch aroo at
DJ's restaurant.
-Photo by J. Gallagher c



yea r 's 2001 Homeco m in g '.3
Court ... or n o t. Will Moore, Charlev 3
N o ttingham, Dav id Driver and Da\·id :JG
Fifer in disguise h ead u p th e p a rade
for their spoof on the cou rt.
-Plzoto b11 /. Gall11glza

3. Junio r Will Moore h olds up the PH
b oot as he cheers for the Patric k Henry
football team .
- Photo by A. Fc r r i 11g

4. " / iust k11 mu th is boy has cooties '"

These p int sized presenters w or J.. . their
s tu ff in front of a ro w d y crovvd as
they ca rry the flo wers and crowns for
the Homecoming Ki ng and Q u t'en .
- P/111t11 /•1
. 1 A. f-'ari 1w

5. W h at \ 'Otdd cl pa.r,1dt' bt' \,\'itl'1l)llt
th e Ma r ch i n g B ,1 n d .., The B,1 n d
n1,1rcht'S l)l1 cl'.-- tht' \ pl,1 the fight
s ong in the p c1rd 1..ie .



- -








·- -







the Commotion
Friday Football
I. Bernetta McGuire
cheers on the team.

"Ir's freezing. " "Who cares?!" yells Will Morrissett as he flashes the purple "P" on his chest. Hi s sidek ick " H " is off
cheering for the team. The 2001 football seaso n was immensely supported by the student body. Decked o ut in
purple wigs, gold glitter, hair spray and school colors to complete ensembles, PH students rocked Victory Stad ium
with spirit. Before the game, students gathered outside the stadium to lath er themselves in purple and go ld . Th ey
warmed up their vocal chords and prepared chan ts, ready to jump into the excitement. The "chicken o n a stick"
graced the game with his presence and cheerleaders pumped up the crowd with great new cheers. All in all, thi s yea r
was a blast of energy, and Friday nights mixed friends with fun. Furtherm ore, freshmen, sophom*ores, junio rs and
senors all rallied and came together to form an intimidating crowd. Fridays at PH were anticipated by all stud ents
because it was Spirit Day. The students displayed school colors and worked themselves inro a frenzy wa itin g fo r th e
game. T he school day was filled with purple and gold, and pep rallies drew students to max imum energy in the

I just ~ ·- ·
F.eldb_u rg .

2. The cheerleading lin
keeps the crowd
pumped with great
chants and cheers.
3. Senior Mary Roberts
is the ultimate image
of Patriot Pride.

4. Josh Barto gets lost:
on the Cave Spring side

- -


-- -





- - -

I. Lauren Kelly, Martha Clay
Martin, Adrienne D'Souza, Jessica
Sweeney and Matt Wallace shake
the bleachers with spirit.
2. Will Morrissett, senior class
president, runs wild with the
chicken on a stick.
3. Alex Kuilan challenges anyone
that steps up to the Patriots.
4. These seniors keep the game
roaring, decked out in purple
and gold.
5. Jessica Sweeney, Dani Poe,
Lindsay Glisson and Courtney
Minton display their posters.
6. Kate Herbert and Meghan
Chudina practice their cheering
during halftime.

"Lions, tigers, bears! We're
animals! " -Kim Salyers



Class of 2002


Senior year finally came. The
year that is four years in waiting, and when it finally comes,
it's completely worth the wait.
There's no one older to be
bossy. The best parking on
campus is available, and at 2:30,
it's off to the parking lot. It's
the year when decisions are
made about futures, whether it
e college or a job. Senior TShirts are worn and the Senior
cheers can be heard at all
sporting events. It's the last
chance to be together with close
friends and look back at the
ong journey that it has taken to
the present.
Good Luck Class of 2002!
1. Theresa Nolin
3. Fredy Wright, Kayla
Stump and Freana Burks
4. Trevor l\11cClure
5. Chris Cotton
6. Jessica Taylor



Harl e y Dav id so n
Ake rs

Ka re n Re nee

Skyy Te n e rah
Alexand e r

Bra nd y Ann A ll e n

Jolin Lee A llen


Yuliana Aparicio

Derrick Jerome Artis

Caitlin Anne

McKinsey Dian e
Bambe r

Make n s i Baptis111t

James Lee Barrett

John Ewing Barrett

Robert Paul Ewing

Joshua Rya n Barto

Jess ica Mari e Bay1,

Class of 2002 j
"PH has been very influential
in my life and I will always
remember the good
ti1nes I've had here."
~Jessica Taylor
"PH has prepared me for the
future and has left me with
many great memories."
~Gray Huffman

Brandon Scott Beck

Darail Becks

Brooke Caitlin Bowl es

Honor Jefferson

Justin Keith Belcher

Elizabeth Mary

Amanda Ann

Nicole Elizabeth

Lakisha Arlene

Jou rdan Nicole Brown

Sean Demetrius

Stuart Renee Brown

Victoria Marie

Freana Monique Burks

Tiffany Re'nee Brown

April Joy Brubaker





James Mitchell

William Todd Burrow

Gerald Maurice
Carpe r, Jr.


Stacey Leah Carter

Danielle Cartwright

Maya Catherine
Chapma n

Em Nguyen Chau

Luis Albe rto Cha \ll'

Ashley Elizabeth

Edmane Chev alier

Brianna Nicole

Meghan Ann Chudina

Presley Allen Ciafardini

Lisa Marie Cook

Matos Coric

Jona than Chase

Melanie Marie

Victoria Elizabeth

Ni co le Danielle

Latash a Renee

Antoine D a rnell

Frank D ' Alessandro,

Adrie1rne Nicole



Lisa Victoria Damico

Christopher John

Adriana Andrade
De Moura

Andrew FitzDouglas

George Nicholas

Coralonda Dillard

Sarah Christine

Vivian Tran Dinh

Carrie Lynn Deta1rn





Adnan Dizdarey1

David Lewis Durham

John Justin
Anthony Earls

Lee Michael Elswick

Igor Erceg

Jennifer Rose Eubank

Mary Farmer

Brandon Eugene

Nathan Alexander

Andrew Ernest Fintel

Anthony Lym1

Sean Phillip Floyd

Brooke Leig h Foutz

Jasmine Fuller

Joshua Paul Fulp

Danielle Garcia


Laquanda Gill

Lindsey Jeanne

Latasha Annette



.9 Hayley Dawn Grasty


Kevin Tyrone Green

Desiree Hagen

Dixie Lee Hamm


Richard Asher



Crystal Hanco*ck

Bryan James Haney

Sylvisha Le'Dean

Alex Randolph
Harper, V

Benjamin Asa Hart

Brenton Hayslett

Amy Leigh Hendrick

John-Mark Ward

Katherine Hall

Gladys Legdis

Noah M. Hicks

Laura Watterson Hiles

Victoria Kinnier Hiles

Reinhard Hindenlang

Christine Marie


Alice Lindsay Hock

Richard Grayson

Carrie Michelle

Angela Hodges

Elizabeth Baldwin

Lamar Holmes

Vincent Lance Hout

Tara Annette Hutcheson

Crystal Nicole Irb y

Joshua Lew is Jackso n

Shaunna Jackson

Shamia Johnson

Matthew James

Bethan y Baker Jon es

Katrin a Jones

Brandon Robert

Lauren Virginia Kelly

Margaret Lea Jordan

Vladislav Alexander

Rebecca Marie Karnes

Matthew Harris Kelly

Heather Jean

Dawn Marie King

Jonathan Steven Katz


Melinda Truong Kong ro



Lee Baldwin Kreger

Anika Kreller

Richard Wayne

Michael Da rnell

Sarah Diane L=iwso n


Charlotte Lee

Ad am Taylor Long

Lance Monroe Lemon

Peter Christian Daniel

Margaret Armistead

Sarah Elizabeth


Nicole Lorraine

David John Mandakis

Sidn e y Lamont Loa-.

Scott Manns

Class of 2002 j

Adam Curtis

Jessica Lauren Martin

Martha Clay Martin

Lauren Ashley

Brittany Nicole Maxey


Matthew Chri s toph e r

Trevo r Thomas

Amanda McCraw

Matthew Pa trick

Bernetta Colleen





Ian D ea n McMicha e l

Justin Howard

Christopher Michael
Me ucci

Jus tin Landon Milum

Courtney Blair
Minto n


Jacob Cook Moen

Venisha Tyreia Moon

Jeffrey Mclwain

Rachel Elizabeth

Summer Rose Morris

Katherin Mue hlegger

Alma Mujkic

Mark Stephen Mullins

Kany Khasraw Mirza

Aaron Parke r M oore



..0. .



William Mi ch ae l
Mo rrisse tt

A nthon y Dare ll
M oye r




H ea th e r DeVane

Je rmaine Dewam
M ye rs

Class oi2002J



Scott Christopher
N am uth

Je rom e Mark Nappe r

O 'Tallia Rasheeda
N ewbill

Eugene Lee Newman

Desiree Dawn Nicely






Amy Eli z abeth Nol e n

The resa Ann Nolin


C harl es Upshur
No tting h a m

Katherine Blair
O ' Brien

Tonya Marie Payne


Tesia LeeA nn Pres ton

Timothy Neal

Theodore Erik Polfelt

Dustin Scott Powers

Diane Quakenbush

Jill Livingston Raney

Jack Andrew

Amy Rebecca Rhod es

Mary Pope Roberts

Candi Cherie

Marcus Lee Robertson

William Richardson


Jess ica Lynne

Marcus Rob ertson

Class o 20021

Laura Lynn Robinson

Tamia Danielle Ross

Victoria Renee

Mathew Dearin g

Amelia Bess Robison

Gabriel Rodriguez

William Vanston

Lee Ruvae

Heather Dawn Rogers

Dionne Saunders



...... .


Mikkel Saunders

Shanel Sayles

Colin Jewel Schlueter

Ryan Jewel Schlueter

Kathryn Rose Scott





Samantha Leigh

Corinne Christine

Melissa Silva

Dara Elizabeth Siv

Shawn Smout

Jarrel Antoine Snyd e r




Ashley Caroline

Chase Tyner Smith

Pi'lul Andre Sparro' '


Steven Sparrow

Lana Stambol

Jan Tatem Steffe

Roteshia Sharmaine

Jane Fenley Stinson

Antonio Demeara

Sh e rri Lee Stroop

Jonathan Edward

Nathaniel Derrick

Jessica Kathleen

Jacob N eil Thomas

Am anda Sue

Christina Nicole

Je ssica Evette Taylor

Eliza Danielle

Class 0£2002

Most School Spirit
Mary Roberts and
Jonathan Katz

Andrew Wayne

Ma tthew Harrison
Wa llace

Johnny William

Samuel Grayson Via

Courtney Lee Warren

Christian Carlton Old

Takneela Antionette

Tierra LaShawn Waker

Adam Thomas

Latasha Monique

Hunter Blake Watson

Emil y Owen Walk

Dere k Anthony

Kim Webb

William Richard
Webster IV

James Justin Wheat

Byron Lewis

Jessica Allison

Maria Elizabeth

Katherine Michelle

Antonio De m a r

Ke vin Taron Wilson

La ure n C arter Wnod y

Daniel Francis

l-l e rmdn Fred Wrig ht

Samantha Lee

Megan Sloan White

Sheree Nicole Williams

Claire Cameron Willis

Brian Lee Wolfe

\N hitn e \. Le ioh Wr i,,ti h t

Wolterec k

Michdel R\·dn
Z i1nmenndn


JUNIORS: "Friends Forever"

Ross Agee

A mb e r A ll e n

Matthew Ba g b y

A lexa nd e r Ba llin

Vic to ri a Ba nks

Ve rity Barudin

Cassa ndra Bilu g hm a n

Yanatac ia Beaubru n

Ama nd a Billin gs ley

Stacv Black

jo hn Booton

)il m es r-\ ll en

Susa n Althouse

Stepha ni e And erson

Mmissa Bannis te r

Am y Barger

Jessica Barnes

Ashl ey Belle

Na tha lie Be ta nco urt

Victo ri a Booke r

Wi llia m Boothe

Angel Be lle

Sten' n Bla nks

Ashl ev Bo hann a

Me redith Brads hilw

Dana Brand i

Wi lliam Anderson

Andre Brewer

Margaret Brogan

Julianne Brooks

Morgan Brooks

Mirand a Bryant

Christopher Buck

Robert Bumg arn e r

H ollis Butler

Carri e Card we ll

Kenda ll C ha mbe rl a in

Je remi ah Ch a ndl e r

As hi <'V C lav

Lesli e C line

Patrice Brown

S<1 ndra Bro wn

Trey Burks

Brandon Burn e tt e

D a ni e ll e Bu s h

Kare n Carr

Mega n Carroll

Sa ra h Ca rroll

C ,1thcrine C hambe rlain

Lee Chavez

Sh e m e ka C hildress

Eri c C hri s ti a n

Bra ndon C lark

Cec il Co le m a n

De nik cl C u lt:' m cl n

Bri ce C o le

Brian Brown

Jessica Coo k

Cora n Co ri c

Mat th ew Cou lte r

Brad Cox

Ashley Crawfo rd

Virginia Crawford

William Creed

Ne ls on C ulk v

David C unning ham

Ma ndri e ll C us te r

A m a nd a Cyphe rs

Randi Dayton


§...... .



Na ta lie Dec k

Ambe r Di cke rso n

Eva n Drinke rt

Dav id Drivt'r

O 'Qu intessa Eng li sh - Be\·

A m a nd a Dodson

Kathl een Donohue

Dud l e~'

A ustin Eiche lbe rge r

Rodn ey

An tho m · Etil(1

Pamela Doo ley

Joze f Elbino


.1urc-1 F erg u ~ un

Tonya Doo lev

David Elde r

.-\ndrt-' \\. Fcrr ing

Michelle Feuilla tre

Santana Fields

Dav id Fifer

Terrail Finney

A li c ia Fo rd

Tiffa n y Fralin

All yson Fulton

Joshua Gallagher

Brittany Garcia

Donni e Ga rman

Page Ga rre tt

A m a nda Gearh a rt

Ebony Gee

Brandi Gibson

Charles Goad

Jacob Go ld shtey n

A ll yson G ray

C hri s tin a Green

Louren Gu ill

Scott Guilli a ms

Elizabeth Ha le

Samuel Ha le

David H a ll

Daniel H a mm r

\ h r is to p her Ha rp er

Tyron e Harringto n

Lakt'is h a Harri s

Lamar H ash


Z <K h Ha yes

Shaun He nd e rso n

C hri s tin;i H e ndri cks

C har les Hobart

Matthew Hoga n

H eidi Horne

John H owery

T imoth y Huffman

Zachary H uglws

john Hunte r

As hley Ingra m

Jam aa l Jackson

Shawn Jackson

Jeep Preston and
Richard Long chill
at lunch.


lsn 't that supposed
to be a yearbook
staffer behind that




Nothing's better than
walking with a buddy
as Matt Lovern and
Courtney Pritchard
find out.
Devon Rood and
Cam Lucas primp
before a pep rally.





JUNIORS: uFriends Forever"


Steve Bln11ks says
"Hey, wlrnt's 11p?"
P e yto11 Brogn11, Carter
M1111dy n11d Eliznbet/1
Vnmey ge t tlreir groo
011 at 011e of PH's
i11- sclrool dn11ces .
Leiglr A 1111 Cro11i11 mui
Brn11do11 Scr11ggs s lrn
n joke.
Notlri11g lig lrts 11p tlz
room like n s mile from
Kim Salyers.
A 11tlro11y H11g lr es .. ! '111
j11st tnlki11g nbo11t
A 11tlro11y ...



C lay ton Ja mes

Da ni e l Jen kins

Co les Je nnin gs

M ich ae l Je n se n

D av o r j e r ko v ic

Ca m e r0n Jo hn on

( h,1 / i t i' Jo hn so n

Devo n tc Jo hn so n

D uju a n Jo hn so n

Ma r v is Jo hn son

S h a ntM· lohn c; lln

J' ri ,;c i JJ,1 Jon as

Ashley Jon es

Heather Jon es

Vic to ri a Jon es

Jo hn Kaylor

Shanta Kaylor

Marlon Kemp

Zac h t• ry Kephart

Brittanv Kerfoot

Danie l Kessler

Kevin Kidd

Stephane King

Sarah Kirk

Martin KIPS

Fatmata Koroma

A lex Kuilan

Marie Laity

Deven Langs to n

Dante Lavender

A lcll1 Lcw indl'r

Hea th e r LcJw sn n

Henry La ze nby

Steven Leffe l

Steven Leone

A nge la I .ill y

l civ l(\ r I irwb t' 1T1 ·

F'.l i7cibt'th L ink

Ri chard L,1 11 0


Allison Keeley

Cynthia Lucas

James Lucas

Samuel Lunsfo rd

James Lys te r

Da\·id Magerkurth

Willie Marchese

Michael Marsh

Stephanie Martin

Kri s ti Mason

Fran ces McCorkle

Shane McE!vy

Dea nna McGraw

Courtney Mclver

John-Obe rd Mesa di e u

A la n Mill e r

Joshu a Mitchen

Jose ph Mod ica

Kera Moore

William Moore

Dani e l Morga n

\i <we JJe Mo tley

Sada Mo usa

Carter M und y

Tomika M use

A ntuniu l\ia pper

Je nnafe r Mangan

Jos hu a McCo

Sa ra Mitche ll

Qwanesh a Morris

Chakira O li ve r

S.i manth a Ons t

Whitn ey Patrone

Han g Phan

Rebl·cca Phil lips

Sn lo ngo Orgi lbo ld

Ke ll y Owens

Bryan Paiement

Sylvia Paitsel

Ju s tin Payne

Ada m Peters

Stephanie Peters

Gerald Peterson

Da ni e lle Poe

Rebecca Poff

Sean Poff

Brian Polha mus

James Preston

Tyesha Pres ton

Courtney Pritcha rd

Regina Pu g h

Willi om Pull e n

Kira Rad er

Jessica Redman

Jeffe ry Reed

Ja ne Robe rts

Devon Rood

Michael Ruble

Mega n Run yon

Tho m as Ru sc he r

Bristol Sa vage

Mike l Sav id es

Do ug Scott

Bra nd o n Sc ru ggs

L dc har v Sim mo n;,

Larry Sk inne r

A lm a S li p ic

Da ni e l Smdl l-''>

Kimb e rl y Sa lye rs

Will So ul

Je nn a Sh <we r

A" hl l' \ '-> rnit h

.Andre y Pu s to Yov t

As hl ey So und e rs

M ich cw l Sh e ll

C.irlllYn Smith

Jenni e Smith

Krys tle S mith

T \·ni s ia Smith

Brent Sowers

Micaela Spencer

Me redith Stafford

Conn ie Steber

LaurL'n S to c kburg l'r

C hri s to ph e r Stump

N icho las Sura ce

Ad a m Tanner

Char les Taylor

Rich ard Te rry

Tie rra Tc rr v

Sa bina Tha ler

Tameika Th o m as

Ja m es Thompson

Matthew Thompso n

Ryan Tunn e ll

Bryan Turne r

Sharrone Turner

Me lod y Thornton

Ra che l Ullm a n

Duong Tran

Eli zabl"'th

\ "Mnt' \

\tlonic,1 \Vad c•

Gidget Wai te

f ~ 1 · c1n

Wash in g ton

Ja mi e ! Wa ll ace

A ma nda We <we r

Virgi ni a W a ll ace

Eli zabe th We th e rin g to n

H e le n W a n g

D o ret•n W c1 re

Lind say W hitt•

S u scl n W hitl'

Aa ron W,1 s hin g to n

Ja cki e Wilhelm

Hilah Witt

13rad ley \N ii so n

13rian Wo lthui s

S\·kil va Wilson

Eri ch Wood rum

Barry Wirt

April Wooldridge

Bradley Wise

Brian Woolwine

Parker Wishneff

Erin Worley




Rod ney Wright

W a lter Wright

Whitney Wright

of 2003

Julie Yudowitch



H e nry Wyatt

josh Xiao

Scott Yates


"The Space Between''

Sa mara Abbo tt

Jessica Ad a ms

Sh ai Ag ha

Cy nthi a A ll e n

Jo hn A lli so n

Ja rh e tt Alti ze r

Co le A us tin

Sa ra h Ay res

Ma rkit a Ba nks

Meaga n Albert

Ma rk Altman

Bra nd o n Ba rbo ur

Andrew Aldrich

Anthony Alexa nd er

Am anda Ashwell

John Atkins

Dejua n Barl ow

Ma rgaret Bartle tt


Bri a n Bea r

Ri cha rd Blac kwe ll

A m v Beg ley

Ste\·en Be lk nap

C hris ti an Be ll

Lindsay Bill

Trav is Bittle

Bw de ri ck s ,mds

KiPrs tpn G,ir ling

Noa h Barthen

Class of 2004

Hope Bow ma n

/-Jilro ld Brown

Ma rk Bra d fo rd

Jayme Brow n

Willi a m Bra nca ti

Mi ch ae l Breedin g

M a th ew Bri c k wedd e

Lin d s a y Brow n

Ma rcus Brow n

Ma rlon Bruw n

La ure n Brooks

Trav is Brya nt

Co rev. Bum b rv

Jos hu a Bye rs

Ira Ca ll

Ma tth ew Ca rlto n

C hri s to ph e r Cilr p

C hris to ph e r Ca rte r

Ja mes Ca rter

Eli zabeth Ced illo-N iov is

Ma tt C la r k

Ste ph en C la ry

Kev in C le mme r

As hlev C line

Kathl ee n C la rk

Ca rni s Ca lloway

Thom as Cann on

Ka thryn Chudi na

Kimberl vn Co leman



Stev ie Co le m a n

C rvs t<1 I Cu lga n

\le wni ca Ct,ok

)et'\'O n Cooper

Ke nda ll Co rm anv

Jason Cottm an

"Is it possible that
so high debate
so sharp, so sore,
and of such rate,
should end
so soon and
vvas begun
so late? "
Me li ssa Craft

