The San Saba News and Star from San Saba, Texas (2025)

HOLT NEWS Matlock) of Richland Springs; James W. Gober of Rt. 2, Richland Springs; Emmett Gaber and Mamie (Mrs. E. C.

Harvey), Jesse and Robert Gober, Annie (Mrs. Phillip Smith), all of Star Route, Mercury. One daughter, Ila Maxine, died in 1920 at the age of 16 years. are -51 grandchildren and 47 great-grandchildren. The family consists of two sets of twins, Emmett and Ernest, and Mabel and Mamie, the young.

est of the family. Mr. Gober is 86 and Mrs. Go.ber, both being in falling health and have moved to a home they recently purchased in Brady. They will be most happy to have friends, neighbors and relatives to visit them any time.

Their new address is 1604 South College, Mrs. Emmett Gober. Oldest Couple Observe 64th. Wedding Anniversary Jan. 21-Mr.

and Mrs. W. Gober, the oldest remaining couple, who have been lifetime residents of Holt community, celebrated their 64th wedding anniversary Tuesday, Jan. 17, at their long time farm here. Several of their children were present.

Mr. Gober, a son of the late James Gober, known as Jim, together with three other children, a brother, John of Brownwood; Mrs. Maggie McLerran of Brownwood; and Mrs. Lula Hopkins of Georgia, were raised orphans. Their mother died while the youngest child was in infancy; the other three quite small.

Mr. Gaber, on Jan. 17, married Miss Minerva Hardman, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hardman, a rancher from whom Mr.

Gober worked for several years in this community. Mr. and Mrs. Gober are the parents of 13 children, 12 of whom are still living, including Frances and nest of Leonard MdCamey; of San Angelo; (Mrs. Er- Wilmer Donahoo) and Mabel (Mrs.

Alton Arnold), both of Brownwood; Winnie (Mrs. L. M. Sheep and Cattle Drenen available at Laird's Corner Drug Store. DANCE BILL WAYNE and the Eastern Swingsters Featuring Tommy Dickenson SATURDAY, February 4th Cherry Springs Tavern PERSONALS Mr.

and Mrs. Alvin Conner of Waco were weekend visitors in San Saba with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Perry and children of San Antonio were weekend guests of his parents, Mr.

and Mrs. J. B. Perry, Miss Verba Cummings of Fort Worth visited Sunday, January 22, with her father, T. J.

Cummings. and Mrs. Cummings. Rex Oliver left last week for Conpus Christi after spending several days with his parents, Co. Supt and Mrs.

E. L. Oliver and with his brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lee Oliver and family in Cherokee.

Corral -IN THEATRE SATURDAY ONLY, JANUARY 28 First Time Shown At San Saba Texas raised AUDIE MURPHY, World War 2's Most Decorated -War Hero, Gets His First Opportunity To Portray A Texan, As A Texas Ranger in SEVEN WAYS Eastman COLOR 0 Bary A VENETIA STEVENSON JOHN McINTIRE A UNIVERSAL -INTERNATIONAL PICTURE This Program Will Be Shown Afternoon at the Palace SATURDAY NIGHT PREVIEW JANUARY 28 SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY WEDNESDAY JANUARY 29-30-31 FEBRUARY 1 First San Saba Showing THE RED, WHITE AND BLUE SHOW OF THE YEAR! PRESLEY sounds off with those BLUES (That 'CAN-CAN' Girl) HAL WALLIS Directed by Wintten TECHNICOLOR' JULIET PROWSE: NORMAN TAUROG EDMUND BELON ANd HENRY CARSON A PARAMOUNT RELEASE This Feature Win Also De Shown Sunday Afternoon at the Palace COMING SOON Some women never give a just a phone number! -M ELIZABETH TAYLOR BUTTERFIELD LAURENCE HARVEY ME ETROCOLOR EDDIE FISHER Tinney Rites Held in Cherokee Services for Mrs. W. I. ney, 73, of- Cherokee were heldat 10 m. Monday, Jan.

23, at the Church of Christ in Cherokee with burial in Hanna Cemetery. Mrs. Tinney became ill at her home Saturday afternoon and died enroute to a Llano hospital. A native of Cherokee, she was born Nov. 118, 1887.

She was married Jan. 5, 1906 to William Ide Tinney, who died in 1969. She lived all her life at Cherokee and was a member of the Church of Christ. Survivors include three sons, -Thomas Milton: Tinney of Cherokee, Dor A. Tinney of Big Lake and Arthur Tinney of San Angelo; one daughter, Mrs.

John Carpenter of Waco; one brother, A. B. Hanna of Llano; one sister, Mrs. Hugh Smith of Cherokee; seven grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Rites Held For Mrs.