\' (

C ri mmin~

\ ,•ig h C wni n

Matt he11· C n,1·

Emi h Cu ll e1

[Tlwlllns Wyn t ]

- Emily Cullev

Brandon Cummings

Matt Cundiff

Laura Da mico

Brittany Davis

Kc ll v Da,· is

A ndrew Day

Frederick Day

Frances Dickenson

Stephen Dickenson

Amanda Dillard

Rac h e l Dorsev

Karl a Douglas

Jessica Dowdy

James Downing

William Driver

Danie l Durham

John Ed w ards

Holl y Elliott

jerra lynne Ellis

john Ellmore

/essica Fa ll en

Andrew Fall on

David Fa rb e r

Ga ry Faw

Tyler Early

Bre tt Esworth y

Da v id Fe ldman

Ca nd ace Edmond

D ea n Evans

Ste ph e n Finte l

Van essa Fle min g

Jessica Full e n

Mega n Flora

Joshua Flowe rs

Meredith Frank

Bre'An na Full e r

Be njamin Garden

Arkaile Garner

Na than Frantz

Jessica Garver

Huguelande Fremont

Ryan Gibbs








Kathlee n Gilchrist

Bobbi t' G illes pi e

Bra ndon G lenn

Danie l G lover

Eli za beth Godsey

Rob ert Goodlatte


Richard Goodman

She ree l-l a igoud

A l lit' C rclhcim

.-\IltWllll J Jc1JL'

Yu l Gra\·e iv

Bi ll\· 1-!cilt•

Randolph Grayb ill

Jess icc1 H a ll

La ' Kisha Gue rra nt

los hu ci Hall

William Gutshall

icholas Hall

Faces in the crowd


Shannon Hall

C hel'>ea Harri s

Krys tal Hallm an

Ja m es Ha rri son

Kath erine Hambrick

Amber H a n co*ck

Re b ecca Haney

Je ffo rey Ha s h

Ba lqi so H assa n

H ass,1 n H ,1-;-;,111

Jt'ffrev HcHkins

John Ha wk in s

Virgin ia H o pkins

W illi,1111 1 lupkin s

C \·nthi a H o rnb e rg

A ileen H oope r

1\ nthnn\· House r

Ada m Hubbe ll

Marie H oo per

Heather Hud d les ton

Mary H o pkins

Samu el Huff







Eli za b e th Huffman

Ren,1 Hugh es

C lay Ja mi eso n

Ca the rin e Je ffe rson

Moniqu e Jeffe rson



Arnold Je li c

A n ge li q ue


As h IL'\· Inhnsun

J<icqu e tta Jo hn son

Stace1· John so n

Jennifer Jo nas

lult'nn Kee ling

Aaron Kelly

Ericka Kell y

Amber Ke nt

Je ffe rso n Kni g hto n

MnhamL'd Knrnma

!Vli c haL'l Kotchish

Natalie Krause

Rosa Kuilan

Geneva Labrecqu e

Amber Lang

Jose ph La,·inckr

ivl<Jdcline Law

Steven Lee

Ju s tin Le ftwich

Sa rah Le w is

l'atrick Liddle

Ange l Lingenfelter

Thomas Link

Andrew Linkou s

G ra ce Lov e grove

C hri s toph e r Ly nn

C hri s tophe r Mann ing

Ap ril Martin

Reg in a ld Martin

Vin ct•nt Ma sc it t• lli

C u t• r lin e Mc1 uri ce

Tiara Law

Ja mes Lindsey

I abith a Maddox

Ty Le

Kath y Ma y

Sha nn on Me iss

N ik ki McCo mbs

Kat he rin e McGeath

Pa tri cia McKn ight

Lauren McMillan

Laura Mea d ows

l'<1blu Mc le ncil'z

Teonte Mic hie

Mo ll y Mi lle r

Sierra Miller

Tierra Minter




Robert Mitche ll

John Mob ley

Hamasa Mo hammad

Shea Mo ll oy

Amber Monroe

Dion Moore



Douglas Morgan

Joseph Morris

Jos hu a Mor ri s

Mack ly n Mos ley

T roy MoyL'r

A u s tin M u ndy

Richard M urp hy

Jere! Mu se

Brock Newto n

T hao Ng u ye n

Be nj a min N ic h ols

Bra n do n O linge r

Marcus Ollie

Lynd sey Onyett

Jeffr ey Orrick

Je rmai ne Otey

Eliza beth Pa c k

Bra nd o n Pa ige

Adam Painter

Brya n Palme r

Willi a m Pa lme r

Miche ll e Parke r

Stacey Pa r r is h

Dn nta Pilyne

Pri scill <i Pe rkins

jilson Pe rrin

Alisa Pe rr y

Mako lm l'L"rr v

M iliw /l e Pe rr v

C orne liu ~ Penn

Danie ll e Petrosk y

Deneshia Pu g h

Nicholas Reed

Ja m es Richardson

C hristoplwr

Rll t'

William Regan

Em il y Poff

Emili a Pranarova

Kiesha Preston

Tij wa nda Preston

De idre Radford

Thom as Ra ney

Erin Ratchford

Jocelyn Read

.J aso n Re ila nd

Whitney Reinhardt

Ro xa n Reyes

Ke llie Revnolds

C hris toph e r Robbins

Libra Robe rson

fVI ichael Roberts

Sard h Schu pp


Latoya Scott

Steven Scott

Lillian Sha m y

Pe d a Siro,·inil

Ben jilmin Skee n

Latishia Smith

Sara Smith

W illi a m Smith

A m a nd a Snea d

Sil nd y Snow

Ann a Sprad lin

Muha med Spreco

Frankie Steelman

Suzan n e Stinson

Na 'Tes h a S tri ck l,111d

Ril ys haw n Small

Ko rrin e Sn yd er

Lilsh a nd a Stuart

Rebecca Sweeney

A l1~ha

fhompso n

Le roy Taylor

Theodore Taylor

Abi ga il Teme les

Ti ;i ua nta T ho mpso n

Da ni e l T horn hill

Fa ith T in s ley

S idney Terry


1 ra i 1

She lb y Tho m as

Ross T u nne ll

H ill ary Va n degriil

Amber Via

Nicholas Viar

Peter Vo losin

Zachary Wade

Laura Waldrop

D<1nie il L' V\l,1lker

Antony Wa ll ington

Amanda VValte rs

Matth ew Walton

Christopher Ward







Morgan Ward

L1tuny<1 Webb

Margare t W ec ks te in

A ndrew White

Carman White

Sheena Whittaker

Kri s tin W il he lm

As h il•y W ill i<1ms

Danit'l lt• V\ii ll iam s

Andrew Wi lson

Marcus Wilson

Shiyeva Wilso n

of 2004
Step hani e W il son

W c1lil'r

I;\' i I~"n

Ant lwll\ W right

MMkPia \ 't,ung

LPig; h \ udu\\'itch

FRESHJMEN: ''A Whole New World''

Hil a ry Albri g ht

Jonath a n Albright

A urelia Allen

Nicole Allen

Paris A tkinson

Elizabeth Baar

Jason Amme n

Brent A ndre ws

Jam es Aq uin o

Za nd er As h

David Bagby

Dea n ge lo Bake r

T e nika Bake r

Adrienn e Ballin

Ashley Ba ne

Chr is topher Barber

Ange lo Barbour

Ta nit a Ba rbour

Bra nd y Barkheimer

Fatimah Barnes

Ann Barrows

Jilrnie Ba rto n

Laure n Bec ke r

Erin Beddi ngtit> ld

Cv11thia Bethel

Juli a Binnings

John Bohon

Ton y Bla ha

Jheryd Bolin

Beth Bl a nke ns hip

Me li ssa Blev in s

BL' r k lL'v- Bll,ird IL- -v

Britt a n y Bod a m er

Cjay Bond s

Co urtn ey Bo n ds

A im L'l' Bow le·,;

D u st in Bow le

Amy BrL'ed L' n

Bill y Brews ter

Eve Bn nv n

G reg Brow n

Kimberly Bowman

Wi ll iam Brad ley

Ja m es Bra d sh aw

Dustin Brink ley

Jamie Brookm a n

An d rew Brooks

Be th Brow n

Lati s ha Brown

Michae l Brown

She ron Brow n

Sie rra Brow n

Ke ll ee Bra mm er

As h lev Bu m g .1rn l'r

LhcJ d lc>y Bunn ' r



we are
the best.
See ya

Dante' Burnette

Dante' Bu rn e tte

C hri s to phe r Bu rre ll

Susa n Burwell

Je nnife r C<i rr

C<i mil le Cilrrington

W ill ia m Carson

Marcus C a rter

Je ssi cil C artwright

Cil itlin Casev

Se th Chapman

V inh C h,1 u

Stephan ie Carne r

Emi lv C hr is ti a n

Marie Bu tler

Anth on y Carter

Las hona Casey

Ne tas ha Casey

Ash lev C la rk

Ja imie Clay

Claire Cardwell

Au stin Carter

Stephanie Ca ul der

LcJrho nda C leme nts

"What we
do in life ...
echoes in
Mi che lle C le mm e r

l )l',1Jl cl l "li c k

C rvs tc1I C t,l t'

C hri ~ t1 ·

c ,1I e m a n

l u~tTh



Kimberly Combs

Crys tal Cooper

Eri ca Coope r

A lexa nd er Corcora n

Andrew Co1Tin

Summer Craighea d

Sarah Cra w ford

Ka ti e-Mari e Creed

Jos hu a Cross

Dereck C ummin gs

A dam C unnin g har.·

Mo Currie

Maresha Cutler

Sha ra Da lto n

Antwa n Da v is

Lato ya D<1\' is

Lea nn e Da v i

Jaso n Da y

Ke ll y Dec ke r

Bl e rin a Demaku

Mega n Dews

Jos hu a D icke rs on

Jim Dinh

Siea ra D ix

Mc1 rk I )(lnclh t1 l '

( Ja ire Di ckey

C hris D idon ato

S tacy Co,

Sci manth a Dickers ,.

Courtney Dooley

C y nthia Dool ey

A lz ie Drape r

A rd ai Ellis

Brian a Elli so n

Sa lli e Embrev

Ju s tin fa*gg

Macke n z ie Farre ll

La ure n Fadd is

Yuri zaday Fernandez

( hri s toph e r Fitz p a tri ,·k

A lex Ft• r-r c> ll

Kr is tin c1

Fe rri ~

Mic hc1t> l Flin chum

jenn y Dunker

Mareese Durham

Daniel Eichelberger

N ico ni a Erv in

Grace Estacio

Jack Esworthy

Susa nn a h Fe ldberg

India Ferg uso n

Mary Ferg uso n

M ichae l Finte l

Jos hu a Fi sher

Ambe r F,,unta i1w

C ha nte l Fitzgerald

lnshua FP>-

Richard Free m an

Mark Frye

Ke ll ie Full e r

N igel Gay le

Jesse Get tin gs

Jessica C i I les p ie

Su sa nn a h Ful p

H ea the r

C l d s~

Jo hn Fun ck

Be nj a min Ga rd ner

Mi lPn t ,pi n s

D re w C ras t


Kati e G ree n

As hl ey G reenL'


H ea th e r G unn


Alexa nd e r H a ll

A udr ey H ,111

jova u g hn H a rri s

Tama ra Ha s h

M ark Guerry

jc nniicr G ree ne

As hl ey Groe n

j<1c llb H agee

C ha nee H ale

Chris tina H ale

Joshua H a le

Br,m do n H a ll

Whitney H a ll

G uy Ha rber t

Dondrea H arris

Owen H a rvev

Justin Has h

Eli za be th Ha rtm a n

Chase Grose

tvlichael 1-lengeli

Matthew Hermaill1

Michael Hermann

Ellen Hernandez

Ren ee Hernand ez

Howard Hill

Ke vin Hill

Anne Hilliard

Alexander Hincker

Leigh Hind e nlang

David Hitchins

Francis Hobbi e

Doroth y Hobb

Tempestt Hodn ett

Alexander Hooper

Cheye nn e Hopcroft

Pri scill a Hopkins

Dani e ll e Hopson

Reb e cca Hornick

Allen Howa rd

Joshua H oward

Micha el Howell

Steph a ni e Huddleston

Nicholas Huffma n

C ie rra Hun t

Sha na Hunt

Emi ly Hurt









Eli zabe th Hubard

Ja m es Hurt

l\llir /<1 lm amo,·k·

icole Irw in

A m be r Iso m

Ja m <1 r Ja m es

Alex Jense n

As hley Johnson

Chris topher Johnson

Da re k Jo n es

She le ta Ju n es

Jd fr ev Joyce

Ti ffa n y Jus ti ce

Cra ig Ka fura

Ca rl Keas ler






Miche ll e Ke ll y

Sea n Keo u g h a n

W ill iil rn Kilso n

Jil mes Kirk

Indi ra Kovilcevic

Robe rt Krohn

Hmis Kurti c

Rob e rt La m b

Ril h eem La n g hl' rn t'

Da nni Cil Lawre nce

Sa ra h La w re nce

Jo hn Leftw ich

Robe rt Le ftw ic h

Stt· i·t·n L.idd ll'

Kosta yne Link

Lind sey Link

Jess ica Lipford

A lli so n Lon g worth

Calvin Mack

Alexandra Ma keeva

Mark Ste ph en Mallor y

Laura Ma lpass

Sean Mapson

My ra Marcelo

Steven Mars h

C h ris to phe r Martin

Piltri ck MM tin

George Maso n

Marcus Mattox

Ju s tin McA bee

Kri s te n McCo y

Ly nn M c lJon c1ld

Jennifer McGraw

Joshu a Meado r

Co rn e ll M illn e r

Karn lin a M isz ta lsk i

J\ nthl1n v L"''L• rn

A dam Ly le

C ourtney

M a ni e~

A nn il Martinez

Je nnift'r McFad

;\ ,; h lc>v Mo0rl'


Da ni e lle Moo re

Jack Moo re

Dav id Mo rgan

A ndrew Mn rri ssett

A ll e n Mu se

Co urtn ey M u se

Ta m arn Na nce

Jos hu a Ne u se

Whitney Norbo

A rm in N u k i,-il

Je ffr ey Moo re

Co ns tin n Mo tl ey

Fn tim n Mye rs

Vn n N g u yen

T<>ri N uni ev

john Moore

Ru ssell Moo re

Danny Morgan

Emil y Mo tt

Seth Mullen

Amber Mull ins

Sheinna Mye rs

Tommy Mye rs

Ka na Nakajima

Chris topher N iblett

Jus tin Clnizc,,

Spenser Noe

Ke ith Noell

Rebecc,1 Pnlmer

Laguitta Parker

Samantha Pascha l

Mackenzie Pa y ne

Mic h ae l Pay n e

vV hit11L'v r,1v11e

C aro line Pe mb rok

Kristen Pennino

Steven Perdue

Bra nd o n Pe rkins

Ma tth ew Pero

Em i Iy Peters

S tep h a ni e Peters

Steven Peters

Sidney Pe tty

Jordan Pfoh l

Phuon g Phan

Ja mes Pi lac howski

Ka letta Plum ey

Jonatha n Poff

Robe rt Poff

Son va Pri ce

Jam ie Pri ll aman

Sta ff or Pri tclwtl

C hri s tnplwr Pr\lctor

S ha un a Philpott

Co lin Poll ;ird

Ty ron e Pres to n

Courtney Rain es

Em il y Ri ce

C lwvy RL'ad

C rys ta l Reed

C ourt1w\· Ri c h,1rdsnn

N dth ,rnit' I Ri es

Ly n ea Reed

John Rigdon

Spence r Reed

Ja mes Robe rtsun

Michae l Reichelt

lessic,1 Robertsllil

of 2005

Sea n Rnbe rh< >n

·\ d ,111 1 l\1

)b111 ..... 1 lll

1\. . 1 ki .... h ,1 l\l 1bi 11 :-' llll

t\. L1 rk l\l 'gt'r . .

C,11111.::•ron Ro ~L'

Jamereia Rouse

Dav id Ryan

Je nnife r Saffle

Kr is te n Sand e rs

Da vid Scott

Jessica Scott

D us tin Secres t

C he lse a Se ttl es

M uhamm ad S h abazz

Robert Shaw

Ju stin Shelton

Jessica Sh otwell

Kat hry n Shotwe ll

Whitne y S igmo n

Ja mes Simmons

Mo niqu e Simm on s

Ce les te Simm s

Je rmili ne Sla y ton

Wh itney Smales

A nwa r Sm a ll s

Jos hu a Sink

Ap ril Smith

Bri a n Sc ho cs te r

Tia Size r

C orl' y S mi th

Na ta lie Schup p

La ure n Sharp ley

C hri s Simmo n

C he lsey Sla te

j llllll Smith

Ki a w a nn a Smith

l\!lc Ke nn,1 Smith

M ichae l Smith

Eli zabe th Snead

Ma ygon Sowd er

Craig Spinner

C ecinia St.Jus te

Th o m ;is S t,1 Il,1rd

W illi a m Sta ll a rd

Bri a na Stee nbu ck

Robe rt Steffe

Mega n Stewa rt

Tra vi s Sto kes

A ustin Stt>nt·

D uri t' I Stri c kl a nd

Virg inia Stro ng

Allen Stu ar t

Ka yla Stump

Anltmit' Swea tt

Scntt Sw illinge r

Mv te ka Tabro n

As hto n Sulli va n

Dus tin Tap ia

Bl a ke

S w .~ in t•

Bosco Ta nso n

Ot' nne ll Tho mas

Michael Thomas

Krystl e Thom p son

Lo re n Thornhill

Latasha Toli ver

Melissa Travis

Ree ko Va nce

As hl ey Wade

Rand y Wa ld ron

Pres ton Waldrop

Dana Weave r

Lind sey We bb

Lo ni W e bb

Sh ee n a Webb

Jessey W e ll er

Kembr y Whee le r

A m y Whee lin g

Ke lsey W hite na ck

Ra y mond W hiti s

Cci ll ea Wie ·e

Em il y Watts

M icha e l Wertz

C hri s topher Ti c kl e

Co u rtn c y Ti II ics

Mat th ew Tinsle •

Mat th ew Vand e rkoo y

C<1 rtc r V<1r n c r

Be njamin Varner

Amanda Wa lke r

Emil y W<11l<1 ce

Jo hn \Na tkins

De rrick Wiggins

Ro dn ey Wilcher

Ri c h a rd W ild e r

Cliffan y Wilkes

Jessica William s

Juli a n Willi ;1ms

K,1tel y n Williams

Malique William s

Corinne Willis

Blair Wilner

Michae l Witt

C la re Wooddall-Gainey

Na ncy Wood y

Andrew W ri ght

Kari W va tt

Lisa Wya tt

Kathe rine Yates

Zas hi ra Yongjuarez

Rnd sh t'c1 ) oungt•r

Jurd an Z11 d e ll

Chri s top h e r Wirt

Da ni e ll e Wri g ht

Mich ae l Yo un g

Gwendol y n Wi s ndskl'

Katherine Wright

Stephanie Wilkie

Katherine W ilkins

Faculty 2001-2002
Susan Alkhadra
Erica All en
Robert Allen
Will Allison
Norman Alt izer
He len A tkinson
Lisa A u d ia

We nd y Ba iley
Sa ndy Ba sha m
Amanda Bayne
Kris ten Bax ley
Ben Bazak
Ka th y Bl ankensh ip
Mary Kay Brown

Natasha Bruce
Susan Brya n t
Pa t By rd
Cathe ri ne Chandler
Gerry Ciaffone
Lesli e C leveland
Aa ron Co lem <1 n

Ric h Cooper
Linda Cou lte r
Sara Dalt o n
Woody Deans
Rebecca Di xo n

Sco tt Dreye r
Am y Duff

Kath y Duncan
Brend;i Ea st

Da ve Flanagan
Wendy Ga llo
Robert Graybi ll
John Griffith
Sh irl ey Gunn

Wa nda Hanco*ck
Jeff Johnson
Deborah Junes
James Jones
Sind i Jones
Tiffan y Jones
Reg ina Kanode

Ken Keen

Li sa King
Brt rbctra La ncas ter
l~Cty l.ew it>

Lea h Lorton
Ni'l ncv Mat-(IJ"l

Ro} Mit rlin

ffl' d Like To Teacl

The World To Sing''
Ro b e rt May fie ld
A litia McC lu re
Tim Mcconchie

Bert Milburn
John Murra y
Ka rin M usselm a n
Ma rk Nes ter

Fle tche r N ichols
Robin Parke r

Gayle Patterson
Joy Pa ige
Jo hn e tt e Pe nn
Eli za beth Poff
Ro n Po ff

Budd y Po rte r
Kitty Ra msey
Me lind a Ri cha rd so n
A nge lo Rob ins
Na ncy Rose nba um
Sandra Rou se
Maria nne Ru ssell

Lind a Sa m pson
Stephe n Seib
Ali ce Sell
She ila Sente r
Ann e tt e Shaw
Rosa lind Shocklev
Eric Shrewsb err y ..

K ath ri ne Stahl

Ta mmi e Stanl ev
El\·a h Ta v lor .
Mrl rgo Tay lo r
Michae l Toney
Jack ie \l\/ag ne ;.
Brenda \i\la ld ron

Ge rri \ \I cl Iters
Lind a \i\1a tkin s
A nn a \.Veil s

Annc1 \NentWllrth
K r i s t ~ · \.Y hite
Georgia \<V ilev
Kim \'V il li a m ~

Rita \rVi ll is
P enn ~· \·\l ilson

Adri n n \r\l rav

Ca ro ly n \i\ly~1nl'

Lvnn Yates




, , ,..._




- --

We Be Clubbin'



SGA and Clul;)s












They are th e people b ehind th e scen es ge ttin g th e dirty vvork aro und the

- campus done . The SGA wor ks o n eve ry thin g from p e p ralli es to Homecoming
events. They d ecorate for dances, pla n s pirit week, p a rti c ipa te in Fundraisers and
help get the Freshmen settled for th e ir first yea r .
The SGA membe rs ge t up early to m ee t befo re sc h oo l; th e y are trul y dedica
The SGA is led by teache r re presentati ve Kath y Duncan and s tud e nt bod y pre ·dent Jessica Taylor. They are h e lpe d by Vice Pres id e nt Mary Rob erts, Secretas
Kate H erbert, Treasurer Laura Hil es and th e res t o f th e SGA m e mbe rs.
Although SGA seems like fun and ga m es, th e m e mbe rs wo rk hard on keepin ...


the school functional and e nj oya bl e. SGA m e mbe rs vo luntee r every nine weeks
vario us places. Without th e SGA, PH wouldn't b e th e sa m e. Eve ry Patriot shoul

=~r .,.,,...-""'

be thankful for all o f the hard work th e SCA puts in to keep th e PH ex p erience
more than enjoyable. Tha nks, SGA!

1. It takes a lot of work to get
these dirty cars squeaky clean!
Lauren Stockburger is just the
girl for the job.
2. Carter Varner serves up one
delicious hamburger at the homecoming bonfire.
3. Yet another one of SGA President

Jessica Taylor's famous speech
4. It's all .f un and smiles with th
PH SGA. Thanks, Kathy Duncan!
5. How could anyone resist a fr
car wash from Dani Poe, Corey t
and Randi Dayton.
6. Victoria Hiles sure knows ho
to use a squeegee.


r1 ,

7. The Key Club mulches it up
in front of the main office on
Campus Beautification Day.
-Photo by G. Ciaffone

8. The HOSA with the "mosta".
Victoria Burdette helps out with
the blood drive.
-Photo by M. Chudina

9. In a fit of hibernation rage, the
Q99 bear attacks Steven Peters
and Katie Shotwell.
-Photo by H. Ketc!zum

10. For community service, Leslie
Cline, a Jobs For Virginia Graduates (JVG) sudent, volunteers
to scrub the Zoo Choo Tunnel
at Mill Mountain Zoo.
-Photo by C. Turner


11. Freana Burks is a bread
making machine at the
SkillsUSA-VICA Culinary Arts
-Photo by /. Shupe


1· The Welding and Construction
cla~s put finishing touches on their
holiday float.
Photo by S. Johnston

3. Heather Ketchum picked up first
pri.Z:e in the international breadmaking competition.

6. Jan Steffe gets down and dirty wit

the Key Clulb during a cam.pus beau
fication project.

Photo by M. Clause

2. Shara Dalton, Thao Nguyen and
Josh Gallagher, along with other
yearbook and graphics students,
collect new and gently used stuffed
animals and luggage for "Roanoke
Jaycees Bags and Bears For Foster
Courtesy off. Gallagher

4. Gerry Ciaffone and The Key Club
deserve thanks for our renovated
Courtesy of G. Ciaffone

7. The HOSA club takes blood pre sures for the students during lunch
Photo by M. Ch11

5. Auto Repair practices for the Salem 8. Justin Macabe knows how to whif
Christmas Parade.
up a good dish .in Culinary Arts.
Courtesy of N. Altizer

Photo by H. Kt'f I

America, The Beautiful

Led by Lieutenant Colonel. Matt
Johnston, Captain Noah Hicks,
Major Victoria Cross and Captain
Derrick Artis, the ROTC is a
citizenship and leadership course
offered at Patrick Henry High
School. This is a class for those
who are interested in the military,
and while at the time, want to
earn rank. Not only did these
hard working students present
the colors for all of the home
football and basketball games, but
they also take trips to VMI and
Kitty Hawk during their busy
year. The ROTC also participated
in activities in the PHHS com1nunity. Known for their discipline,
hard work and contributions to
the community, the ROTC students are going nowhere but up.

The Leaders of thE

Cadet Lieutenant
Matt Johnson

Senior Cadet Major:
James Burnett

Noah Hicks
Sean Brown
Ashley Ceresnowsky
Derrick Artis

Major: Victoria Cross



"Playas, They Gonna Play"



1. Kelly Reynolds preps Matt

King for the audience.
2. David Fifer, having spent so
much time in the dark backstage, has turned into the
theater gremlin.
3. Matt King, McKinsey
Bamber and Charlotte Leftwich
do a quick theatrical pose
before moving themselves onto
the stage.
4. Sean Poff diligently coordinates the lighting for the PH
Players .
5. The PH Players pose for a
group picture before their
play's debut.
6. Rachel Morris is happy that
she is part of PH's great theater


Patriots march
to their own beat
The band works
hard to provide
music around the PH
campus. They share
their sounds at pep
rallies and football
games. They spend
hours practicing and
have won many
awards that prove
that they are talented
musicians. If there is
one group on CamSummer Morris shows that she can play the trumpet
pus that displays
just as well as the next guy. "Yeah, Daniel Kessler
Patriot Pride, the PH
likes to think he's better than me. He lets his ego get
band truly does!
the best of him."

that is
flashes a

Far left: The band
plays proudly for their
team during football
Left: Drum Major
Danielle Garcia
contemplates the
band's next move.

"Band is
for the
at the


The PH Drummers don't fool
around when
it comes to
playing for a





JV Cheerleader
leads the
through a

This year Patriot spirit
went through the roof!

Chudin a

Male cheerleaders Tony Woodson and Will Morrissett
get down with the female cheerleaders at the Homecoming pep rally.

Patriots crammed
into Clara Black
for the first time this
year to share cheers,
laughter and lots
of spirit. The varsity
and junior varsity
squads, an amazing
step team and,
of course, the female
football players
and the male
performed for the
ecstatic crowd.

l. Andrew Fintel
strikes his pop star
pose for the camera
before joining the
male cheerleaders'
pyramid of pride.
2. Anthony Moyer
awes the crowd
with a stunning step
3. Varsity cheerleader
stands tall to raise the
spirit of the crowd.

Theresa Nolin
flashes her
smile and
cheers with
pride during
the Homecoming pep rally .
The varsity
ch eerleaders
stum1ed the
crowd with
an ama zing


are the
of my



~-----''Joy to the



1 . Rodney Wright and
Christopher Stump perform
at Jackson Middle School.
2. Carolyn Wynne looks
surprised when someone
is flat!
3. Dawn King and
Samantha Wheeler sing
their hearts out in the gym
at the Snow Ball pep rally.
4. Christopher Stump gives
the camera a smile while at
the State Choir Competition. He made the All
Virginia Chorus in April.
5. Elizabeth Huffman and
Christopher Stump smile
for the camera at the
District Choir Competition.
6. Jessica Baine and Matt
Hogan party in the Choir
room after some hard
vocal practicing.



The PH Choir has again
done an outstanding job.
They gave it their all when
they traveled to
Martinsville to audition
for districts in N ovember.
In February, the choir
made it to districts at Cave
Spring High School. In
April, junior Christopher
Stump mad e it to the state
competition. Du ring the
holidays, th e choir
performed at Tanglewood
The choir also traveled
to Jackson Middle School
and Pheasant Ridge to
perform. In the spring
they sang at Monterey
Elementary School and
again at Pheasant Ridge.
The choir has a busy
schedule but they work
hard to put meaning and
emotion into each song
that they sing.


"Morning Has Broken'__' __

l. Gray Huffman concentrates intently on his music-making-viola. 2. Amy Rhodes plays the
viola while thinking about her hand position. 3. Before class starts, the dedica ted David Lipps
repairs one of his students' v iola. 4. Myra keeps the beat flowing on the base. 5. Freshmen
Sarah Mott and Emily Wallace "jam" out on the v iola. 6. Hadley Adkins plays a lovely melody
on the flute. 7. Elizabeth Wetherington leads the second violin section to musical glory.

At 7:30 in the morning, while
most stud ents are still snoozing, dedicated members of the
PH orchestra gather in Clara
Black to pursue their musical
dreams. The 2001-02 school
year has been one of th e most
productive years in PH
orchestra hi.story- . The leadina0
musicians, fro m the senior
class, Grav Huffman Christine
H itch ins, -Emily And~·ee,
Trevor McCl u;.e, Charley
Nottingham, Honor Bowman,
Hadlev Adkins and Amy
Rhod ~s have been exceptional
leaders in the orchestra this
year. The orchestra went on to
;.eceive a perfect score in the
Regional Orchestra Competition. Rock on PH!

Each day in the bottom
of Persinger Hall, eager
art students are busy at
work on a number of
creative projects. These
classes include drawing,
basic art, painting, crafts
and ceramics. Each class
offers a different and
exciting aspect of the art
world, which helps students improve and perfect
their work.
Art Department Chairman Fletcher Nichols
teaches students the finer
points of drawing. For the
most motivated art students, he offers a highly
challenging studio art
class. For Richard Moon's
ceramics classes, students get a chance to use
their hands and build
projects using clay. Sindi.
Jones teaches an introduction to basic art
painting or drawing, which
become highly developed
skills by the end of the
As well as being displayed every day outside
of the art classrooms
students get to participate
in the annual PH art show.
The event shows art
students' best work and
exhibits the highest level
of creativity. With hund~eds of pieces being
displayed, the show is a
popular community event.
The many talented artists
of Patrick Henry are
continually helping the art
program to grow and


1. McKenzie Bambeer and Liz
Hodges in Studio Art Class.
2.Jessie Bolling concentrates
on clay ornaments.
3. Tara Hutchenson is focused hard on weaving a
pouch in her crafts class.
4. David Magerkurth relaxes
in basic art class.
5.Craig Spinner work on a
crafts class project.
6.Laura Waldrop works on
sculpting her ceramic creation.
7.Jane Stinson works on a
weaving project in crafts
8.While weaving, Lamieka
Becks makes sure her yarn is
just long enough.

Photography classes at
Patrick Henry are by far
some of the most exciting.
Everyday students produce new and different
photographs. Photograpy
teacher, Pam Feldman,
assigns her students
insteresting and fun
projects .This year students have enjoyed working with Adobe Photoshop,
a computer program that
allows students to manipulate their photographs and
create new images. Some
of this years beginning
photography projects
include a small space, a
potrait and height photo""d
graphs. The advanced
class has produced a CD
cover, a fantasy
enviroment, a hand col..§
ored photograph as well ~
as many others. But this
class is not all work and
play. The photography
classes , along with
theater,took their annual
trip to New York City
during March. While in the
Big Apple, students saw
three broadway plays and
visited countless
mueseums. On top of all
this, they took numerous
pictures and had tons of
fun. The photography
students talent and dedication has definatly paid
off. This year eleven
photographs from ou r
school were accepted into
the city art show at the
Jefferson Cente r!



1.The group poses for a quick shot in
Central Park after a busy day of
2.McKinsey Bamber gets creative with
3.Jessica Barnes sports her smile as
arrives early to develope film.
4.Teddy Poefeit and Brianna
Cristianbury keep warm in NYC.
5.Amy Rhodes proudly pins up her
latest print in Ms. Feld1nan' s classroom.
6.Josh Gallagher and McKinsey
Bamber discuss the contrast of her
latest print.


Throughout the
school, Gibboney
Hall is known
for the great diversity in the
classes that it offers. Many think
that this hall does
a great job in preparing students
for the "real
Classes include
auto body (l);
>-- auto mechanics;
§ welding (5, 8);
;9 marketing; photov journalism or
• yearbook (3 6 7) ·
~ construction;
graphics; health
cosmetology (2,
4); Jobs for Virginia Graduates
and computer
"It's the best
class [computer
animation] ever,"
Brent Sowers said.
Using real-world
software 3D Studio Max prepares
students for college and the
working world.



W0rkin' Hard For The Money

1. Amazed by his performance,
Abby Temeles, Lizzie Jones,
~immy Lindsey, Stephen Clary,
and Lillian Shamy strike a pose
w ith the crazy acrobat.
2. Nikki Faddis and Caitlin
Casey e~joy the busride to
Virginia's Fine Art Museum.
3. Ben Garden plays it cool
while Fran Dickenson portrays a
modem day !Emma.
4. Mo CuTrie, Jeff Joyce,
Adam Rob:i!nson, Katie Yates,

Nicole Irwin, Caroline
Pembroke, and Jordan Zadell
enjoy their Middle East Feast.
5. Andy Fallon studies his
lines while role playing m
Center 10.
6. Emily Hurt and and
Caroline Pembroke fill thefr
plates with the delicious
African food made by the
Center 9 class.
7. Sru:ah Schupp, Meg

Dave Flamtagan, Kelly
Davis and Maddie Law
rpose for a quick picture ati
their SOL pizza party.
The Center 10 class had a
100% pass rate on their
Histo1y SOL.
8. Chadotte Jones, Megan
Flora, Molly Miller
Shelby Thomas joke
arow11.d while presenting
their modem day epic.


"A Beautiful Mind"




----- -



! ' •


City Schoa~ ·












·-- _...._I_, ~ •

Downtown learning
environment, guest speakers and more than 60 highly
motivated seniors from
Patrick Henry and William
Fleming spell what? CITY
School of course.
CITY School is a program
offered to high school
seniors from Pa trick Henry
and William Fleming that
uses guest speakers and
different learning techniques as a means of teaching. After going out to
lunch, students enter the
building at 12:30 to experience an alternative to
typical English and history
courses. CITY School's

techniques must be working, because more than 60
students were selected to
enroll in the English and
Government program this
year. The students also
travel to Richmond and
New York City.
The students of CITY
School can also be identified
by the silhouettes posted on
the windows in spring. As
spring arrives, graduation is
coming up soon which
leaves the students anxious
to end th e ir high school
Closing ceremonies for
CITY school will be held at
Mill Mountain Theater.

Governor's School selects
few students to excel in demanding math and science
classes. Even though this
program requires students to
be self-motivated and dedicated, the students who attend
Gov School feel that it's worth
the effort in the end.
Senior, Ryan Schlueter said,
"The classes that I'm taking this
year are difficult, but I know
that they will prepare me well
for college in the fall. "
Gray Huffman said, "I
learned that with a hotplate,
some distilled water and a little
TLC you can whip up a bowl of
Uncle Ben's Instant Rice in no
time, thanks Gov . School."



Let's Get Ready to Rumblf
1. Jermaine Myers gets in a
bit of a sticky situation.
-Photo by J. Katz
2. A successful Comet
tackler brings Jermaine
Myers down, but he successfully gets the first down
for the Patriots.
-Photo by J. Katz
3. Drew Densmore is down
and ready for the play.
-Photo by J. Katz
4. Adam Peters is not
dancing, he's kicking off.
-Photo by J. Katz
5. The JV team huddles
together before a big play.
-Photo by K. Herbert



6. "We are the Patriots,
mighty, mighty Patriots."
-Photo by A. Ferring




7. Barn! That's what I'm
talkin' 'bout! Jermaine
Myers shows what playing
football is all about as he
dodges from another Lord
Botetourt tackler.
-Photo by/. Katz

8. L~nny Brown gets ready
to hike the ball hoping that
the beginning of the play
will be successful.
- Photo by J. Katz
9. Senior Jermaine Meyers
dives forward to grap the
first down for the Patriots
-Photo by f. Katz

10. Melvin Smith studies the
game and hopes the defense
will cause a turnover.
-Photo by A. Ferring

11. Yeah, Jermaine! Senior
Jermaine Meyers dodges an
attempted tackle.
-Photo by, f. Ka-tz


''Yes I can!'' -Coach Johnson
The Patriots hit it hard at the beginning of their season with three practices a day. Over the summer they prepared for a winning return as the Roanoke Valley District Champions, which has now become the Western Valley
District. With an outcome of more than 80 players, the Patriots looked and felt strong. The coaching staff of the
'Patriots were very happy with the outcome and they were very excited with what they were seeing.

In the scrimmages over the summer, such as the James River Jamboree, the Patriots started their season strong
\\Tith some outstanding offensive and defe nsive plays. The team has worked hard and spent a lot of time in the
Weight room building their s tre ngth for the season. Being the returning chanlpions, the Patriots received a lot of
Pressure and challenges from their opposing team s .
"Yes I can!" shouts coach Johnson e ncouraging his pla yers . That phrase is w hat coach Johnson tells his players
at almost every practice and even bt•fore games, IT1aking sure that they stay focused and concentrated on w inning
Cl.nd bringing success in the up coming season .
It was obvious that th e tea m was highl y optimistic and it beca me a rea lity during the PH v. Halifax Homecom-

ing Game. The tea m came through at th e e nd and s tole the big w in from right underneath them . The team finished
\vi.th a great season and are getting pumped for next year.

'Vall Ready For This?
"Yell with us ... Let's hear it, PH.H. S. "
-Susan Althouse
The Patrick Henry cheerleaders instill spirit into the Patriot fans by supporting the athletes with great
pride and enthusiasm. Cheerleading is one

of the only sports that continues through

two seasons. The 2001-02 season began in

the sum1ner with cheer carnp, and then the

regular cheering season began on the side- '

lines of the football and basketball games.

The cheerleaders show their dedication by

cheering at all sporting events, whether it i


a home or an away game.
The cheerleaders were led by seniors Theresa Nolin, Caitlin Aukward and Ern.ily Althouse. Their


experience and talent helped the younger team members to gain experience and improve their skills.
With many juniors on the varsity squad, the cheerleaders will have a strong foundation to build on for






future seasons. Now that's something to cheer about.

1. The cheerleaders jam to

the sound of the band.
- Photo by A. Ferring

2. The JV team watches the
Patriots score a touchdown.
- Plwto by K. Herbert

6. The squad is excited
about the homecoming
parade. - Photo by S. Althouse
7. Caitlin Aukward receives the "Miss Cheerleader" award from the
student body. - Photo by K.

3. The freshmen cheerleader how off their stunts.


- Photo by K. Herbert

8 . During a pep rally Susan
and Emily Althouse catch
Tamra Johns.

4. Theresa Nolin cheers as
she i lifted in a stunt.
- Photo by F. Wright
5. The girls practice before
the big game.
- Photo by ]. Katz

- Photo by J. Gallag her

9. The JV team performs
for the homecoming pep
rally. - Photo by K. Salyers


Ain't No Mountain
High Enoug h
Cross Country

1. The boys on the cross
country team take a break at
the track.

2. Nick Surace flies around a
tum during a vital home meet.
3. Rob Barrett tries to catch
Chris Creed, "TheAnimal",
but, of course, no one can
the animal.
4. Jonathan Katz tells himself,
"I think I can,
I think I can."




5. Chris Creed and Fran
Dickenson get into a suds war
w ith a silly sponge at the
Cross Country car w ash.




6. Grace Lovegrove runs an
incredible race.




7. Lizzie Pack and Susan
Althouse ask themselv es w hy
they participate in such a
painful sport.
8. After a p asta dinner at the
Althouse's home, the celebration of an outstanding season
continues as the cross country
team gathers for one last team
9. One of the top runners
of the girls' team, Emily
Althouse has a story race.
10. Will Rutherford and
Jonathan Katz want to 'know
if they can offer the ladies a
fish sandwich.

11. Gray Huffman is da man.

- Photos by Mary Jane Barrett






"Catch this grouy I"


officer Lewis

"A 45-minute run." That's what th e Patrick H e nry Cross Country team has been hearing since the middle of last summer.
They worked hard over th e summer in hopes of ha v ing a good season . Officer Lewis and Rosalind Shockley continued to
coach, but this year the bigges t " bloc khead" of all,

Coach Cox, was add ed to the coaching staff.

During the very first w ee k of th e season Nick Surace ;·

set the course record and throughout the rest of

the year, the team pla ced w e ll; Will Ruth e rford and

Nick Surace both placed in the top 15 in districts.
College of William and Mary for the biggest meet

of the season. But befo re running , th ey went for a da y

o f fun at Busch Gardens. They ended the season

With the hard est two weeks of thci r Ii \'L'S. OffiCL'r Lew is, a ftt'r in formin g

the team that this was his last year coaching,

decided to make it a m e mora bl e !<1st twp weeks b y running the tea m as ha rd as he could . But in the end it was all worth it.

The team

end ed th e season w ith <1 f(1urth pl <:iet:' fini s h in districts. They are lL1 L1 king forward to next yea r!

''What's all the racket about?''
-Meghan Chudina
With the help of the n ew coach Joel Higham and assistant coach Stacey Allred, the Patrick H e nry Girls' tennis tea m felt confident that they would be on the road to victory. The team also felt secure und e r the leadership of th e wild but responsible team
captains, Mary Roberts and Courtney Minton, wh om
made practice worthwhile ye t e njoyabl e.
The line up for the team this year also took on a n ew

look fr o m th e prev ious. Junior Ashley Cla y worked

hard to ma intain the number one sea t on the tea m.
sport led her to many important w ins. Following her

Throughout the season , Ashley's d edication to the
w e re fr es hme n Macke n z ie Payne and Ja imie Clay.