Castellaw Services for Mrs. Willis L. Castellaw, 48, of Llano, former resident of San Saba, were held at 3 p. m. Sunday, Jan.

22, at the Llano Church of Christ witH burial made in Llano Cemetery. 'Mrs. Castellaw died Saturday morning in Llano Hospital. Born Hester Hanna July 20, 1912, in Cherokee, she was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Cyrus L. Hanna. She wa's married to Castellaw on Dec. 24, 1933, in San Saba. She is survived by her husband; one son, Kenneth Castellaw of San Antonio; one daughter, Mrs.

Roger Beasley of Austin; three brothers, C. L. Hanna and Clay Hanna, both of Houston, and Mark Hanna of Cuero; one sister, Mrs. Lora Huddleston of Santa Fe, N. and two grandchildren.

Miss Carolyn Edmondson, a sophomore student at Sul Ross State College in 'Alpine spent from Saturday to Tuesday with Blonde Venetia Stevenson is beautiful frontier girl in love with Texas Audie Murphy 'as they. star with Barry Sullivan and John Me Intire in "Seven Ways From -International's robust outdoor adventure in color showing Saturday Mantinee The Saturday Nite at The Corral. Rites Held For John Campbell Funeral services for John Isaac Campbell, 79, were held at the Adamsville Baptist Church Monday, Jan. 23, at 2 p. conducted by Bro.

Vaughn Manning, with burial made in Hanna Cemetery at Cherokee. Campbell died Saturday, Jan. 21, in the Lampasas hospital. He was born Dec. 25, 1881, in Atascosa county, the son of John and Harriett Campbell.

He married Miss Ida O'Neal. on May 3, 1914. He had been a member of the Methodist Church since early manhood he lived most of his life in Llano and Lampasas county. Survivors include his wife; three sons, Leonard and Lesley of Adamsville, Elmer of Aransas Pass; one daughter, Mrs. Selma Johanson of Cherokee; one sister, Mra.

Dora Bush of Gonzales; one brother, Henry Campbell of Pecos; 11 grandchildren. Pallbearers included McCoy, P. L. West, Barney Burns, Rob- her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Barney ert Shurtleff, Billy Groves and Edmondson and Mike. Vance Roye. LIMITED OFFER SPECIAL FREE TV BASE REGULAR $1795 VALUE with purchase of NEW 1961 ADMIRAL WIDE ANGLE 23" TV inch overall diagonal. 1232 sq. In.

viewing area BIG MOVIE SQUARE 23" TV -CONSOLE STYLING AT A TABLE MODEL PRICE IT ROLLS $19888 The Model WASHINGTON TG24K120 table model TV in Char. coal finish. Not just a BIGGER but a BETTER picture! NEW NEW Tinted optic filter reduces Almost more reflection and glare viewing area than 21-in. sets NEW NEW Flatter tube Push-pull distortion -lets you control; lighted view from wider angle channel indicator 20,000 VOLTS OF PICTURE POWER ETCHED CIRCUITRY Now Admiral pioneered! powered horizontal Eliminates 105 chassis gives sharp. tential trouble spots! er, brighter pictures 5-Year Written Warplus up to ranty on etched cir.

greater contrast! cuit board! AI I I Gristy Radio TV 604 W. Wallace St. San Saba, Texas Chappel Jan. 23-There are. still seve eral of the neighbors suffering bad colds and coughs, with few able to attend church Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. L. MoCoury's home was the scene of a nice birthday supper honoring the Archie Lively twin girls, Debbie and Mebbie on their 12th birthdays on Jan.

19. Their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charley Broyles and their parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Archie Lively also attended the occasion. Those attending the funeral services of Mrs. Annie Maulden of Colony at Lampasas Funeral Home Saturday morning were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Howell and Mr.

and Mrs. Ausley Lackey and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allen, Jr. Those attending the funeral services of Mrs.

Bud Key of Llano at Tow Valley Baptist Church Sunday afternoon were Mrs. J. S. Freese, Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Ausley Lackey, Mrs. Altie Allen and Mr. Desel Taylor.

and Mrs. Bud Key and family were long time residents of the Barnes Ranch. We extend our sincere sympathy to, the entire family. Mrs. Maynard McCoury is recovering from her recent surgery and illness nicely, we are glad to report.

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Keeney, Linda and Ray Dow went to Cransfill Gap Sunday to see Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Keeney.

Visitors in the Tom Howell home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hyatts of Gatesville. Other visitors during the week were Mrs. Ada Estep and her cousin of Goldthwaite.

They report Mrs. John Howell, who broke her hip on Dec. 2 doing nicely and able to get around in her walker. We are glad for her. Mr.

and Mrs. John Carol Casbeer of Lampasas were visitors in the Paul Gage home one night last week. Mr. and Mrs. Grafton Broyles of San Angelo and Mrs.