These girls showed an incredible performance espeyo ung. Senjors, Mary Roberts, Courtney Minton a nd
six th sea ts on the team. Due to hard work and dedicad is trict except for E.C. Gla ss and Cave Sprin g.

cia lly beca use th ey w e re so hi g h on th e ladder ye t so
Megh a n C hudin a dominated the fourth, fifth and
, ti on th e tea m was a bl e to d efea t a ll tea m s in the

O ther me mber's performances on the tea m were crucia l to wi nnin g as we ll . Doub les tea m , Fran cis McC orkl e a nd Margare t
Lemon, we re ab le to defea t the Franklin Co unty numbe r on e do ubles tea m. Th e re is no " J" in team a nd that is definitely a fact
with gi rl s tenn i~. Overall, the tennis team had a good season . N ex t yea r they w ill be ready to "s h a tte r Cla ss" a nd " bea t the
Kn ights" in th<:> d istri ct.

Ice, Ice, Baby
Girls Tennis

l. Jamie Clay, Carter Varner,
Mackenzie Payne, Whitney
Norbo, Courtney Minton,
Meghan Chudina, Mary
Roberts and Brittany Maxey
take a break to eat under the
Gazebo at Rivers Edge.
- Photo by Steve Clay

2. Senior Courtney Minton
prepares her racket in order
to set up a winner against
her opponent.
- Photo by Knte Herbert
3. Doubles team Mackenzie
Payne and Jaimie Clay change
to scoreboard.
- Photo by Steve Clay
4. Senior Mary Roberts prepares to smash her famous
powerful serve across the net.
- Photo by Kate Herbert

5. Carter Varner and Whitney
Norbo watch the match against Q
Cave Spring.
- Photo by Kate Herbert ~
6. Senior Meghan Chudina


follows up her back hand after
she hits a crisp cross court
- Photo by Steve Clay CJJ


7. Senior Meg Lemon serves it
up to her opponent.
- Photo by Kate Herbert

8. Number one player Ashley
Clay gets ready to hit a powerful forehand to her opponent.
- Pltoto by Kate Herbert

9. Freshmen Jaimie Clay takes
a sip of wa t r during change
over while she gets some
advice from the coach.
- Photo by Kate HerbPrt

10. Freshmen Mackenzi
Payne keeps her fe t mot'ing
an.d knees bent a h aivait
the return .
- Plwto b.11 Kate Hcrb1•rt

11. The girl t nnis team.
- Photo by Knie H •rl•ert

Hit 'Em Up Style

1. The team gathers around
Coach Sink during a time
2. The JV volleyball team
comes together for a huddle.
3. Kostayne Link spikes the

ball as her other teammates
wait to back her up if she
needs so.
4. Danielle Petrosky discusses the next play with
her teammates.

5. A JV player jumps up to
spike the ball across the net.
6. Britney Garcia scared?
No Way! She is ready for
whatever the other team has
,._:, in mind .



8. All the Lady Patriots

gather for a team meeting.
These girls definitely know
what it means to be a team.

9. Lady PatriotJessica
Taylor prepares to send a
powerful serve across the
net to the opposing team.
Way to go, Jessica!

IO_. What would they do
without him? The girls are
a~ smiles as they pose for a
picture with their team
manager, John Barrett.
11. During an exciting g ame,
Jennie Smith leaps off the
ground to spike the ball.
Wow, Jennie, we're im-

The JV Volleyball team had a great season this year. Headed by returning Coach Sink,
the team worked vigorously to win. The team was led by sophom*ore captains Daniell
Petrosky and Stacey Parrish. With the hard work and determination, the Patriots earn d
a record of four wins and six losses. The PH team posted huge victories over G.W
Danville, PH of Ashland and E.C Glass. Sarah Jordan, Dani e l le Pe trosky and Stacey

Parrish were key assets to the team. Even though the JV Volleyball 's record was far from
Photos by M.J. Barrett

perfect, they improv ed a great d ea l and had a good season .

It all began at camp. The Lad y Patriots packe d thi e r bags and headed for JMU for week long practices and little rest. It

was here that the team b e gan th e ir journ ey toge the r. They became more than just teammates, but friends. Rebecca
Sweeney said, ''I'm glad that I am on th e te an1 b ecause of all the friends that I have made. It is fun to have moved up

from JV." After camp e nd e d, practice b e gan and the team s tarted their regular season. It was always obvious when it
was game day because th e g irl s could b e s ee n w earin g purple and white striped socks and hand painted t-shirts sporting
their team number. Th e bu s rid e to avv ay g am es

consisted of singing famous Disney tunes or

chanting the "If you want to b e a Patriot" ch ee r.

The Varsity Volleyball team had a lot of fun

With a very successful season .
The team had to say g oodb ye to son1 e v e ry

valuable senior players at the end of their

season. Each senior memb e r of th e team walke d

away from the experience with something

different. Senior Tara Hutcheson, who ha s bee n

on the team three out of her four years of high

school said, "Volleyball ha s tau g ht me that you hav e to work together in order to be successful." Seniors also have a lot
lo think about during this critical tim e in th e ir liv es. " Once you become a senior, you have to choose what sport you

Want to pursue in college. This is what 1 want to purs ue,"Senior Jessica Taylor said. As the Varsity Lady Patriots continue
lo dominate in future y e ars, these g irl s will b e greatl y missed.


~ '"' ;. .



- -.: ' : .
-.. : -:·:

· ·~


Varsity Golf
1. Will Moore gives thumbs

up to a good golf game.


2. Wade Taylor prepares
himself for a great swing and
a hole in one.
3. Richard Long backswings
and watches the ball.

4. Coles Jennings and
Richard Long oundle up in
their golf cart.

5. Barry Wirt sets his eye on
the hole in hopes for a hole in
- Photos by Clzris Creed



. . . """'•- c.. . l Ol




The golf season started out w ith a swing. The Patrick
Henry golf team, led by coach Wade Whitehead, was
third in th e district. As the season progressed scores
continued to lower and after a lot of hard work and
practice, the team pulled it together and placed third in
McClelland Metro Tournam ent. Junior Barry Wirt also
gave an impressive performance at the McClelland
Metro and placed secon d. The team w as very pleased
with their successful season and cannot w ait to get
back on the course next year!
6. Wade T~ylor kissed the t~ophy, while David Driver and Coles
Jennings gJVe eachother a high five.

7. Josh McCoy enjoys a good laugh with his teammates w hile
walking the green.
8. David Driver finds humor in the wonderful ame of golf.

_______L___,ft t · e Bodies Hit the Floor
Varsity Wrestling

In incredible year. It starte d

Th e e ntire te am faired well
at th e dis trict n1 eet and quali-

,vith a bang with the tea1n

fi e d for th e


did tling team is losing many

ed by Jonathan Counts and

r e gional


well goodseniorsbuttheyhavea

onathan Katz. Jonathan
\atz overpowered his
:ompetition in the first
1tee*ts of the season. The
:earn has come far in the

in ee t.
senior s had
incredibl e

with a first great group of underclass-

se asons

the Nor th Coleman who placed 1st in

::>ast few years from losing

thi s y e ar including Chris


: i y more than 100 points to
~ranklinCounty, to coming
1vithin one match this year.

Cotton, who placed second

Woodson placed first place 2nd in the North West Rein the Western Valley Dis- gion and 3rd in the AAA
trict, 3rd place in the North state meet.

The wrestling team had

state meet. Jonathan Katz for the State meet. Thewres-

place dis- menreadytotaketheirplace
trict medal next year. Including the
and 6th in team's top wrestler Cecil

in th e Western Valley District, 4th in the Northwest

1. Senior Tony
2. Josh Mitchem has the
Woodson breaks down competition all locked
a fra nklin County
up .
Wrestler at the Big
OrangeTourn a ment.

Region, and 8th in the AAA West Region, and qual ed

3. Cecil Cole man chops
down hls opponent at
the s tart of his match,
w h ieh h e la ter wins by a


Tony the Western Valley District,

4. OU'i Cotton overpow rs his oppon ent
and thrnws him onto
h is back for a pin.

- Photo_ by f. Katz.


5.Another 5al 01
Spartan i Jyin~ on ht,
back whil getting
pinned by Jo111th n
atz at a hom m et.

Under The Sea
1. The senior girls of the
Patriot swim team
celebrate a very successful final season.

2. Freshman Al Fry
relaxes while contemplating his performance
at a swim meet.

3. Ready, set, swim!
This Patriot swimmer
waits for the starting
whistle to be blown.


4. Teddy Polfelt and
Carter Mundy watch
other swimmers and
cheer their teammates

• ...-<




5. Junior swimmer
Meredith Bradshaw
flashes a smile while
sporting her fashionable
swim cap .

6. Swim, Patriot, swim!
With perfect form, Peter
Volosin performs a
beautiful backstroke.
7. Emily Althouse has
every reason to be
smiling. She is both a
talented swimmer and a

8. We're number one! A
winning season proves
that the Patriot swim
team is the best.

9. This Patriot swimmer
gets the job done.
10. Susan Althouse and
Carter Varner perform
their pre-swimming
stretches. Flexibility

11. Emily Peters is
happy to have been part
of a successful team.

This year's swim team was filled with excitement and many Patriot victories. Through hard work at practice, the girl's
swim team once again dominated the district, completing an undefeated season for the fourth year in a row. Though it is
always difficult to live up to the girl's amazing accomplishments, the boys put forth another great effort, placing third in the
Captain Laura Graninger reflects on her last
season as a lady Patriot swimmer, "It was really
awesome to end my senior year with another
undefeated season!" Regional participants who also
qualified for the State meet on the girl's side
included Lindsay Hock,
Bernetta McGuire, Claire Woodall-Gainey,
Claire Dickey, Lauren Woody , Nancy Woody and
with a third place at the regional competition. They
Emily Althouse. The girls combined to finish
then traveled to Manasass, where the 200 M

relay team of Dickey , Hock, McGuire and Woodall ;
southwest Virginia. Those four girls also made finals
Gainey won the state title, a first for a team from
in all of their individual events while putting up another third place finish for the team .
After losing a big senior class , the boys proved that they were just as capabl~ , finishing the season with a six-and-three
record. As with the girls, the boys had many regional and state qualifiers , including Lee Kreger , Peter Volosin , Carter
Mundy and Nick Uzelac. Peter Volosin made finals in both of his events at the state meet. The boys will only be losing two
seniors, so they will definitely be just as strong with a new crop of freshmen next year .
The dynasty that has been created by the swimming teams at PH will continue for many years because of team spi rit,
pride and old-fashioned hard work .


1. The Varsity team huddl

before the game as they put
the finishirig touches on their
game plan.
2. The freshmen excited]
look on as they cheer for th
Varsity team.
3. The JV team huddles with
Coach Garst in a timeout a
they prepare to alter their
4. Coach Garst calls a time-ou
so the JV team can have a
quick breather.
- Photos by J. Hyatt

On the court or in the stands, when you take
it to the hoop ... everyone's a fan.
Purple and gold soared this season as the boys
junior varsity and v arsity basketball teams pounded
the boards in Patriot style.

The Lady Patriots (above) take the tip off.


_.,____,W1h_oop There
PH Sports

from left to right, top to bottom

2. They can't keep
Cross CoUJ.11.try a good Patriot
tea m plans to blast
past the competition. Pho'to by K. Herbert

1. The

Photo by M.J. Barrett

3. Jeanie Hartman
glides through
the water
Photo by A . Ferring

5. Courtney
6. Iesha plays
fouls on off. for the form rly
Photo by]. Jonas all-mal la ·n · ·e
PlzPto V!I · . H(·rb ·rt

The indoor track team had a successful season. The team starte d th e ir
meets at Heritage High School, where they placed well in all th e e v e nts .
The team had many meets at Heritage and at VMI. Districts w e re h e ld at
Heritage. Most of the indoor track team made it to Regionals. In th e Regional meet, Nathan Ferrance and Clair Willis, both did well and advance d

to the state meet.
The indoor track team was coached by Chadwick Cox, James Earl Jon es,
Tommy Jones and Coach Johnson. The team had a good coachin g s taff that
was full of experience and coaching talent. The senior le aders of the te am
were Claire Willis, Nathan Ferrance and Kevin Green. The te am was full
of fresh, young new talent. All of the young athletes looked to th e ir se nior
leaders, as well as the coaches, for guidance. The team looks like it could
develop into a successful program. This was a good ye ar for track, and
everyone is excited and looking forward to n ex t year's team!

Both Nathan Ferrance (top, left) and Clai
Willis (above) advanced to the state meet.

"Tracks were meant to be

- chris "The Animal" creed

Claire Willis (above), Nathan
~ Ferrance , Caitlin Aukward,
Lizzie Pack and Lance Houk
relax between events.

The Outdoor Track Tea m
soars above the competition.

"Coach ]antes Earl
}ones is my father'
- Gray Buffman
Photos by j. f<atz


1. Jonathan Katz sprints
hard as the anchor of the
2. Up, up and away!

3. Jarell Muse flexes his
muscles and strides over the
4. Adam Peters does the


'Where IS the fried chicken?"
Runners take your mark, get set and go! Then the

starting gun sounds off, and the cornpetition begins.
That's what you'll hear at the start of a Patrick Henry
outdoor track meet. The tea m has had a s trong season
with many new tearn m e n-1bers . The tean-1 placed well in

all the events, and they did gree1 t in th e Cosmopolitan
race at Salem High School. Congratulation s to the
Cornelius Penn hurls himself to a winning jump.

Outdoor Track Team .


W1ho let the dogs out?


The baseball team runs off the 1iield afte
Swing, batta, batta, batta, swing.
A player hits the dugout.
The team gets ready for a big win.
Todd Burrow runs to first base.
- Photos by L. Graninger

Even though th e reco rd was n ot as good as the Patriot
baseball tea m wante d, many s trides w e re made to en, u '
that the baseball tea m will b e in th e ri g ht spot to m ak,
the run for th e dis tri c t titl e in the n ea r futur e. Under tlw
lead e rship of re turnin g Pa triots, Todd Burrow, Ada111
Pete rs, C hri s Wadd e ll a nd Brent Sowe rs, the Patriot
w ere in th e hunt for th e d istrict b efo re th e season ev n
started . Coming into th e play was th e n ew western
Valley District, whic h m a n y con s id e r e d to b e the tou o-hes t dis tri ct in s ta te hi s tory . T h e n ew additions to the
varsity tea m a lso m ade th e Pa trio ts a force to b e reckoned witb. Fres hma n C hri s Leftwitch , Juni o r Jarh ett
Altize r and Senior Drew De n smo re brou g ht to the Patriots many n e w weapons th e Patriots a rsen a l.

Hit Em' Up Style,


1. Becca Karnes throws
from third to first.
2. Jessica Wilhelms fights
off a high pitch at the
Fleming game.
3. Laura Damico shows
her game face.
4. Krystle Smith goes
to bat for the JV team.
5. Lisa Damico catches
a line drive as Chelsea
Settler covers second
6. The team congratulates
Cindy Bethel after a
homerun against Fleming.
7. Hey, hey, we're winning




all eryoyed becomirf5 a better team tihs year
and ilnyrovirfg from !Ast year." -- Laura Damico

"Strike one." And then "Barn!"-

it's a home

run. The Patrick Henry softball team had a great
season this year. The girls played hard on the new
softball field. Under a new coaching staff the team
has improved tremendously . Thei r top seniors,
Lisa Damico and Jessica Wilhelms helped lead
the team into a successful season.
- Photos by D. Damico. A Ferring and courtesy of Jennife r Jonas

'all Ready For This?




" .. . we turned it around with a btg win
over cave syrinLJ in OT at their ylace."
-- Brice Cole
This year the varsi ty soccer tea m wa s led by co-captains Ian McMichael
and Matt Wallace. The tea m had a slow start, but turn ed it around with a
big win over Cave Spring in overtim e at their p lace . Th ey fini shed s tron g
and tied for second in the d istrict. Th e Patrick Hen ry socce r tea m m oved on
to the Dist ri ct C hampionship w here they sh attered E.C G lass . Thi s is th e
first tim e in e ig ht yea rs that the boys soccer h as wo n the di s tri ct Con gra tu Jations on w innin g Ca thy, th e be loved troph y .


1. Sarah Jordan tools her
d efender and is off to rip one
upper 90s!
2. Margaret Jordan, Katie
McCown, Fran Dickenson,

Danielle Moore, Allison Phelps
and Whib1ey Wright look on in
hopes of the Pab·iots clearing the
ball from the goa l.
3. Kris ten McCoy shows her
speed and the leaves Glass in the

4. Kelsey Whi tern1ack plays the
ball down the Line creatin g a
scoring opporhmity for the Lady '.:I


''Ag~inst all odds,,, we vulled

against cave synJYJ f'

cf a btg win

- cariie Smith

The PH Girls Vars ity Socce r te an1 s urprised th e ir fans with an
rverall record of 13 wins and 4 losses. Two lossL'S ca m e fn)rn PH
·ivaJ Cave Spring, but th e Pa triots wnn th e first ,11H.i las t m e eting
Jf theseason against th e Lady Knights. After a hMd fought-1- -3 luss
:o the Knights to d e te rmin e th e reg u l,u s L' c1son distri c t titl e, th e L1d y
atriots claimed th e W es te rn V a ll ey Uistri c t Tn urn ci nwnt C h ,1 rnpi )nship. They fell to Brooke Point in th l' quMtcrfin,1ls nf tlw
ecgionals 3-2 to end th e ir s u ccess ful se.1st m . l'H vvcis hurt b v th e loss
fSenior Kati e McCow n , Junior CcirliL' S mith ,111d lunior Eli z,1 bet h
Ha le to injuries. Seni o r M aya C h c1 pm a n ,1nd fr e shmen K ri sk n
VkCoy ended th e seaso n with mun:' th c1n 2() gL),1ls ci p e ice
'Vfa1ya, Kri sten and Becca Swee n ey ecH11t'd first team a 11 d ist rid
lionors. The Lady Patriots a re loo k in g fur w,ud hl ,~ stn in g up a nd
:oming year.

Th e Patriots clear the ball
from their goal.

We Will Rock You!

1. Sometimes the Lacros e
team likes to goof off.
2. The goalie saves the day.
3. Wes Hubbard lobs a pa
4. Mosh pit! These fierce
boys battle to be the first
player to the ball.
5. Price Gutshall makes a

nice catch.
6. Yeah, Patriots! The
Patriots celebrate after a
pounding of the other team.

"Faster than the Gingerbread man"
- David Durham
Lacrosse. Wow, what a year. Nestled in the quiet hills of
Virginia lurked a monster. This monster went by the name
of PH Lacrosse. David Durham was the h ead of the beast.

His speed y strikes an d venomou s sh ots kept oppon ents on
their toes . They had a successful season and w e love them.

The beast is tamed fo r now ...

Hit Me With Your Be t Shot
Regional Champs
The Patriots boy 's te nni s tea m hit th e co urts loo kin g for a fourth
straight district title . The tea m s tarted off s tron g, w inning five
straight before losing a to u g h mcitch to s tcite se n1ifincilis t E.C. G lei ss
5-4. The Patriots b ea t rival Cave Spring 8 -1 cind 7-2 for e ig ht s trni g ht
wins over the Knig hts . The teci m, le d b y se ni o rs Rya n Schleuter and
Matt McDowell, the Tim es land pl aye r o f th e yea r, a lso swept
Franklin County, Hcilifax County, GW-Dcinville ci nd Blcicksburg.
Juniors Brian Wolthius cind Chcirles T ciy lo r provid e d leci d ers hip,
and a strong sophom*ore clci ss, le d b y s tcite d o ubl es quarter fincili s ts
Brock Newton and T y ler Early, cilso included G il es Ro b e rts and Tom
Raney. The two fre s hm e n , Blair Wilne r and Alex Hincke r,
contributed immediate ly . All o f its to u g h h o urs on th e courts, m a kes
the Patriot team one of th e to p contenders for th e state titl e .
Photos courtesy of P. W olthi11 s









1. Matt McDowell
and Ryan SchlueteI
give each other a pat
on the back.

2. Coaches Higham
and Albed relax while
the players win match
after match.

3. Giles Roberts 4. Sandy eats cake.
follows through
after a nice shot.

5. Tedd Ta_ lor
and Tom Rane

smile for th camera.

Eternal Victim
------Eternal Victor?

The African American Culture Class evolved from a gospe l c h o ir, w hi ch
was organized b y Fletcher Nichols an_d Robin Parker ~ o ce lebrate Black
History Month in 1986. Parker and Nichols take a holistic approac h to
teaching the class and incorporate academics, cultural and fine arts into the
"The class enriches you on your heritage and makes you a pprec1a te
where your roots really come from, and all the injustice yo ur ances tors
suffered so that you could have a better life," Carrie Cardwell said. " !t's
more than just a black experience, it's a life lesson th at a n yone - white ,
black or mixed can learn."
Each class begins with a life lesson, based on readings from black Ar~1eri­
can writers. Students are encouraged to analyze themse lves when makmE?
their life choices. The unique performing art component to th e class c u lm1nates into the third nine weeks performance for the entire student body as
well as one during the evening for the community. This year's them e wa~
"Eternal Victim or Eternal Victor?" The program included the gospe l cho ir,
a drama and the popular Step Team coached by "Bi g Brothe r" Jerel RJ1odes,
counselor in Parsons.

Tony Moyer (above) and Carlos
Bingham , step masters , and the ste
team (below) perform at PH . The Psi
Phi Social Organization , developed
from the African American Studies
Class , has been together for three
years based on the principles of
manhood, scholarship, perserverac
and uplift. Photo by A. Ferring

- - -i



Photos by K. Herbert

Pride Youth Programs
(PYP) asks students
to pledge to be drug-free ,
because students don 't
have to take drugs and
alcohol to have a good
time . In the fall Elvah
Taylor's PH Pride Team
members visit local
elementary schools and
begin performances with
energizers" to the song ,
"Singing in the Rain ." The
2001-02 Pride team
leaders are Secretary
Amber Via, Vice President Charley Nottingham
and President Antony
Wallington .
Photo courtesy
of Elva h Taylo r











Time of

Your Life

everybody dance llow
1. Karen Snyder and
her date take a break
from dancing to cool

Winter Dance

2. Roteshia Stevens
and Tony "Bug" Moyer
of the Winter Court.
3. He looks just like
Tom Cruise; Rob
Barrett is just a cutie.
He should be on TV
with date Mary Roberts.








4. Christopher Stump
and Elizabeth
wetherington pose
for a quick picture
before dancing the
night away.
5. Jason Acre and
Christopher Stump
d~nce the night away
with their dates.
6 · Ashley Jones and
Alex Kuilan of the
Winter Court.
7 · Mary Roberts and
Rob Barrett.
8 · The Winter Dance
King Tony Moyer and
Queen Sylvisia Hardy
are crowned.


It may have been cold outside, but :inside
the party was just gett:ing started.









On February 16, Tony Moyer and
Sylvisia Hardy were crowned Snowball
King and Queen under a lighted
archway su rrounded by balloons. The
snowball was held on campus this year
in the gym because of a inajority vote
by the student b ody. The new location
for the dance allowed for a more
spacious dance floor, larger and ni.ore
elaborate decorations and a greater
sense of school spirit. Junior Elizabeth
Wetherington agreed that the i1nprovecil decorations were a positive
change to the Winter Dance. She said,
"I loved the castle and the decorations,
it gave the dance a very nice atmosphere."

-_ _.. Wb.ere


1. George Dickens
spends his summer
stuck in a sousaphone after a mish
iii!i•iiifiii:;l~:::s:i~F~=:=9 at band practice.

wanna :Be

; ~ What did you do over break?

~ "I went to Hazard City, Kentuck y, and built

houses for a charity progra m. "
-Tanner Hall
"I went to Atlanta, Georgia, and s h o ppe d."
-Jocey Read
"I spent the summer ge tting a tan in Myrtle ."
-Heather Harrison
"Nothin', I went to Busch Gardens a nd la zed
around with friends ."
-Kiana Hannes
"I went to Australia to pla y tenni s, chill e d in
Sydney and hugged a koala."
-Ashley Clay

3 . Nicole Lemon
shows off her
basketball skills at
4. Justin Lucas an
Jarhett Altizer plan
where they will pla
flags at the Evergreen Cemetery
for the Veterans.

Fredy Wright spend
his Spring Break in
Disney World with t
one-and-only Minni
Mouse, showing his
love for ladies and
large mice.

Beth Blankenship
spends her break in
the jail for being bad .
Just kidding, she isn't
in jail, it's just the
terrible world of
summer school.

Brian Palmer spends
his summer at the
pool. He doesn't get
much time relaxing
over his break though.
His time is spent
coaching and teaching
kids to swim.

2. Nathan Ferrance
practices tricks on
the half pipe at the
skate park.

Senior Josh Barto
takes a break from
skating to relax in the
sunny weather at
Wasena Park.

1. Courtney Hatch of North
Carolina, Denetia Lyons of
Detroit, and Heather Ketcham
of Patrick Herny pose as the
winners of the National High
School Recipe Contest for Baking
and Pastry Arts.
2. Josh Gallagher tours Notre
Dame on his trip to France.
3. Josh Gallagher poses at the
of Jorice in Ustin.
4. Claire Willis climbs the boulders during a hike at McAfee's
Knob .
5. Fredy Wright and Kayla Stump •
chill with Daisy Duck over
Spring Break.
6. Natasha Casey spends her
vacation checking out the new
clothes at the mall .



' .





. h me
ell a lot o f freedom.
Aman d a
k. o- lot
t he par
"I hate 1't when
It makes
n1e nervous.
is er? Culley

drive aro tu1.d an
"I like
i· ves stress.
t D MB . It re iek

d listen












I. Heather Mundy spends her weekends as an
EMT on the Cave Spring Rescue Squad.
2. Josh Gallagher sports the sombrero during
Fiesta Day at JC Penny.
3. Jacob Moen expects to get customers at The
Orange Dog by throwing himself on the
4. It's only I I o'clock in the morning and Sarah
Jordan and Courtney Minton have been up
for hours baking bread at Heartland.
5. Margaret Jordan shows that the only way to
pass time working at Heartland is to have fun!
6. John Ellmore and co-worker enthusiastically
prepare and sell sandwiches at Subway.
7. Natalie Deck shows how happy she really is
to be closing up at Wildflour after a long day's
8 . Brianna Christenbury, Corinne Shamy and Sam
Cargill are three of the many PH students that
work at The Daily Grind .
9. With an outgoing personality,Kim Salyers
meets and greets as a hostess at Macado's.


week en

What gets Patriots through five days of classes?
Weekends get most students
at PH through five days a week
of classes! Some students spend
their weekends working while
others hang out with their friends.
The weekend activities include
going to movies, going out to
dinner and attending parties. Some

students use their time wisely and
catch up on classwork for the
upcoming week. Even though
students spend their time on
weekends differently, they still
manage to have plenty of fun!

Lee Kreger (left) and
Emily Althouse hang
out on w eekends,
while show ing their
American pride the
weekend after 9-11.
Lindsay Hock (right)
and Ryan Schlueter
hang out at Claire
Haynie's house on
New Year's Eve.

Julie Brooks,
Sarah Kirk,
Lauren Stockburger,
Ju lie Kate Hamilton
Mary Dodson,
Meredith Bradshaw
and Lee Pembroke
celebrate Julie
Brooks' 16th
birth d ay in
Septe mbe r.

Meredith Bradshaw and Mary Rob e rts
spend a weekend at UVA fi g urin g o ut
what college life is like.

Jena Shaver,
and Carlie
Smith have
a birthday

Hanging Out
1. Fredy Wright tries on

his purple and gold outfit
before school spirit week

2. Emily Peter and
Maygon Sowder play a
game of foosball
to entertain themselves
on the weekend.






3. Meghan Chudina,
Meg Lemon and Will
Moore get themselves in
a tangle this weekend
with a competitive game
of Twister.
-Photo by ] . Katz

4. Nathan Ferrance enjoys
the weekend weather
during his McAfee's
Knob hike.
-Photo by C. Willis





5. Jimmy Lindsey shows
off his monkey side while
swinging at the festival in

6. Senior guys, Bryan
Moore, Jonathan Katz,
Will Morrissett, Sean
Floyd, Matt Wallace and
Ian McMichael grill
burgers and dogs at the
annual "E's late night"
held on one Sunday night
every ) ear.
-Photo by]. Kat;:



------ Road
1. The whole Florida
crew gets together for
a shot before dinner.

2. Caroline Smith,
Martha Clay Martin,
Jessica Sweeney and
Whitney Wright gaze
into the sunlight while
chilling on their boat

3. The beautiful
tropical fish of the
Florida Keys surround
the snorkelers.

4. Theresa Nolin, Liz






Hodges, Caitlin
Aukward, Meghan
Chudina, Brittany
Maxey, Kate Herbert
and Will Morrissett
enjoy clinner at "Eat it

5. Melinda Kong and
John Allison have a
"heart to heart" by the
6. Liz Hodges and
Brittany Maxey tread
water to pose for the
cam era.
7 . Liz Hodges and
Ro bert Barrett o bserve
the aquatic environment of Key West.

8. Andrew Fintel,
Jacob Thomas and
their boat crew blaze
in the sun.


Key West

On January 29 at 4:30 a.m., 36 College Biology students met Ed
1-tcMichael and the eager chaperones at the Roanoke Regional
\irport. When they left the temperature was in the 30s and a few
iours later, they arrived in the SO-degree-sunshine. When the group
urived at Big Pine Key, they began the night with the ritual nightly
) iology lab observing aquatic environments and what lives in the
~eys. Every morning, bright and early, they began with a boat trip
:tnd snorkeling. Some days included visiting the coral reef, which
was filled with reef sharks, bull sharks and nurse sharks.
VJcMichael's class also visited the mangroves, the floating island
11ade of roots, filled with deadly caterpillars. Everywhere they went,
:he students saw barracudas, exotic fish, sponges, crabs and lob; ters. On the campround was a pond filled with sharl'.s that the .
: lass snorkeled in . Big Pine Key was the hon1e of 36 seniors for six
:ld venture-filled days. Although there was a lot of strenuous exer:.ise involved in putting th e equipment on and off, the two hour
-elaxing period was spent sun bathing or playing vo ll eyball in the
blazing sun. Imagine that in January!

"Our instructor Mark was one of
the most interesting people I've
met. You learned things spending time with him that you
didn't realize."
-Lauren Woody
"My snorkeling buddy handed
me a fire sponge - wow, that
wasn't cool."
-Brittany Maxey
"Being bumped by a bull shark
is a true adrenaline rush!"
-Adam Wal drop
"The most exciting part of the
trip was snorkeling with Adam
and Laura, searching for sharks
and barracudas. "
-Theresa Nolin

Celebrate Good Time
All of the seniors are ready to end "senioritis" by taking those precious
steps across the Roanoke Civ ic Center Auditorium stage in June. Tradition, however, requires that mock graduation take place during Senior
Week, May 20-23. Seniors begin the week with a pizza luncheon in the
Auxiliary Gym. On Tuesday they fill out their Senior Surveys and
collect their caps and gowns for the big event. Wednesday is designated
"Senior Day." Students and teachers alike take pleasure in the various
decorative caps the seniors display during line-up .
During the assembly, SGA officers introduce next year's leaders. Also, this yearbook was dedicated to all of
the PH secretaries. They reside in every hall and work hard to keep the school ruru1ing. And as all of the
seniors know, the secretaries are the only ones that can write a pass to leave campus. Thanks, again, ladies.
On Thursday, the seniors gathered at the PH track for their annual senior picnic. Good luck, class of 2002.

Gray Huffman
and a few
of his buddies

Laura Hiles
Mary Roberts

Kate Herbert,
Meghan Chudina
and Melinda Kong

Melinda Kong (VT)
and John Allison (USC)

Photos by
Pam Feldman,
Sandy Johnston and
Brenda Wright

Th e future of A m erica?

Patrick Henry High School
Commencement Service
Roanoke Civic Center Auditorium
Thursday, June 6, 2002

Photos by
Pam Feldman,
Sandy Johnston and
Brenda Wright

Hugs and smiles: Nikki Tarragano and Carlos Bingham


-Danielle Garcia and Sarah Malpass (Merit Scholar)


_ _ _ .,,.....J

. Once Upon A Time•••
Elizabeth Wetherington ,
date Miles and Anne
McNally chat at After
Prom and tell how great
their night was.

Adam Peters is a high
roller at After Prom , a
whopping 40 ,000
dollars! Go Adam!

Laura Ferguson
goes down the
super slide in a
burst of laughter.

Stephane King
shows off her
prize from playing

Justin Milum
heads sideways
down the super
slide to begin his
After Prom fun!

Matt Coulter gambles his night away
at the Roulette table. Black 13 -... - Yes!
- -

Nicole Lemon starts her -night off with
a fun round of winning at Plinko.

Doug Scott and Tanner Hall do
Karaoke, one of the many activities.






Pomp and Circ*mstance
Unable to control his
excitement, John Allison
holds a permanent smile
and thinks about his aftergraduation celebrations.

Vaneesha Moon
knows the only
thing to do after
receiving her
diploma is smile.

Stuart Brown graces the
crowd with his beautiful
voice as he sings the
National Anthem and PH
song .

Knowing that his life is about
to change , Adam Waldrop waits
in anticipation of the graduation
ceremony .

McKinsey Bamber and
Megan White join
together for one last hug
before their big moment.

Photos by
Pam Feldman ,
Sandy Johnston and
Brenda Wright

Carol yn Wynne (choir) and Roy Martin chat
before he retires from teaching English and
advising the staff of the award-winning school
newspaper, The Statesman.


On the stage: The distin.guished scholars silen.tly await to hear
their Rames ca.lied.

·1 j

Oh, Happy Day
Class of 2002
Photos by P a m Feldm a n , S a ndy Johnston and Brenda Wright

Life is good: Will Rutheriord, Corim1.e Shamy and
Adam Markwood join together i:n excitement after graduation
from CITY School.

Friends forever: F1:edy Wright, Carrie Jeffers.on, ]Uchard ~aPrad~
and Freana Burks share the happiness of aver , big d<l) \o\'lth theu
friends and prepare to take over the world.



Time of Your Life
.. ____


__ - - · - - --

_ _ __ __ P_
ot:_o_s_b~~ · Willis

Patrick Henry

High School

Come and take a Ride Wit' Me as we take a look at a year in the life
of Patrick Henry High School. As you walk onto the Patrick Henry
campus, you might say to yourself, It Smells Like Teen Spirit." And
it's true. This campus is full of many spirited students who are just
trying to make it through the year. There Ain't No
Mountain High Enough
for these students as they
Hit 'Em Up Style in the
classroom. They may only
be there for six hours
of the day but for many it's
like Workin' 9 to 5 and
Working Day and Night.
This year, the students
had a reality check as they
learned what it's like to be
Proud to Be an American.
Later, the students could
be seen Dancing the Night
Away at the PH Homecoming. Viva Las Vegas!!
When the w eekends
came around, the
students of Patrick
Henry were Ready to
Run home, Start the
Commotion and ask
themselves "Where the
Party At?" The students of Patrick
Henry have got
a Lotta Livin' To Do. But as the year comes to an end
and they take a moment to reflect back on the past,
th~y decide that they need to Celebrate Good Times.
With four years of high school in the making,
I Hope You Had the Time of Your Life.

Congratulations Patrick Henry Class of 2002
Good Luck in the Future!!
Kate Herbert

L isten to the
Music ...

W e're the Best of
W hat 's Around!

Best wishes to all of the
Patrick Henry Patriots


Jeff Leach
Sales Consultant
Class Rings and Graduation Products

1308 W. Main Street
P.O.Box 911
Sa lem, VA 24153
387-4 269 FAX 387-4279
jeff. leac h@jostens .com

If you ml s us in school,
go to shopEJ/ostensg}com

Baskin (3/J Robbins
2 I 21 Co lonial Ave., S.W., Roanoke, VA 2401 5
Phone : (540)-343-5853

You brought som_ething special to our lives,
And vve vvill always remember you.

Keep that determination ;
and enthusiasm
as you move to the next
field. R.T.L.


CJ, San1, Aaron , TrevorThanks for all of your hard work.
Y'a ll are a talented . creative group ...
Good lu ck.
Lauren and M ~. Dciv

Mo1n and Ned

Good luck Patriots & Senior Patriots!





Sen ior System s Con sultan t

3846 Electric Rd.
Roanoke, VA 24018
(540) 989-6000
FAX (540) 989-9798

Title: The Statue of Liberty

Business (Home): Gail's Studio
Artist: Gail Keyser Crickenburger
985-0975 w/ Relocation
Revs. c::\ilb e d

to the
Class of 2002!
,..,Bob & Dori


(540) 345-0998
FA X (540) 345-067
kn eadful thngs@aol.c

& O tAita

·Harpe r salV1tes 0V1 r
b r illi a V\t soV\ . . .

Ales Randolph Harper. V
Resident Poet
Master Musician
Mr. Fit-It
CoV\ g l"a ttAl a ti o V\s,
M om & D ad


1910 Memorial A e.
Roa noke, VA 2401-

Congratulations Meg!
Good luck next year!



Life is like a sandwich ... the more mayonnaise yo
put on it, the better it tastes. Congratulations!
Mom, Dad & Doug

Hot Dogs




3305 Brandon Ave.
3665 Brambleton Ave.
Roanoke VA, 24018

Roanoke, VA 24018


(540) 345-2444

Goodlucl~at W&L.

Mom , Dad & Preston


With thanl~ and love,


We'll miss you
Have fun at Tech!
Go Hokies!
Mom, Dad, Jennifer,
Susan & Ben

Dear Fredy,
You are a very special young
man in my life. I am so very
proud of you and especially
for going to college ... I
know Pawfaw would be
extremely proud too, Baby!
God Bless You and Much
Love Forever,
Nannie Wright


Randy Freeze
Territory Manager


l 807 Murray Road, Unit G
Roanoke, VA 24018
(540) 581-0820 x 204
FAX (540) 581-0823

Congratulations to the Girls Swim Team and your 42-0 record!


Good luck to next years girls . . .you have a tough act to follow!


First day ...


3328 Brambhtton Aw. S. W-v Roanoke,
774 Hours: Mottday - Friday 9-8; Saturct.ys 9- ...

· f rtt Delivery

· Senior CJttzen Discounts · Visa and

· Major Third Party Plans

... to last day.

Good luck to
all 2002


Your Guidance

Mom & Dad

Paul Barrell

• In House Chars• ~.-

A Cleaner Worl
No. 127
Joey Camp
679 Brandon Ave.
Roanoke, VA 24015
(540) 345-2634

Congratulations Kate!

We are so
proud of you!


Mom, Dad &

2001 -2002

Congratu[ations Cfaire,
1(eep tfie :lv1_usic in


We Cove you,
(])ac{, 'Iaytay, anti<Bookie


Ch evrolet/Jeep / Bui •
Scott Clayb rook
Sales & Lensi11 a
Class of '89

Capital Management
Services ...

1824 Williamson Ro
P.O. Box 12608
Roanoke, VA 2402

... Wishes Patrick Henry
Continued Success!

(540) 344-1461
ex t. 4397
(800) 234-1461

Go Patriots!

Your A 1Nl5rc/

Salu'les The __ _

to the
Class of 2002!


Corne on back and enjoy our . . . .

9000 FOOD &


Soccer Stop
-Roanoke's Only Soccer Specialty Store-

~ 2219 Franklin Rd. •
~ (540) 344-9336
Supporting Partiot's 5occerl

To achieve a beautiful. healthy Green lawn
with all the extras like our environmentally friend!)


programs. senior citizens discounts and free call-

Planning, L C.

backs on weed and insect applications,

Andr ew N . H udick

M.S., C.F.P.


( .54.()) .342-7102

355 CampheU Avt> . SW
Roanoke, VA 240 j 6

it takes a little purple...

foR THE 'TEcHNiCAlly"'
0.-SITE ...,lp -MTH

'W'ITH sofrwARI'




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UNdA Rood

ROANOK E. VA 24015


Oil?To F(ll<IS/






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Tinnell's Finer
Food, Inc.

Supply, Inc.

:ii:r vin g th e fin( ~ st gnw(· ri 1-·s. 1111 ·a I_
and produ1·1· s in(·•-· I•) ;~;,.

Steve Clay

2205 Crystal Spring

Ave., SW
(540) 345-7334
Monday - Satunla y
8 a . m. to 6 p.ITL


to the
Class of 20021

Home: 343-5934
2820 Mary Linda Ave.
Roanoke, VA 2401 2
O ffi ce: (540) 342-8000
Mobile : (540) 520-4600
E- mail: VA WW @aol.com




Present Thyme

T el: (540 ) 774-5653
F ax : (540) 774-20 12
www. ga me bit. com



Furniture , clothing
& bedding

2002 Seniors!


Dr. James

Ron Gearheart
4358 Electric Rd.
Roan ok e, VA 24014
e-mail: xt remes@r oava.net


Good Luck

to the
Class of 2002!




Class of






-Tanning Salon. Inc.AT TOWNSIDE
Jeff Parkhill

(540) 985-0684
3751 Franklin Rd. SW
Roanoke. VA 24014



Congratulations and Best Wishes to the
Senior Class of 2002~
especially: Jenny Ammen,
McKinsey Barnbef", Anna Christenbury,
Matt McAuley, Jacob Thomas
and Emily Walker

Michael W. Cross
Pa inting, Inc.

Elaine Stephenson
Interiors, Inc.

1354 Buena Vista Blvd. SE
Roa noke, VA 2401 3
(540) 345-2230

Elaine Steph enson,

4th Generation Painter
Commercial - Residential

Free Estimates
Interior - Exterior

Custom Home



/8J_.{£> I

~ I

P.O. Box 8295
Roano ke, VA 240 I 4
(540 ) 344-94 0 I
Fax : (54 0 ) 344-0 796

David & Jason Bell


Townslde Festival
Shopping Center
Tel : (540)-345-HAMS
Fax: (540)-345-0554
3617 Franklin Rd.
Roanoke , VA 2401 4
CLASS OF 2002 !


Michael N . Cross

Millenium Painter


2711 Laburnum Ave_, S .W.
Roanoke.VA 24015 - 3305

Practice Limited to Orthodontics
2 11 4 Colonial Avenue Roanoke, VA 24015
540-344-2 758

Wishing "The PATRIOTS" continued success
© Bright Smiles for Bright Students©

Rood &Co· HAiR DEsiqN
WHERE HAiRcoloR is AN ART .•.