R. T. Altizer of Cherokee were visitors in the Charley Broyles home Saturday afternoon. Fred Elliott visited the Aunt Emma Ray family at Cherokee Sunday. Visitors in the Matsler-Elliott home last week were Mrs.

Ada Estep of Goldthwaite, Cecil Ray of Cherokee, Mrs. Bennie Lively, Ausley Lackey and Paul and Truett Gage. Mr. and Mrs. Garland Green went to Austin Saturday.

They visited the R. L. Daileys and her aunt, Lois Taylor while there. Tom Matsler celebrated his 84th birthday Jan 18. Those visiting and having dinner with him that day were Mr.

and Mrs. J. R. Smelser and Maude Boyd of San Saba, and Carolyn Green and Joe Grumbles. Aunt Sallie Lee is getting along fine at this writing.

She still remains in the Tom home.By Doris Elliott. 'AN. 26, 1961 THE SAN SABA (Texas) NEWS 1 Review Of Home Demonstration And 4-H Club Work For 1960 By Mrs. County Bernice Murray homes; 183 pieces of new H. D.

Agent ture added and 24 mattress A total of 83 club members of the 130 enrolled in 10 home demonstration clubs in San Saba county reported in December the achievements of individuals in the various clubs. The ten clubs met 11 times in 1960 with demonstrations being in Foods Nutrition, Clothing, Homestead Improvement and Home Management and Family Life. Under Foods and Nutrition it was reported 3,621 quarts of fruit canned; 2,689, quarts of vegetables canned; 7,526 pounds of fruit and vegetables frozen; 469 quarts brined; 110 quarts of meat 7 poultry canned; 768 pounds meat cured; and 17,288 pounds meat frozen (including poultry). In the Clothing demonstration it was reported that 519 children's garments had been made; dresses made were 819; boys and mens garments made were 147; accessories made (belts, bags hats) totaled 285; and Semi Tailored garments totaled 75. Home Improvements and Furnishings reported by the H.

D. members were as follows: 94 pieces of furniture refinished and upholstered; 25 making draperies; 12 making slip covers; 19 improved; 22 kitchens improved; 19 living rooms improved; 3 new PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shapiro and Mrs. Claude Gage and Mrs.

Joyce Green were in Dallas January 24 to attend the Ladies Fashion Show of merchandise. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Tomlinson and Mrs. Charles Forbus from Houston were visitors of Mrs.

Nettie Scott Friday night as they were on their way from Littlefield home. Miss Jerilyn Campbell of Texas Tech. in Lubbock came in Friday night for a few days visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Campbell and Bennie before returning to enter the 2nd.

semester. added. Homestead Improvement and 222 shrubs planted and ture added; three outdoor rooms added; 305 fruit cluded 18 pieces of lawn planted; 78 shade trees ing. A total of 45 'club families keeping records under Home agement. Special information insurance, wills, keeping record and business centers was present ed to special interest groups, all demonstrations emphasis placed on management of and energy, Three Home.

monstratica Clubs reported sponsoring munity socials every month as games, contest, singing different kinds of activities stunts, refreshments and som times a covered dish supper. All of the clubs plan at least community or family socials during the year. Under, special activities Clubs have helped furnish food and solicit blood donors for the Bloodmobile at each The clubs in co-operation with other civic and social clubs in the county sponsored the "Pecan Queen's Contest" and the Women's Division of the "Bake Show" at the Pecan Show. The Home Demonstration clubs sent delegates to a district ing meeting in Sweetwater, district meeting in Llano and State meeting in Brownsville. In connection with 4-H there were 12 Home Demonstration Club members who worked volunteer leaders.

with 12 4-H leaders who were non-club bers. Under their supervision en team demonstrations were trained for District contests. One senior team won district and participated in State contest at Round-Up. One. junior team WOR first place in district and all teams placing that entered.

There were 70 4-H girls who turned in Record books for County judging in 1960 as compared to 30 in 1959. The leaders worked with records and these results prove that 4-H I leaders pay off. COMPLETE PRESCRIPTION SERVICE Accurate Compounding of Prescriptions, Friend. ly, Prompt Service, and complete stock of the best in drugs and pharmaceuticals, all in the hands of Registered Pharmacists, is the reason we ask you, "Let us fill your prescription." CITY DRUG STORE Chet Garvin, Registered Pharmacist Your Rexall Store YOU PAY THE YOU SAVE THE MOST! In just five minutes, we Ford Dealers will show you how to save over one hundred dollars a year in operating costs with America's -priced, full-size 6-passenger car (including the equipment most people want) and we'll give you a free copy of this folder to prove it! You can ride. in this rich-looking '61 Ford Fairlane with radio, heater and Hare's how the '91 Ford takes care of 1 HERE'S matic transmission for less than the price of any other full-size, 6-passenger car between Lubricates chassis Itself lubrications -You's (which normally cost only 38,000 about PROOF in the U.S.