Hit the Road

C•ll JIM Rood



ColoNIA! AV£., S.W.
ROANOkE, YA. 24015

Head to Logan's!
4740 Valley View Blvd.
Roanoke, VA 24012
Frank Jackson
General Manager
102 Salem Ave. S.E.

Phone: 540 265 7055
Fax: 540 265 7 053

Roanoke, Virginia


uality asphalt

paving since




Food Center

PHONE: (540) 343--0681

Visit Us Online At

at The Forum .


10 Eo Campbell Ave.

0 Roanoke's Historic City Market
Ira Katz 344=3431 Stuart Katz

4 706-B Starkey Rd.
Roanoke, VA 2401 4
540- 774-2230

The Patrick Henry PTSA

The Graduating Class of



Henr)'' PTSA Supports:

1\ fter Pron1 Partv

f{ e tl e ct i o 11 s
D.A. R.E.
("'a1111JLtS Beautificatior1
Sttt(ie11t Scholarships
C'lothes Closet
SJJecial Reqt1ests fron1 Groups





Shop at
Ta. .ge• o ..tiet§
at the beach!

We love you,

Rt. 17 at N.
Myrtle Beach

Mom & Olivia

To Anna and Jen,

Good Luck Stacy!

Thanks for

Only one more year to go!

years of


We love you,

and true

G rammy and Poppy

Love En1 i !Y

Hope Hollingsworth

2211 Crystal Spring Ave ., S.W.
Ro a noke, VA 2 4 014
(540) 344-1308

3215 Brambleton Ave.
Roanoke, VA 240 18
(540) 77 4-817 1

General Contractors & Engineers

(540) 774-2253 Fax

· Faye B. Sensabaugh - Director of Marketing

1223 E. Washington Ave.
Vinton, VA 24 179
(540) 342-6671
(540) 342-6247 Fax

In State WATTS

TEL: (540) 563-0567 - FAX: (540) 563-0577
P.O. Box 13127 - Roanoke, VA 24031-3127
' 3313 Plantation Rd ., NE - Roanoke , VA 24012

www .framenth ings.com
e-mail: leebur@earthlink.net

Virginia Contractor License #2701 7916A







Congr tulations Class of '.?2@@'.22 ~
From Doug & Evie Robison
and the Wildflour Staff


7770 Wi~H amson Rd.

Towers Shopping





12 12 4th Street SW
343- 4543



Th e Fun!


U.S. Army
Sergeant Crystie L. Blue
Crystie. Bl ue @ usarec.army.mil


U.S. Army Recruiting Station
5375 Peters Creek Road
Roanoke, VA 24019
(540) 563-0868



~ocli#afe~uattie! ~Ion





- - -- - - LOCATIONS : - - -Roano ke
(800) 774-1 696
FA X 1540 i 774 -9 114

804 , 93 3-8258
FAX 180 4J 933 8976


(540 886 -2111
FAX (540 ) 886 -21 55

Jack'i Mountain Quany
G•acle H• h g1 •a F· a .kl1 I"' Cou rr1
(5 40) 576 -2544
FAX · i 540) 57 6 -277 8

Congratulations babyl
We are so proud of you!
Love y o u,
Daddy, M o mmy,
Savannah and Cry stal



To: Justin Milum

You are a blessing sent to
us from God. We are so
proud of you. We hope all
your dreams for the
future come true.

Life is not a rehersal.
Live your best everyday.
Good luck in the future.
We are proud ofy ou!

Live, Love & L rn g h!
Mo m

Mom & Dad

"God. help me be half the person my dog thinks 1am ."

Congratulations Derek!



We Love You,

Mark R. Finkler. D.V .M.
David J. Rolfe . D.V.M.
Bridger M. Quatmann . D.V.M.
Laura P. Nelson. D.V. M.

~ r-~~~~~~+~~~~~~__J

: Visit your Patrick Henry
~ High School Library for

great books and excellent

lfqe Rigqt f lace Salc:q
Lh1da Kreider
Ow17er/Opera tor
1820 lVfomcrial 'Ave., SW
Rca17cke, V'.A 24015

5335 Peters Creek Road
Roanoke, VA 24019
(540) 362-1858

Toadly Kids
located in The Forum

Congratulations Lauren!
We are so proud of you. We wish
you much success and happiness
at Mary Washington ...

. . . and don't ever stop
chasing those bubbles!
Mom, Dad, Nancy & Michelle


Congratulations ·
Will & Matt!


We are so
proud of you!



l' hiUip J. Mollic a II , D. C .
Rine Ridge Chiropractic

The Tax Depot
TTR, Inc.
Mary A . Russo, E.A.
Enro lle d A gent, 40983

2502 l>roa d wa y , SW
Roanoke, VA 240 I !J
(540) :344-2000

O r a n ge Pl aza.
2128 O r a n ge Ave .
Roa nuke VA 24012

(54()) 342- 1 ·120
FAX ( 54()) J4 2-0972

P. S. NO l I MR 1c K

Job well done!

Supporting the Patriots
for 2 Generations

of Newtons!
Mr. Toney

Dr. and Mrs. Rochard M.

Best wishes Will.

Newton, Sr., MD

Keep your smile
and your sense of

Go Patriots!

Mom, Dad &





Maiorie Cundiff
Human Resources/
Information Systems

P.O. Box 7330
Roanoke, YA 24019
(540) 992-2140

"These are the
good 'ol days. Live

One more year to go!

then1 well, you're

Thanks for
I love you guys!

Love The Smiths

I love us! Us is great!

going to miss th en1
in the years ahead!"



7 ae4

wit~ ~ efft~eJt ~ "tet)UtetiW-Cj




a& L~


















Virginia Building Services

of Roanoke, Inc.
Complete Restoration/Remodeling
from the ground up:


Mom, Dad &Whitney
Congratulations Gray!
We will miss your smiling face.

int e ri o r and exterior
painting, s ta inin g. wa llp apering
plas terin g, drywall , paneling
carpe t. ce rami c til e. hardwoods, viny l
conventional shin g k s. s lat e, wood s hak e, com m e rcia l roofing

C la ss A V ir g inia Sta te Co ntra c to r
\ 'i q.:i 11i:1 B11ildi11g Scn·icrs Aflilintion s :
'.':at 10 11al , \ ...,,o i. : 1a t 1u 11 •J f I l0 111 c l3 uildc'rs
!{0:11l<i kc i{ q ; iu nal l lu111c IJuildcrs Assoc iati on
·1li e l<cg 10 11 a l l ' h:u nhc r uf C o mm erce
!letter ll us inc:;s nu rca u

Good luck at U.Va.!
Love, Mom, Dad & Nick

(540) 344-5544
Offices and Showroom
541 Can1pbell Ave., S.W.
Roanoke, VA 24016

Congratulations and all our love from ~our parents, the Kong s, the Lawson s, th e
Sweeney::;, the Rane ~ s. the Martins, the Wrights, the Adkin s. and the D' Souzas

... in honor

of the
Class of 2002

LIp pI




~ Lose Weight Th~ ~mooth Wa1!
-fltay your hands al,uay s /J£• husy,
...fi1uy your feet al\\lays /1 e s\\lift ,
-fltay yo11 liai• e a strong j~)Undatio11 ,
' When tl1 e H1i11d s oj eliangcs sliift .
...fi1ay your liearl af,uc1ys he joyfiil ,



II 9E1111ev1

-fltav vo11r so ng ahuays he s1111g ,

F1tEn1 , • .,., IAeeTHIEI

JVtay you s la!I forever young .

Under 200 Calories!
3 Servings Fruit!
0-1 gramfat!

Jorn•er yo1111g , j;H <"t'Cr young .

Lot•e r·Bol1 , Ji\t1.om ancl ' Dael

"For the new vou in 02"

c ongratulations to
tlle Class of 2002
and CITY School
Good luck in
all your future
jnger Eure Weckstein

Randy J. Norbo
1414 Franklin Rd. S.W.

Roanoke, VA
2401()-'S2l 7

(703) 344-4798



C all in yo ur. luncb·ord
. . ·_,,.,
S I' . .
e':' f or faster,·scrv1ce!.~
'·'>· . .,
a cm. 387-9010 Towers· 345-9010 ·'~ ~

1020 W. M:1in S treet. Sale m


r 7 , _111 __

,, . •

·' 0 o.m.l


lowers !'>fa ll

'-"·· :

(So.m.-9:J0 o.m.l

Congratulations Ian!
When l grow up l want to be just like you!


Vu :-

Rc:put~t1 o r. C-:tl n g ~




Roy L. Webber
Florist, Inc.

Fr.i mt"

; 7 .; -&Jo :;

Mike & Barbara
3226 Brambleton Ave .
Roanoke, VA 240 l 8

400 Williamson Rd.
Roanoke, VA
(540) 366- 7651

Congratulations to I
the Class of 2002!

A Little Bit t-lippy
You always knew how to keep your head above
water! I love you and I'm proud to be in your family.
(of Da Man)

DeMis e S\NeeMey

(540) 343-3700
coMce.,.t shi .,.ts, poste.,.s, tapestl"'ies,
sticke.,.s, iMceMse, etc ...

P.S. Go Vols!
Jacob Thomas

Congratulations to a
Super Kidl We are so
proud of you.

M e htioh tihs c\L~ fol" 10°/o off!

Congratulations Corinne!
We love you!
We are so proud of you!

ames T . McClung, ]r., DDS
Larry R. Meador, DDS
Oral & Maxilfofacial
6027 Peters Creek Rd.
Roanoke. VA 24019
( .)40) 362-5900

...,tarkP y Rd.
Hoan okP . Vi\ 240 I 4
( 340) 77 45900

Naomi Bolling
(540) 989-8777
Bramb leton Plaza
4212 Brambleton Ave .
Roanoke , 24018

Mom, Dad , Lillian & Alex

Congratulations l(atie!


Moin, Dad & Grace

e love you and we
are so very proud of
you! May all your
hopes and dreams
come true!

Mom & Dad

Dr. Charles W. Houghton
Dr. Franklin M . Wheelock
3231 Electric Road
Roanoke . VA 24018

Across From Towers Shopping Center



Keep on exploring!
We all love you,
Mom, Dad, Neeley
Aimee, Jim
and Emma

so proud
of you!
be happy
as you step
from the
past into
the future.
Love 11/-i:unys ,
Mom, Dad Trevor
a nd Maggie









2401 8

Furniture for every I
room in your home, I
plus mattresses and
outdoor furniture.


A.G. Edw a rd s salutes
the class of '02..

30 Day Satisfaction Gnarantcc.

Stocks · Annu1ri e~

Bo nds - l>v\uru a l Funds
P o rtfo li o Re ,· 1cws · Rcr 1rcmcnr :1nJ
F1nanc 1a l P la nnin g

194 5 Valley View Blvd.
Across From Hecht's
(540) 563-2070
Open: Mon.-Fri. 10-9,
Sat. 10-6. Sun. 1-6

r{5/1rmd @ntcnors


Grand Pavilion Mall
Across From Tanglewood
(540) 774-7004
Ope n: Mon.-Fri. 10-9, Sat. 10-6

Off Rt. 460/ Hollins Rd.
122 1 Rhodes Ave.
(540) 777-497 1
Open: Thur. & Fri . 10-6, Sat. 9-6

Congratulations, Jess!
Remember to follow your yellow brick
road. It will lead you to many places,
but it will also lead you home.

Congratulations to
the Class of 2002!

We're proud of youl
Mom & Bruce

Congratulations to the
G irls Varsity Soccer Team!
Keep up the good work!

Richard M. Newton, Jr., D.D.S.
209 Roanoke St. Suite 6
Christiansburg, VA 24073
(540) 382-3291

Go Patriots!

You have been a joy to us for 18
years. We have watched you grow
from an adorable child into a young
man of principles and compassion.
These qualities have brought you
to new places and new friends. The
right decision- a job well done!
Look forward now to your future filled with all the love, happiness and
satisfaction that you so richly deserve.
Way to go, Drew!

Go, PH!
Texas Tavern
114 Church Ave.

Open 24 hours

Class of 2002

Mom, Dad and Brad

ClASS OF 2002

The Graninger Family

"~i~ES? .

PH is a family a ffair
for cousins Carlie Smith,
Christopher and Barry Wirt and

Allison Longworth

Congratulations Class of 2002, especially the SGA seniors
Meghan Chud ina
Kate Herbert
Laura Hiles

Victori<l Hiles
M,Ht•C1re t )t)rdc1n

Jnn~than Katz

Melinda Kong
Brittany Maxey
Courtney Minton

Will Morrissett
Mary Roberts
Jessica Taylor

Searchin' For You
"It) been agreat four years,
but you'Ve gotta kave sometime."
- Ryan Schlueter

A a liya h 9
Ab b ott . Mo ll y 65. 70
Abb o tt. S a m a ra 5 1
Abdul-R a hm a n . Yas ir 65
A c re. J aso n 134
Ad a m s. J ess ica 5 1
Adkin s. H ad ley 99
A gee. R oss 37 , 95
A g h a. S l1 a i 5 1
Ak e rs. H a rl ey 140
Alb e rt . Meagan 51
Albri g ht . Hil ary 65
Albright . J o n a th a n 65
Aldri c h . An d rew 5 1
Al exa nd e r. A nth o n y 5 1
Alkh ad ra . Su sa n 82
All e n . Am be r 37
All e n. Aure li a 65
All e n . C y nthi a 5 1
All e n , Erica 82
All e n. J a m es 37
All e n . Ni co le 65
A ll e n . R o b e rt 82
A lli s on . J o hn
10 . 5 1 . 144
Alli so n . Will 82
Allre d . S tacey 11 2
Alth o u se. Emil y
109. 11 0. 142
Alth o u se. Su sa n 3 7 . 108. 11 0
Alti ze r, J a rh e tt 5 1 . 13 6
Alti ze r. N o rm a n 82
Altm a n . M a rk 5 1
Amm e n . J aso n 65
Amm e n . J en n y 143
A nd e rso n . S te ph a ni e 37
An de rso n . Willi a m
Andree. Emily 99
A ndrews. Bre nt 65
Ann , L e ig h Cro nin 4 2. 56
Apighm e n . J aso n 122
Aquino . J a m es 6 5
Arti st , D e rri c k 92
A s h , Z a nd e r 65
A s h w ell ,
Am a nd a 5 1 . 59. 14 0 ·
Atkin s, John 5 1
Atkin so n , H e le n 82
Atkin so n . P a ri s 6 5
Audi a. Lisa 82
Aukwa rd . Ca itlin 109. 142 ·
Au s tin , C o le 5 1
Ayres , Sa rah 5 1
B aar, Eli za b e th 9. 65
Baa r., Eli zab e th 9
B ag b y. D a vid 65
B ag b y . M a tth ew 37
Ba iley, W e nd y 82
Ba ker, D ea n ge lo 65
B ake r. Te nika 65
B a llin . Adrienne 65
B a llin . Al exa nd e r 37
Ba mbe er. M c K e n z ie
Bamb e r. M cK in se y 101
B a mbe r. M c Kin sey 10 1
Ba n e. A sh ley 65
Ba n ks M a rk ita 5 1
B a nk s: V ic toria 37
Ba nni ste r. M a ri ssa 3 6
Ba rbe r. C hri s top h er 65
Ba rbo ur. A ng e lo 65
Ba rbo ur. B randon 5 1
Barb o ur. Ta nita 65
B a rge r A m y 37
Ba rkh e 1me r B ra n dy 6 5
Ba rl ow . Deiu an 5 1
Barnes Fa ti mah 65
1 1
B arnes . Jess ica 37
Barre tt John 9 4
Barre tt . Robert
Bar rett John
Barrows Ann 65
Bart le tt Marga re t "i 1
Barto .Jos h
12 1 3°

B a rt o n . J a mi e 65
B a rud in . Verity 37
B ash a m , S a nd y 82
B a ug hma n , C ass a ndra 37
B ax ley. Krist e n 82
B ayn e. A m a nd a 82
B aza k . B e n 82
B ea r. Bri a n 5 1 , 95
B ea ub run . Ya n a tacia 37
B ec ke r. La ure n 65
B eck n e r. Willi a m 65
B ecks. La mi e ka 65 , 100
B e ddin g fi e ld , Erin 65
B eg ley. Am y 51
B e lkna p . Ste ven 51
B e ll. Chri s ti a n 51
B e ll e. Ang e l 3 7
B e ll e. A s hl ey 37
B e re n a to. Da v id 65
B e ta n co urt. N a thalie 37
B e th e l, C y nthia 65
Bill . Lind say 51
Billing s ley. Amanda 37
Binnin gs. Julia 6 6
Bittl e. Travis 51
Bl ack. Stacy 37
Bl ac kwe ll. Richard 51
Bl a h a. M ary 51
Bl a h a. To n y 66
Bl a nke n s hip . B e th 66 , 136
Bl a nke n s l1ip , Ka thy 82
Bl a nks. Steve 42
Bl a nks. Steven 37
Bl ev in s. M e lissa 66
B oa rdl e y, B e rkl e y 66
B o da m e r. Britta ny 66
B e h a nna . A shl e y 37
B o h o n . J o hn 66
Bolin . Jhe ryd 66
Bollin g , J essie 51 , 100
Bo nd s. Brod e rick 51
Bonds . Cj a y 66
Bonds. Courtn ey 66
Boo k e r, Vi ctori a 37
B oo th e, William 37
Boo ton , John 37
Borl ing . Ki e rsten 51
Barth e n . Noa h 51
B ow de n . J ayci 36 , 37
Bowles. Aimee 66
B owles. D ustin 66
Bo w m a n . H o n o r 99
Bo wm a n . H o p e 52
B owm a n . Kimberly 66
Brad fo rd . M a rk 52
Bradl e y. Willi a m 66
Bra d s ha w . Ja mes 66
Bradshaw. M e redith 37, 45, 142
Bra mm e r. K.e ll ee 66
B ra n cati . Willi a m 52
Bra ndi . Da na 37
Bras w e ll. Nick i 37
Bree d e n . Am y 66
Bree ding. Mic h ael 52
B rewe r. Andre 37
Bre w ste r. Bill y 66
B ri c kwe dde. M a th ew 52
B ri nk ley. Du stin 66
Broga n . Pey ton. 38 , 42
B rookma n . Ja mie 66
Broo k s. An drew 66
Brooks. Juli a nn e 38
B rooks. Ju lie 135
B rooks. Juli e. 142
B roo k s. La uren 52
Broo k s. M o rg a n 38
Brown . Be th 66
B rown. B ri a n 38
B rown. Eve 66
Bro"'tn G reg 66
Brown Jayme 52
Brown La ti sha 66
Bro wn Le nny 52. 106

Brown, Lindsay 52, 97
Brown, Marcus 52
Brown, Marlon 52
Brown, Michael 66
Brown, Patrice 38
Brown, Sandra 38
Brown, Sheron 66
Brown, Sierra 66
Brown, Stewart 52
Brown, Stuart 9
Brubaker, April 9
Bruce, Natasha 82
Bryan t, Miranda 38
Bryant, Susan 82
Bryant, Travis 53 , 140
Buck, Christopher 38
Bumbry, Corey 53
Bumgarner, Ashley 66
Bumgarner, Robert 38
Bunner, Bradley 66
Burks, Trey 38
Burnett, James 92
Bu rnette , Brandon 38
Burnette, Dante' 67
Burrell, Christopher 67
Burwell , Susan 67
Bush, Danielle 38
Bu tler, Hollis 38
Butler, Marie 67
Bye rs , Joshua 53
Byrd, Pat 82
CaitlinAkward 97
Call , Ira 53
Calloway, Carnis 53
Can non , Thomas 53
Cardwell , Carrie 38, 130
Cardwell, Claire 67
Cargill 141
Carlton , Matthew 53
Carner, Stephanie 67
Carp, Chris 52
Carp , Christopher 53
Carr, Jennifer 67
Carr, Karen ?d
Carrington , C. mille 67
Carroll, Megar, ?3
Carroll , Sarah 38
Carso n, William 67
c arter, Anthony 67
c arter, Austin 67
c arter, Christopher 53
c arter, James 53
Carter, Marcus . 6 7
Ca rtwright , Jessica 6
Casey, Caitlin 6 .
c asey, Lashona 67
Casey, Natasha 137
Casey, Netasha 67
c aulder, Stephanie 67
c ed illo-Niovis , Elizabeth 53
Chamberlain, Catherine 38
Chamberlain, Kendall 38
Chandler, Catherine 82
c handler, Jeremiah 38
Chapman, Seth 67
Chau , Vinh 67
Chavez , Lee 38
Childress , Shemeka 38
Christenbury, Bria nna .
Christian , Emily 67
Christian , Eric 38
c hudina , Kathryn 50 . 53
c hudina , Meghan 1O. 13, 94 , 95.
112 , 113 , 143. 144
Ciaffone, Gerry 82. 90
Clark , Ashley 67
Clark , Brandon 38
Clark , Kathleen 53
Clark . Matt 53
c 1ary, Stephen 53. 59. 103
Clay. Ashley 11 2. 11 3. 38 , 136
Clay. Jaimie 64 . 67 . 94 , 11 2. 113
Clay, Martha Martin 13 . 144
Clements , Larhonda 67
Cle ments . Rhonda 9
Clemmer, Kevin 53
Clemmer. Michelle 67
Cleve land. Lesli e 82
Click. Deana 67

Cline , Ashley 53
Cline, Leslie 38
Cole , Brice 38
Cole , Crystal 67
Coleman , Aaron 82
Coleman , Cecil 38, 117
Coleman , Christy 67
Coleman , Denika 38
Coleman , Joseph 67
Coleman , Kimberlyn 53
Coleman , Stevie 53 , 56
Colgan, Crystal 53
Combs, Kimberly 68
Comer, Bridgett 38, 142
Cook , Jessica 39
Cook , Veronica 53
Cooper, Crystal 68
Cooper, Erica 68
Cooper, Jeevon 53
Cooper, Rich 82
Corcoran, Alexander 68
Coric , Goran 39
Cormany, Kendall 53
Corvin , Andrew 68
Cottman, Jason 53
Cotton.Chris 117
Coulter, Linda 82
Coulter, Matthew 39
Counts , Jonathan 117
Cox, Brad 39
Cox , Chadwick , 122
Cox , Stacy 68
Craft, Melissa 53
Craighead , Summer 68
Crawford, Ashley 39
Crawford , Sarah 68
Crawford, Scott 103
Crawford , Virginia 36, 39
Creed, Chris 36, 39 , 110, 122
Creed , Katie-Marie 68
Crimmins, P.C. 53
Cristianbury, Brianna 101
Cronin , Leigh Ann 53 , 56 , 59
Cross . Joshua 68
Cross , Vicotria 92
Crowder, Nikki 9
Croy, Matthew 53
Cruise, Tom 134
Culley, Emily 53, 143
Culley, Nelson 39
Cummings, Brandon 54
Cummings, Dereck 68
Cundiff, Matt 54
Cunningham, Adam 68
Cunningham, Dav id 39
Currie, Mo 64 , 68, 77, 103
Custer, Mandriell 39
Cutler, Maresha 68
Cyphers. Amanda 39
Dalton , Sara 82
Dalton , Shara 64 , 68, 131
Damico . Laura 54
Danielle Bush 11
Davis, Antwan 68
Davis . Brittany 54
Davis , Kelly 54 , 103
Davis , Latoya 68
Davis , Leanne 68
Day, Andrew 54
Day, Frederick 54
Day. Jason 68
Dayton , Randi 39
Deans, Woody 82
Deck. Natalie 39. 45 , 14 1
Decker, Kelly 68
Demaku , Blerina 68
Densmore , Drew 97 . 106
Dews. Megan 68
Dicken son. Fran 52 . 54 . 110 . 103
Dickenson , George 136
Dickenson , Stephen 54
Dickerson. Amber 39
Dickerson. Joshua 68
Dickerson . Samanth a 68
Dickey. Claire 68
Didonato . Chris 68
Dillard . Amanda 54
Dinh , Jim 68
Di x. Sieara 68



Dixon, Rebecca 82
Dodson , Amanda 39
Donahue, Mark 68
Donald , Richard 68
Donohue, Kathleen 39
Dooley, Courtney 69
Dooley, Cynthia 69
Dooley, Pamela 39
Dooley, Tonya 39
Dorsey, Rachel 54
Douglas, Karla 54
Dowdy, Jessica 54
Downing , James 54
Draper, Alzie 69
Dreyer, Scott 82, 103
Drinkert, Evan 39
Driver, David 39, 116
Driver, William 54
D'Souza , Adrienne 13
Duck, Daisy 137
Dudley, Rodney 39
Duff , Amy 82
Duncan. Kathy 82
Dunker, Jenny 69
Durham , Daniel 54
Durham , Mareese 69
Early, Tyler 54
East , Brenda 82
Edmonds, Candace 54
Edwards , John 54
Eichelberger, Austin 39. 49
Eichelberger, Daniel 69
Elbino , Jozef 39
Elder, David 39
Elliott , Holly 54
Ellis , Ardai 69
Ellis , Jerralynne 54
Ellison, Briana 69
Ellmore , John 54, 141
Embrey, Sallie 69
English-Bey, O 'Quintessa 39
Epperly, Brian 39
Erceg , Ivana 39
Ervin, Niconia 69
Estacio , Grace 69
Esworthy, Brett 54
Esworthy, Jack 69
Etilo , Anthony 39
Evans , Dean 54
Faddis , Lauren 69
Faddis , Nikki 103
fa*gg, Justin 69
Fallen, Jessica 54
Fallon , Andy 54 103
Farber, David 5 r="f
Farrell , Mackenzw- 69, 70
Faw, Gary 54 _A_
Feldberg , Susannah 12 , 64 , 69, 70
Feldman, David 54
Feldman , Pa m 101
Fergurson , Laura 142
Ferguson , India 69
Ferguson , La ura 11, 39, 95
Ferguson , Mary 69
Fernandez , Yurizaday 69
Ferrance , Nathan 143, 136, 122
Ferrell , Alex 69
Ferring , Andrew 39 , 142
Ferris , Kristina 64, 69 , 70
Feuillatre , Michelle 40
Fields , Santana 40
Fifer, David 11 , 40
Finney, Terrail 40
Fintel , Andrew 97 , 144
Fintel , Michael 69
Fintel , Stephen 54
Fisher, Joshua 69
Fitzgerald , Chantel 69
Fitzpatrick , Christopher 69
Fitzpatrick , Matthew 69
Flanagan , David 82 , 103
Fleming , Vanessa 55
Flinchum , Michael 69
Flora , Megan 55 , 103
Flowers , Joshua 55
Floyd . Sean 143
Ford , Alicia 40
Fountaine _Amber 69
Foutz. James 69
Fox. Joshua 69

Fralin, Tiffany 40
Frank , Meredith 55, 143
Frantz , Nathan 55
Fremont , Huguelande 55
Fullen, Jessica 55
Fuller, Bre'Anna 55
Fulton, Allyson 36, 4
Gallagher, Josh 40 0 , 101 , 135, 137
Gallo , Wendy 8
Garcia , Brittany 40, H 4
Garcia, Danielle 9-6
Garden. Ben 55, 103
Garman, Donnie 40
Garner, Arkaile 55
Garrett , Page 40
Garver, Jessica 55
Gearhart , Amanda 40
Gee , Ebony 40
Gibbs , Ryan 55
Gibbs, Ryan and 56
Gibson , Brandi 40
Gilchrist , Kathleen 55
Gillespie , Bobbie 55
Glenn, Brandon 55
Glisson , Lindsay 13
Glover, Daniel 55
Goad , Charles 40
Godsey, Elizabeth 55
Goldshteyn , Jacob 40
Goodlatte, Robert 55
Goodman, Richard 55
Graham, Allie 55
Graninger, Laura 94, 95
Gravely, Yul 55
Gray, Allyson 40
Graybill , Randolph 55
Graybill, Robert 82
Green , Katie 71
Green, Kevin 122
Greene, Ashley 71
Greene, Christina 40
Greene. Jennifer 71
Griffith, John 82
Groen, Ashley 71
Grose, Chase 71
Guerrant, La'Kisha 55
Guerry, Mark 71
Guill, Lauren 40
Guilliams, Scott 40
Gunn , Heather 71
Gunn, Shirley 82
Gusic, Admir 71
Gutshall, Price 55 , 59
Hagee, Jacob 71
Haigood , Sheree 55
Hale , Antwan 55
Hale , Billy 55
Hale , Chanee 71
Hale , Christina 71
Hale , Elizabeth 40, 45
Hale , Joshua 71
Hale , Samuel 40
Hall. Alexander 71
Hall , Audrey 71
Hall, Brandon 71
Hall, David 40
Hall , Jessica 55
Hall , Joshua 55
Hall , Nicholas 55
Hall , Shannon 56
Hall , Tanner 9, 136
Hall. Whitney 71
Hallman. Krystal 56
Hamb ri ck , Katherine 56
Hamm . Dixie 9
H am mer. Daniel 40
Hanco*ck. Amber 56
Hanco*ck . Wanda 82
Haney. Rebecca 50 , 56
Hannan , Janelle 9
Hannes. Kiona 136
Harbert . Guy 71
Hardy. Sylvisia 135
Harkins . Jeffrey 56
Harper. Christopher 40
Harrington . Tyrone 40
Harris . C he lsea 56
Harri s . Dandrea 71
HarMs . Jovaughn 7 1
Harri s . Lakeisha 40