A. and tale about 20 minutes) because Ford has replaces YOU'LL grease fitunes with a sealed in SAVE MORE below In fact, of this the car is priced nearly $100 Chases system. Its Own Oil-You'T tO 4,000 miles between WITH changes because Fort's Full-Flow ul futer gives some compact And this low price brings 3 you a car that's filtration of through filter fibres. made, tapping more dirt than any '61 FORD other type Beautifully Built to Take Care of Itself. Adjusts its Own Brakes- -Nom Truck Size brakes adjat That means you'll save plenty in operating themselves -automatically.

COSTS LEAST TO BUT costs. Geards its On MuSe -Ford mufflers are double wrapped and aluminized-to last three ames as long COSTS LEAST TO DEME Figure it out for yourself with our FREE ordinary stuffers. fact-filled folder, "Here's Proof-." At the Protects 16 Own Lady -All vital underbody parts are specially processed to resist rust and corrosion, was same time, get our unbeatable SAVE- MOST galvanizing the body panels benasth the doors, DEAL on a '61 Ford Fairlane- -for a limited Takes Care af Its Own -New Diamond Lustre time only. Don't waste another day or Finish never needs waning. another dollar, Based an comparison of manufacturers' suggested retail delivered prices, including radio, heater, automatic transmission and white sidewall tires '61 Ford Fairlane, America's saving sensation- -featuring the thrifty Mileage Maker Six engine.

Get our January SAVE-MOST DEAL on a'61 FORD FAIRLANE! F.D.A.F GOLDING MOTORS T. P. Paul Golding Sales FORD Service San Saba, Texas.

The San Saba News and Star from San Saba, Texas (2025)


What was San Saba in Texas history? ›

Located in east central San Saba County, San Saba was settled in 1854 and named for its location on the San Saba River. It became the county seat in 1856. By 1884, the town had four churches, two schools, a sawmill and a gristmill, a bank, a paper, and a population of 800. A post office was established by 1857.

What county is San Saba in? ›

San Saba is a city located in, and the county seat of, San Saba County, Texas, United States. It was settled in 1854 and named for its location on the San Saba River. Its population was 3,099 at the 2010 census.

Where is the oldest town in Texas? ›

Considered to be the oldest town in Texas, Nacogdoches was founded in 1779 by Don Antonio Gil Y'Barbo. This quaint little town is booming with history and stories from years past beginning with the Caddo Indians, who lived in the area before the Spanish, through the present day.

What is San Saba, TX known for? ›

Most famous for its abundance of pecans – hence being known as “The Pecan Capital of the World” – this Hill Country destination is packed with specialty shops selling all sorts of pecan-related goodies.

What is the meaning of San Saba? ›

The county and river itself though was named by the Spanish governor at the time, Juan Antonio Bustillo y Cevallos. He named the land and the river after Saint Sabás because when the two were located it was on the saint's day for Saint Sabás.

Who is the mayor of San Saba? ›

City Council
NameTerm ExpiresEmail Address
Ken Jordan, MayorMay
Bob Whitten, Mayor Pro-TemMay
Marcus Amthor, AldermanMay
Oleta Behrens, AldermanMay
2 more rows

Is San Saba the pecan capital of the world? ›

In the heart of Texas, at the top of Texas' famed Hill Country, lays the tranquil town of San Saba. Nestled among acres of Pecan trees, on the banks of its namesake, lies the “Pecan Capital of the World.” San Saba boasts diverse appeal, infinite relaxation and all the charm of small-town Texas.

What happened at San Saba? ›

The San Sabá fight was an armed encounter between a heavily outnumbered group of American prospectors led by James Bowie and a band of Tawakoni, Waco and Caddo Indians, which took place on the San Saba River in Mexican Texas, on November 21, 1831.

Why was the mission San Saba important? ›

The Catholic priests who came to San Sabá wanted to bring Christianity to the Native Americans. The San Sabá Mission was intended specifically for the Lipan Apache Indians, who had asked that a mission be established in their area of Texas.

What eventually happened to Mission San Saba? ›

The Mission San Sabá was established in 1757 for the Lipan Apache. The Lipan Apache, however, had enemies among the Comanche and other northern Texas Indian groups, who, after learning that their enemies would be at the mission, attacked and burned the mission. San Sabá was abandoned after the attack.

Where was the San Saba massacre? ›

On this day in 1758, some 2,000 Comanches and allied North Texas Indians descended on Mission Santa Cruz de San Sabá, on the San Saba River near the present site of Menard. The mission had been established the previous year to Christianize the eastern Apaches.

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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

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Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.