Harrison, Heather 71, 136
Harrison, James 56 , 71
Hartman, Elizabeth 71
Hartman, Jeanie 64
'arvey, Owen 71
Hash, Jeff 45, 56
Hash, Justin 71
Hash, Lamar 40
Hash, Tamara 71
Hassan , Balqiso 56
Hassan, Hassan 56
, 'astings, Noah 56
atcher, Brandon 40
1awkins, John 57
1ayes, Zach 40, 45
iaynes , Kiona 71
aynie, Claire 97
iayth, Terry 71
.,1eid, Kyle 71
i enderson , Joseph 71
enderson , Shaun 41
endricks, Christina 41
iengeli, Michael 71
ensley, Katharine 57
i erbert, Kate 13, 144, 94, 95
i ermann, Matthew 72
i ermann , Michael 72
i ernandez, Ellen 72
i ernandez, Renee 72
iicks. Noah 92
iil l Howard 72
111: Kevin 72
illiard. Anne 72
incker, Alexander 72
iindenlang, Leigh 72
litchins. Christine 99
itchins . David 70, 72
lobar!. Charles 41
iobbie, Francis 72
fobbS. Dorothy 72
ock. Lind.say 142, 94, 95
lodges. Liz 144, 100
fodnett, Tempest! 72
fogan. Matthew 41
lomberg, Cynthia 57
looper. Aileen 57
looper, Alexander 72
er Mane 57
Cheyenne 72
topcro , Mary 57
kins. PriscHla 72
lop . s Virginia 57
op1<1n , William 57
top1<1ns, Danielle 72
i opsonHeidi 41
forn~.I< Rebecca 72
~orn~~r.' Anthony 57
au ard Allen 72
1oW rd' Joshua 72
1owa 'Michael 72
1owe ' John 41
iower~· Billy 64, 72
iuba 11' Adam 57 59
-iubbe '
dleston , Heather 57
-i u~dleston , Stephanie 72
i u samuel 57
~~~~an. Elizabeth 57
ttrnan . Gray 1O, 94, 95 , 99 ,
110. 122, 142
·iuttrnan. N.ick 72, 77
·futtrnan . Timothy 41
·tughes. Anthony 42
'iughes. Daniel 57
·i ughes. Jake 59
tughes. Rena 50 , 57 , 103
·fu hes . Zachary 41
... gt Cierra 72
1un ,
i unt, Shana 72
•i unter. John 11 , 41
·turst , Nikki 135
·furl, Emily 72 , 77 , 103
'turt , James 72
•tutcheson : Tara 100, 115
·tyatt , Jamie. 6'~ 72
rnamovic, Mirza 72
1 gram '. Ashley _ !4 1
"Nin , Nicole 7 , 103
·iom , Amber 73
Jackson , Jamaal 41
Jackson , Shawn 41


James, Clayton 42
James, Jamar 73
Jamieson, Clay 57
Jefferson, Catherine 57
Jefferson, Monique 57
Jelic, Arnold 57
Jenkins, Daniel
Jennings, Coles 42, 116
Jensen , Alex ~
Jensen, Michael 42
Jerkovic, Davor 42
Johnson , Ashley 57, 73
Johnson, Cameron 42
Johnson, Chazity 42
Johnson, Christopher 73
Johnson , Devonte 42
Johnson, Dujuan 42
Johnson, Esther 57
Johnson.Jacquetta 57
Johnson . Jeff 82
Johnson, Marvis 42
Johnson, Matt 92
Johnson, Shantae 42
Johnson, Stacey 57
Johnston, Matt 92
Jonas, Jennifer 57
Jonas, Priscilla 42
Jones, Angelique 57
Jones, Ashley 43, 48
Jones, Bethany 95
Jones, Charlotte 52, 57, 103
Jones, Darek 73
Jones, Deborah 82
Jones, Heather 36, 43
Jones, James 82
Jones, James Earl 122
Jones, Lizzie 50, 57, 142, 103
Jones, Sheleta 73
Jones, Sindi 82
Jones, Tiffany 82
Jones, Tommy 122
Jones, Victoria 43
Jordan 141
Jordan, Desean 57
Jordan, Margaret 141
Jordan, Sarah 50, 57, 114
Joyce, Jeff 73, 103
Justice, Tiffany 73
Kafura, Craig 73
Kanode , Regina 82
Kate, Julie Hamilton 42
Katz, Jonathan 34, 110, 143, 117
Kay, Mary Brown 82
Kaylor, John 43
Kaylor, Shanta 43
Keasler, Carl 73
Keeley, Allison 43
Keeling, Julenn
Keen , Ken 8
Keisler, Matt 49
Kelly, Aaron 58
Kelly, auren 13
Kelly, Ericka 58
Kelly, Lauren 94
Kelly, Michelle 73
Kemp, Marlon 43
Kent, Amber 58
Keoughan,Sean 73
Kephart.Zachery 43
Kerfoot, Brittany 43
Kessler, Daniel 43
Ketchum , Heather 90, 137
Keys , Alicia 9
Kidd , Kevin 11 , 43
Kilson , William 73
King, Lisa 82
King, Matt 4
King , Stephanie 43 , 142
Kirk, James 73
Kirk, Sarah 43 , 142
Klos , Martin 43
Knighton , Jeff 58, 59
Kong , Melinda 144
Koroma, Fatmata 43
Koroma, Mohamed 58
Kotchish , Michael 58
Kovacevic , Indira 73
Krause , Natalie 58
Kreger, Lee 142, 94 , 95
Krohn , Robert 73

Kuilan , Alex 13. 43
Kuilan, Rosa 58
Kurtic , Haris 73
Labrecque , Geneva 58
Laity, Marie 43
Lamb, Robert 73
Lancaster, Barbara 82
Lang. Amber 58
Langhorne . Raheem 73
Langston , Deven 43
Lavender. Dante 43
Lavinder. Alan 43
Lavinder. Joseph 58
Law. Maddie 58, 103
Law. Tiara 58
Lawrence . Dannica 73
Lawrence . Sarah 73
Lawson . Heather 43
Lazenby, Henry 43
Le , Ty 58
Lee , Steven 58
Leffel , Steven 43
Leftwich , Charlotte 140
Leftwich , John 73
Leftwich . Justin 58
Leftwich , Robert 73
Leftwich , Tiffany 73
Lemon, Margaret 112
Lemon, Meg 113 , 143
Lemon, Nicole 94. 136 , 140
Leone , Steven 43
Lessard, Amanda 73
Lewis. James 73
Lewis , Ray 82
Lewis , Sarah 58
Liddle , Patrick 58
Liddle , Steven 73
Lilly, Angela 43
Lindsey, James 58
Lindsey, Jimmy 143 , 103
Lineberry, Dylan 73
Lineberry, Taylor 43
Lingenfelter, Angel 58
Link , Elizabeth 43
Link, Fielding 11
Link, Kostayne 64, 74 , 114
Link, Lindsey 74
Link, Thomas 58
Linkous, Andrew 58
Lipford , Jessica 74
Loiseau, Kervand 43
Loiseau, Kervand, 45
Long, Richard 41 , 43. 116
Longworth , Allison 70, 74
Lorton , Leah 82
Lovegrove , Grace 58, 11 o. 122
Lovern, Anthony 74
Lovern, Matt 41
Lovern , Matthew 43
Lucas , Cam 4 , 36 , 41. 44. 45
Lucas. James 44
Lucas , Justin 136
Lunsford , Sam 44 , 45
Lyle , Adam 74
Lynn , Christopher 58
Lyster, James 44
Macabe , Justin 90
Mack , Calvin 74
Maddox , Tabitha 58
Magerkurth , David 44 . 100
Makeeva. Alexandra 74
Malpass , Laura 74
Mandakis , David 10, 96
Mangan , Jennafer 44
Manley. Courtn e y 7 4
Manning , Christopher 58
Mapson , Sean 74
Marcelo , Myra 74
Marchese . Willie 44
Marsh . Michael 44
Marsh . Steven 74
Martin . April 58
M a rtin . C hri stopher 74
Martin . Patrick 74
Martin . Reginald 58
Martin . Roy 82
Martin . Stephani e 44
Martinez. Anna 74
M asc itelli . Vinni e 50 . 56 . 58
Mason . Geo rg e 74

Mason. Kristi 44
Mason. Nancy 82
Mattox . Marcus 74
Maurice , Guerline 58
Maxey. Brittany 9 , 113, 144, 145
May. Kathy 59
Mayfield . Robert 83
McAbee . Justin 74
McAuley. Matt 4
McClure. Alitia 83 , 103
McClure. Trevor 99
Mccombs , Nikki 59
Mcconchie. Tim 83
Mccorkle. Frances 44, 112
McCoy. Joshua 44
McCoy. Kristen 74 , 126
McDonald . Lynn 74
McDowell. Matt 95
McElvy. Shane 44
McFadyen. Jennifer 74
McGeath. Katherine 59
McGraw. Deanna 44
McGraw. Jennifer 74
McGuire. Bernetta 10, 12
Mciver. Courtney 44
McKnight. Kate 9, 50 , 56, 59
McMichael. Ian 27 . 143
McMillan. Lauren 59
Meador. Joshua 74
Meadows , Laura 59
Meiss . Shannon 59
Melendez. Pablo 59
Mesadieu. John-Oberd 44
Michie. Teonte 59
Milburn , Bert 83
Miller, Alan 44
Miller, Molly 49 , 56 . 59 , 103
Miller. Sierra 59
Millner, Cornell 74
Minter. Tierra 50. 59
Minton . Courtney 13, 112, 113, 14 1
Misztalski. Karolina 74
Mitchell. Robert 50 , 59
Mitchell, Sara 44
Mitchem. Josh 117
Mitchen . Joshua 44
Mobley, John 59
Modica. Joseph 44
Moen . Jacob 10 , 141
Mohammad , Hamasa 59
Molloy, Shea 59
Monroe. Amber 4 , 59
Montgomery, Patricia 74
Moon , Richard 100
Moore. Aaron 96
Moore, Ashley 74
Moore. Bryan 143
Moore. Danielle 70. 75
Moore . Dion 59
Moore. Jack 75
Moore. Jeffrey 75
Moore. John 75
Moore , Kera 44
Moore, Russell 75
Moore. Will 11. 44. 116, 143
Morgan , Daniel 44
Morgan. Danny 75
Morgan . David 75
Morgan. Douglas 60
Morris , Joseph 60
Morris. Joshua 60
Morris . Owanesha 44
Morris . Summer 96
Morrissett. Andrew 75
Morrissett. Will 9.
10. 12 . 13 . 97 . 143, 144
Mosley. Macklyn 60
Motley. Constina 75
Motley. Novelle 44
Mott. Emily 75
Mousa . Sada 44
Moyer. Anthony 97
Moye r. Tony 135
Moyer. Troy 60
Mullen . Seth 75
Mullin s . Amber 75
Mundy. Austin 60
Mundy. C arter 44
Mundy. Heathe r 141
Murphy. Ri c hard 60

rray, John 83 , 103
se, Allen 75
se, Corey 9 , 10
se , Courtney 75
se , Jerel 60
se, Tomika 44
selman, Karin 83
ers , Fatima 75
/ ers, Jermaine 106
/ ers, Sheinna 75
yers , Tommy 75
kajima, Kana 75
nee , Tamara 75
<ipper, Antonio 44
amo, Robin 130
fly 48
Ison , Sara 44
<:ster, Mark 83
e use, Joshua 75
awton, Brock 60
uyen , Thao 60 , 90
g uyen , Van 75
iblett, Christopher 75
ichols , Benjamin 60
ichols , Fletcher 83 , 100, 130
o e, Spenser 75
ell, Keith 75
lin, Theresa 97, 108,
109 , 144, 145
rbo, Whitney 113 , 75
ttingham , Charley 11 , 99, 131
kica, Armin 75
nley, Tori 75
li nger, Brandon 60
liver, Chakira 45
ll ie, Marcus 60
nyett. Lyndsey 60
os t, Samantha 45
rgilbold , Solongo 45
rozco, Justin 75
rrick , Jeffrey 60
t ey, Jermaine ~~
>verington , Ian
w ens . Kelly 45
Elizabeth 60 , 1
3C k '
a iennent , Bryan
·ge Bra ndon 60
a1 ·
a ige . Joy 83
'a inter, Adam 60
a itse . Sylvia 134
itsel , Sylvia 45
3 1rner, Brian 136
a irner, Bryan 60
irner, Rebecca 75
.: irner, William 60
'a rker. Michelle 60
'arker. Robin 83
'a rrish . Stacey 114 , 60
'a trone . Whitney 45
'a tterson , Gayle 83
'a yne . Donia 60
, yne . Jamie 45
a ne. Justin 45
,aY ne . Mackenzie 64 , 112 , 113 , 122
.:~broke , Caroline 64, 103
, rnbroke , Le e 45 , 142
, nn. Cornelius
.: nn . John_ette 83
'e r1<ins , Priscilla 60
•e rrin . Jason 60
•e rry. Alisa 60
•e rry. Malcolm 60
•e rry. Michelle 60
•e ters. Adam 45 , 48 , 106
·e ters , Emily 64 , 143
•e ters , Stephanie 45
, terson , Gerald 45
.: trosky, Danielle 11 4. 61
'han . Ha ng 45
'helps . Allison 56. 59 . 61
'hillips . Rebecca 45
, 0 8 , Dani
13. 45
•o efe lt , Teddy 101
·off . Eli zabeth 83
·o ff . Emily 59 . 6 1
·o ff . Rebe cca 45
'o ff . Ron 83
ff . Sean 45
olha mus , Brian 45
'Jrte r Buddy 8 3

Pranarova. Emilia 61
Preston, James 46
Preston , Jeep 41
Preston , Kiesha 61
Preston , Tijwanda 61
Preston , Tyesha 46
Pritchard , Courtney 41, 46 , 140, 94
Pugh , Deneshia 61
Pugh , Regina 46
Pullen , William 46
Pustovoyt, Andrey 46
Quesenberry, Michael 61
Rader, Kira 46
Radford , Deidre 50, 61
Raines , Courtney 77
Ramsey, Kitty 83
Raney, Thomas 61
Ratchford , Erin 61
Read , Chevy 77
Read , Jocey 61 , 136
Redman , Jessica 46
Reed , Crystal 77
Reed , Jeffery 46
Reed , Lynea 77
Reed, Nicholas 61
Reed , Spencer 77
Regan, William 61
Reichelt, Michael 77
Reiland , Jason 61
Reinhardt, Whitney 61
Reyes, Roxan 61
Reynolds , Kellie 61
Rhodes , Amy 99 , 101
Rhodes , Jere! 130
Rice , Emily 77
Richardson , Alisha 64, 70
Richardson , Courtney 77
Richardson , James 61
Richardson , Mario 61
Richardson , Melinda 83
Rie s, Nathaniel 77
Rigdon , John 77
Ringley, Candace 61
Robbins , Chris 59, 140
Robbins, Christopher 61
Roberson , Libra 61
Roberts , Jane 46
Roberts, Mary 12, 34 , 11 2, 113, 142
Roberts , Mary, 112
Roberts , Michael 61
Roberts ., Mary 134
Robertson , James 77
Robertson , Jessica 77
Robertson , Sean 77
Robin s, Angela 83
Robinson , Adam 77 , 103
Robinson , Nakisha 77
Roe , Christopher 61
Rogers , Mark 77
Romeo , Carly 61
Rood , Devon 36 , 41 , 46
Rose , Cameron 77
Ro sen, Eve rette 46
Rosenbaum , Nancy 83
Rosser, Sharde 61
Rouse, Jamereia 78
Rouse , Sandra 83
Ruble , Michael 46
Runyon . Megan 46
Ruscher, Thomas 46
Russell , Marianne 83
Rutherford , Will 110, 111
Ryan . David 11 , 78
Saffle , Jennifer 78
Salyers. Kim 5, 13. 42. 46 . 94. 95 .
Sampson , Linda 83
Sanders . Kristen 78
Sapp . Christina 59
Saul , Will 46
Saunders. Ashl ey 46
Saunders . Jeremy 6 1
Saunders. Nafeesah 6 1
Savage . Britt 46
Savides . Mikel 46
Schlueter. Ryan 94 . 95 , 140. 142
Schoester, Brian 78
Schupp . Natalie 78
Schupp. Sa ral1 6 1. 103
Scott . David 78

Scott, Doug 46
Scott, Jessica 78
Scott, Latoya 62
Scott, Steven 62
Scruggs, Brandon 42, 46
Secrest, Dustin 78
Seib, Stephen 83
Sell, Alice 83
Senter, Sheila 83
Settles, Chelsea 9, 78
Shabazz , Muhammad 78
Shamy, Corinne 30, 32, 104, 141
Lillian 56, 59 , 62, 103, 94 , 95
Sharpley, Lauren 9, 77, 78
Shaver, Jenna 8, 46, 142
Shaw, Annette 83
Shaw, Robert 78
Shell, Michael 46
Shelton, Justin 78
Shockley, Rosalind 83, 111
Shotwell, Jessica 78
Shotwell , Kathryn 78
Shrewsberry, Eric 83
Sigmon, Whitney 78
Simmons, Chris 78
Simmons, James 78
Simmons, Monique 78
Simmons, Zachary 46
Simms, Celeste 78
Sink, Joshua 78
Sirovina, Peda 62
Siv, Dara 9
Sizer, Tia 78
Skeen , Ben 52
Skeen, Benjamin 62
Skinner, Larry 46
Slate, Chelsey 78
Slayton, Jermaine 78
Slipic, Alma 46
Smales , Daniel 46
Smales, Whitney 78
Small, Rayshawn 62
Smalls , Anwar 78
Smith, April 78
Smith, Ashley 46
Smith, Carlie 46, 142, 144
Smith, Corey 78
Smith , Jennie 114, 4 7
Smith, Joan 103
Smith , John 78
Smith, Kiawanna 79
Smith, Krystle 47
Smith , Latisha , 50
Smith, Latishia 62
Smith, McKenna 79
Smith, Michael 79
Smith , Sara 62
Smith, Tynisia 47
Smith, William 62
Snead, Amanda 62
Snead, Elizabeth 79
Snow, Sandy 62
Snyder, Karen 134
Snyder, Korrine 62
Sowder, Maygon 64 , 79 , 143, 94
Sowers, Brent 47
Spartan , Salem 117
Spencer, Micaela 47
Spinner, Craig 79 , 100
Spradlin , Anna 62
Spradlin , Elizabeth 36
Spreco, Muhamed 62
St.Juste , Cecinia 79
Stafford, Meredith 47
Stahl , Kathrine 83
Stallard , Thomas 79
Stallard , William 79
Stanley, Tammie 83
Steber, Connie 47
Steelman , Frankie 62
Steenbuck , Briana 79
Steffe, Jan 90
Steffe , Robert 79
Stephen , Mark Mallory 74
Stevens , Roteshia 9 , 97
Stewart , Megan 79
Stinson , Jane 100
Stinson , Suzy 59 . 62 , 122
Stockburger, Lauren 4 7 , 142

Stokes , Travis 79
Stone , Austin 79
Strickland , Duriel 79
Strickland, Na'Tesha 62
Strong , Virginia 79
Stuart, Allen 79
Stuart , Lashanda 62
Stump , Christopher 47 , 134, 135
Stump, Kayla 79 , 137
Sullivan , Ashton 79
Surace , Nick 47, 110, 111
Swaine , Blake 79
Sweatt, Antonio 79
Sweeney, Jessica 13, 144
Sweeney, Rebecca 115, 62
Swillinger, Scott 79
Tabron , Myt~
Tanner, Ada
Tanson, Bosco 79
0, 79
Tapia, Dustin
Tate, Hannah 70, 79
Taylor, Charles 47
Taylor, Elvah 83
Taylor, Jessica 114, 115
Taylor, Leroy 62
Taylor, Margo 83
Taylor, Theodore 62
Taylor, Wade 79, 116
Temeles , Abby 103
Temeles, Abigail 62
Temple, Kimball 64
Temple, Mary 79
Terry, Richard 47
Terry, Shanel 79
Terry, Sidney 62
Terry, Tierra 47
Thaler, Sabina 47
Thomas, Donnell 79
Thomas , Michael 80
Thomas , Shelby 62, 103
Thomas , Tameika 47
Thompson, Alisha 62
Thompson, James 47
Thompson , Krystle 80
Thompson, Matthew 47
Thompson , Tiauanta 62
Thornhill , Daniel 62
Thornhill , Loren 80
Thornton, Melody 47
Tic~e.Chri~opher 80
Tillies , Courtney 80
Tinsley, Faith 62
Tinsley, Matthew 80
Tinsley, Megan 47, 49
Toliver, Latasha 80
Toney, Michael 83
Trail, Steven 62
Tran , Duong 47
Travis, Melissa 80
Tucker, Clarence 62
Tunnell , Ross 63
Tunnell, Ryan 47
Turner, Bryan 47
Turner, Sharron
Ullman , Rachel 86 ,
Uzelac, Nicholas 4
Van, Samantha ness
Vance , Reeko 80
Vancil , Savannah 34
Vandegrift, Hillary 63
Vanderkooy, Ma~he
Varner, Carter 1 ~ 3 80
Varney, Benjamin 80
Varney, Elizabeth 42 , 47
Via , Amber 63
Viar, Nicholas 63
Volosin , Peter 63
Waddell , Chr"s 47 ,_
Wade , Ashley
Wade , Monica
Wade , Zacha
Wagner. Jackie
Waite , Gidget 48
Waldron , Brenda 83
Waldron , Randy 80
Waldrop , Adam 145
Waldrop. Laura 63. 100
Waldrop , Preston 80
Walker. Amanda 80

alker, Danielle 63
allace, Emily 80
allace, Jamie! 48
lallace , Matt 13, 143
iallace, Virginia 48
iallington, Antony 63, 131
/alters, Amanda 63
l'alters, Gerri 83
lalton, Matthew 63
fang, Helen 48
'lard, Christopher 63
Vard, Morgan 63
Vare, Doreen 48
Vashington , Aaron 48
/ashington, Ryan 48
/atkins, John 80
atkins , Linda 83
Vatts , Emily 80, 103
N eaver, Amanda 48
Veaver, Dana 80
Vebb , Derek 9
Vebb, Kim 35
Nebb, Latonya 63
Nebb, Lindsey 80
Nebb, Loni 80
Nebb, Sheena 80
Veckstein, Meg 50, 56, 63, 103
Veller, Jessey 80
Velis, Anna 83
Nentworth , Anna 83
Nertz, Michael 80
Vetherington , Elizabeth 48 , 134, 135
Vheeler, Kembry 80
Nheeling, Amy 80
Nhite, Andrew 63
Nhite, Carman 63
Nhite, Jessica 134
Nhite, Kristy 83
llJhite , Lindsay 48
Nhite, Susan 48
Nhitehead Wade 116
v'Vhitenack' Kelsey 80
Whitis, Raymond 80
...Vhittaker, Sheena 63
Nhorley, Dennis 48
Niese, Callea 80
W iggins , Derrick 81
Wilcher, Rodney 81
Wilder, Richard 81
Niley, Georgia 83
Nilhelm , Jackie 49
Nilhelm, Kristin 63
Nilkes, Cliffany 81
Wilkie, Stephanie 81
Wilkins, Katherine 81
Williams, Ashley 63
Williams, Danielle 63
Williams, Jessica 81
Williams , Julian 81
Williams, Katelyn 81
Williams, Kim 83
Williams, Malique 81

Williams, Maria 34
Willis, Claire 34, 94 , 95 , 122, 137
Willis, Corinne 81
Willis , Penny 83
Wilner, Blair 81
Wilson, Andrew 63
Wilson, Bradley 49
Wilson , Katherine 34
Wilson, Kevin 9
Wilson , Marcus 63
Wilson , Penny 83
Wilson, Shiyeva 63
Wilson, Stephanie 63
Wilson , Sykilya 49
Wilson , Walter 63
Wirt, Barry 49 , 116
Wirt, Christopher 81
Wise, Bradley 49
Wishneff, Parker 49 , 135
Wisnefske, Gwendolyn 81
Witt, Hilah 49
Witt, Michael 81
Woltereck, Christopher 35
Wolthuis , Brian 49
Wooddall-Gainey, Clare 81
Woodrum, Erich 49
Woodson, Tony 97, 117
Woody, Lauren 34, 145, 94, 95
Woody, Nancy 64, 81, 94
Wooldridge, April 49
Woolwine, Brian 49
Worley, Erin 49
Wray, Adrian 83
Wright, Andrew 81
Wright, Anthony 63
Wright, Danielle 81
Fredy 9, 34, 143, 135, 136, 137
Wright, Katherine 70, 81
Wright, Rodney 49
Wright, Walter 49
Wright, Whitney 34, 49 , 144
Wyatt, Henry 49
Wyatt, Kari 81
Wyatt, Lisa 81
Wynne, Carolyn 83
Xiao , Josh 49
Yates, Katheril'le 81
Yates, Katie 6~, 103
Yates, Lynn 8..3
Yates, Scott 49
Yongjuarez, Zashira 81
Young, Markeia 63
Young, Michael 81
Young, Victoria 81
Younger, Rodshea 81
Yudowitch, Julie 49
Yudowitch, Leigh 63
Zadel, orda . 7,0
Zadell , Jorda
Zangana , Z~81
Zook, Jonathan 81

'Please buy a yearbook."
- Lillian shamy

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he Patriot 200 11 - 0 2

Spending Your IRS
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... _______ .. __

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1' Russian President VladimJr Putin
and President Bush
to cut
ar missile arsena s by nea rly
two-thirds. Later, Bush unilaterally
pulls out of the 1972 Anti-Ballistic
Missile Treaty to pursue a missile
defense system.


~ Americans face armed guards

and tighter check-in procedures
as airport security restrictions are
heightened following the terrorist
attacks on September 11 .

1' Japanese Crown Princes
Masako gives birth to a aby girl
fresh debate about male-o nly
succession to Japan's th rone.

Americans face another fo rm of
terror when anthrax-laced letters
are sent to members of Congress
and the media. Five peop le are
killed in the attacks, and clean-u p
of government buildings costs
millions of dollars.

1' Former Yugoslav leader Slobodan
Milosevic faces the International
Tribunal in The Hague for U.N. war
crimes, including the murder and
persecution of ethnic Albanians
in Kosovo.

1' Twenty-eight youths are arrested
for starting bush fires that destroy
hundreds of thousands of acres
of forest and farmland and kill
thousand of koalas and kangaroos
in southeast Australia.

-.V American Airlines Flight 587 crashes -.i,. Convicted Oklahoma City bomber
Timothy McVeigh is executed by
into a Queens neighborhood in New
lethal injection for destroying the
York City on November 12, killing
P. Murrah Federal Building
all 255 people on board. Structural
in A ril 1995 killin 168 eo le.
failure of the plane's tail assembly
app ntly causes the tragedy.
Yed1o th Ah aronoth/AFP

1' Violent Israeli-Palestinian
confrontations escalate as Prime
Minister Ariel Sharon and PLO Leader
Vasser Arafat struggle to find an
answer to their countries' ongoing
hatred for one another.

1' After Houston energy giant Enron
collapses, thousands lose their life
savings, accounting firm Arthur
Andersen encounters accusations of
unethical practices, and the General
Accounting Office sues the Executive
Branch for confidential transcripts in
its investigation of the scandal.

-!.- As Operation

Enduring Freedom
begins, the U.S.
military airdrops
food rations to
the starving people
of Afghanistan.

-1' American surgeons in New York perform the first remote
control surgery. Signals sent through fiber-optic lines
enable robotic surgical arms to operate on a gallbladder
patient in France.


~ f-


Researchers at
the Mayo Clinic in
Rochester, Minnesota,
unveil a new technology
that uses facial heat
patterns to detect
lying. Blood flows
to the face when a
person lies, causing
dramatic changes in
heat patterns.



. at M

General Hos . assach~se s
beanty-trfrn.,; pita I discove that
" •1:11:1ers crtJra·
in men that is . . l response
to cocaine ands1rn1lar to reactions

f- President Bush

research but approves stem cell
extracted Th only on cells already
. . e research is highly
rovers1al because xt .
the cells k'll
e ractmg
1s human embryos.

1' Winter weather buffs are I ft
out in the heat as Ame ~ ns
temperatures across the country
in December and January.

7 Scientists report that vast fields
of carbon dioxide ice are eroding ..,
from the poles of Mars. Over time, ~
this could possibly prompt the
return of water to the Red Planet. ~


1' On November 7, the supersonic
Concorde airplane flies for the first
time since the July 2000 crash that
killed 113 people. Flight F002
travels from Paris to New York in
just under four hours.

Dr. Judson Somerville donates
his own DNA to researchers

1' Scientists In Argentina discover
several 80-million-year-old
unhatched dinosaur eggs with
petrified dinosaur embryos inside.


..i- Apple releases the sleek new
iPod, allowing users to store


Ptau• 111

lop 5 ltrHt-Up songs





1' The MR2 camera pill allows
doctors to examine the Inside
of the human lntesUne without
surgery. Patients swallow Ula
•pm: which transmllit drgllal
Images to a data recorder.






Winnie the Pooh, fondly known
by countless children and
adults as "the tubby little
cubby all stuffed with fluff,"
celebrates his 75th birthday.

Popular shoemaker Vans releases
a shoe of a different color-white shoes
that turn yellow, pink or blue in the sunlight.

Bobbleheads make a comeback,
representing not only sports figures
but also pop music superstars such
as 'NSYNC.

Topps releases an "Enduring Freedom" card set
featuring portraits and bios of many leaders
involved , including President Bush and Secretary
of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.


At 10:45 a.m. September 11 , Fox News Channel
introduces the headline ticker. Other networks follow,
creating a non-stop flood of headlines. Each "crawl"
rotates nearly 80 headlines in a 7- to 15-minute loop.


Shrek and Donkey, voiced
by Mike Myers and Eddie
Murphy, hit the theaters
to teach a valuable lesson
about true love in Shrek.

-7 MTV, the first television

network devoted exclusively
to popular music, celebrates
its 20th anniversary.

CBS's "Late Show with David
Letterman" helps people cope with
their emotions in the weeks after
the September 11 terrorist attacks.



1' 1970s Swedish band Ab I? enjoys
revival in the Broadway fnash hit
1cal features
three intertwined love stories and
over 20 of Abba's greatest hits.

The Emmy Awards tor Best Actress
and Best Supporting Actress in a
Comedy go to CBS's "Everybody
Loves Raymond" stars Patricia
Heaton and Doris Roberts.

-7 Actor Josh Hartnett solidifies

his role as a leading man
in Hollywood with a pair of
blockbuster war movies: Pearl
Harbor and Black Hawk Down.

1' Entertainers and major lV networks 1' The Lord of the Rings: The
come together in historic rashion for
Fellowship of the Ring, the first
the "America: A Tribute to Heroes"
movie of J.R.R. Tolkien's fantasy
telethon, raising over $150 million
for September 11 relief efforts.

.J.. Nintendo's Gamecube and
Microsoft's X-Box enter the video
game market to compete with
Sony's smash-hit PlayStation 2.

trilogy, receives 13 Oscar
nominations including Best Picture .

..i- Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks
collaborate to produce the
10-episode HBO World War II
epic Band of Brothers, based
on the best-selling book by

1' Kiefer Sutherland stars in Fox's
Golden Globe winner ~4 The
show is delivered mtwo demi
real-time episodes tmsed on lli18
action-packed day In the Ufa of
fictional CIA agent Jack Bauer:

1' Popular WB TV series "Buffy th
Vampire Slayer" receives rave e
reviews for presenting an entire
episode as a musical.

The highly anticipated movie Harry Potter
and the Sorcerer' s
s tone sets records for
~~e~inlg wee_kend , and first, second and
ir P ace single-day box-office totals.


Popular rapper Ja Rule is
nominated for the 2002 NAACP
Image Awards Outstanding
Hip-Hop/Rap Artist for the
song "livin' It Up."

-7 Singer/actress Aaliyah is killed

in a private plane crash in the
Bahamas. During her eight-year
career, Aaliyah released three hit
CDs and appeared in several
feature films.

Musicians join together for several concerts, including The Concert
for New York City, to pay tribute to the victims and raise money for
recovery efforts after the September 11 terrorist attacks.

WllERE AM' tllQU?

1' The music from the hit movie 0 Brother, Where Art Thou?
becomes country music's top-seller for 2001 and receives
a Grammy nomination for Album of the Year.


~ Colombian music sensation Shakira

brings her high-energy Latin pop to
the U.S. with her first English-language
album, Laundry Service.

-7 Modem rock group Incubus
storms onto the music scene
with the release of the widely
acclaimed album Morning View.

1' Irish rock group U2's Elevation

1' Alicia Keys wins two American

Tour is the top-grossing tour of
the year, earning U2 the title of
Band of the Year from both Spin
and Rolling Stone magazines.
-i- Fatboy Slim wins six MTV Video
Music Awards for his video for the
song "Weapon of Choice," featuring
a dancing Christopher Walken.

Music Awards for Favorite New
Artist in both the Pop/Rock and
the SouVR&B categories for her
debut release Songs in A Minor.

Country singer Trm McGraw wins
five Billboard Music Awards,
including Country Album of the
Year for Greatest Hits.

1' Limp Bizkit guitarist Wes
Borland leaves the band to
pursue his own musical career.

Legendary Beatles' guit~ris'. George ,.
Harrison . the so-called Quiet Beatie,
dies after a three-year battle with cancer.

...v Rock bands like PO.D. use their faith to
help bring the Christian rock/pop music
message into the mainstream music scene.


Australian female string quartet
Bond reaches the top of the U.S.
classical album charts-despite
being blacklisted from the U.K.
chart for sounding too similar

to pop music.
AFP PholO/Hann Ra Abra111S1Corb1s


The 14-point underdog New
England Patriots shock NFL viewers
by kicking a dramatic last-second
field goal to upset the St. Louis
Rams 20 -17 in Super Bowl XXXVI.

-7 Michael Jordan, 38, returns to the

NBA with the Washington Wizards.
Jordan fills arenas nationwide and
propels the previously doormat
Wizards to instant respectability
with an over-500 record .

l ' SA~ I A


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7 Actress/singer
Jennifer Lopez
marries dancer/
Cris Judd
in September.
1' Wendy's founder and
1' NBC's TV game show "Th,e
familiar television figure
Weakest Link" gains popDlarity
Dave Thomas succumbs
thanks to the assertive
to liver cancer at age 69.
demeanor of British
hostess Anne Robinson.

John Walker Lindh, a 20-year-old
California native. becomes a prisoner
of war after he is found in Afghanistan
fighting for t11e Taliban forces. As a
U.S. citizen, Walker may face charges
of treason.

7 The future king of England, Prince
William of Wales, 19, enters
the University of St. Andrews
in southeastern Scotland.


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Author: Ray Christiansen

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Author information

Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

Phone: +337636892828

Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.